Here I am...again

I am back on MFP for the 4th time.

I think I have some serious food issues, honestly its boring me now. I just cant seem to control myself. I know in my head what I am shovelling into my mouth is wrong but there is a part of my brain that is very persuasive! I have been on a massive binge for the last month or so, have put on at least a stone (too scared to weigh myself), none of my clothes fit, cant do the button up on my work suit jackets(!) MORTIFIED that I have done this to myself again.

Anyway, I am back (again) I am starting 12 weeks of healthy living and healthy habit forming. I know the next week is gonna be tough as I hit sugar detox!
To try and make it real I am setting the plan down here so I can be held accountable

In the next 12 weeks I hope to lose 12lbs (ideally a little more but I am trying not to set myself unrealistic goals)
No processed sugar - the usual culprits, chocolate, cake, crappy cereal bars etc etc
Cut back on artificial sweetener - by the end of the 12 weeks I would like to have cut my Diet Coke addiction (serious, actual addiction) and stopped adding sweetener to my cups of tea.
Move more. Am reluctant to commit to a strict exercise plan for fear of failure feelings if I dont do it 1 day (is enough for me to fall off wagon) but am scheduling in some daily strength exercises and swimming and jogging. Oh and I work on the top floor and will not get in the lift for the next 12 weeks - no matter how high my heels or heavy my bags.
5 a day - this should be easy but I am gonna track it to be sure I am hitting it everyday
MFP has set me 1200 calories. I think I am gonna have to bump this up to 1300 if I am going to be able to stick to it.
There are 4 dates in the next 12 weeks that I have social occasions arranged. I am going to enjoy myself, not beat myself up about it and get straight back to the diet at the next meal.
Monthly weigh ins. I am so emotional affected by my weigh ins, I know that if the scales didnt move as much as I expected then it would be enough for me to fall off the wagon and it takes me weeks to get the strength to climb back on (usually by this point I am 1st heavier). The scales have a much more demotivating affect than motivating so my friend is going to weigh me and not tell me the result tomorrow morning and then I will weigh again in 4 weeks time. I will know if I am losing cause my clothes that fitted me a month ago should start to fit me again.
Meals for the next week are planned, they are based around plenty of protein and veg, fruit and yoghurt for snacks and sweet things planned in (mini milk ice lollies and warm apple and cinnamon - yummy)

If you have read all of this then thanks. If you are doing something similar or want to just give some support then please add me.

Thanks E x


  • babyk78
    babyk78 Posts: 65 Member
    Congrats on coming back to MFP!! It sounds like you have layer out a great plan for yourself. I wish you luck and I'm going to send you a FR so we can support each other on this journey :)
  • michellechawner
    I;m on my second time back, after being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, my weight started creeping back up - before it got too bad, I joined again, and am now getting close to my goal weight once again.

    You have a great plan, just stick to it! I know it's easier said than done, but you've done it before, you can do it again!

    Best of luck to you!
  • teeset
    teeset Posts: 12 Member
    Good luck to you. You seem very focused this time. Feel free to add me.
  • 12weeksandcounting
    Ar thanks for your support. It really does mean alot. I feel really motivated right now - just hope I can keep it up this time. Will come back and read this thread if I am swaying

    Need to program my brain so that it forms the connection between the affect of putting food in my mouth and my *kitten* getting bigger. My brain doesnt seem to realise the relationship between the 2. I can sit and feel pissed that I am overweight and in the next nano second I am fantasising about some cupcake or something. I annoy myself!

    Must stay focussed. x
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Welcome back. Please be careful about putting too many restrictions on yourself. I know you have the best of intentions, but please don't make this more difficult for yourself.
  • djern1
    djern1 Posts: 1
    Hi...I just started Tuesday...did well until my son made some scrumptious 7 layer bars..I was only going to eat a 1/4..already figured into my the end of the night I probably had 4 needless to say I gained a pound...I need some ideas on foods you eat..mine so far are a cup of coffee with 2 tabl. creamer..(I have to have that) 1/2 cup greek plain fat free yogurt with 6 fresh strawberries cut up a little stivia and then just mix and mash until it taste right..Lunch Flat Out Bread with 2 Tabl. hummus 2 oz chicken 1 slice 2% colby jack cheese 2 slices of onion 2 of tomato a little lettuce...6 round nabisco multi grain crackers with 1 Tablsp. of Smart Balance Smooth Peanut Butter...Dinner I just keep adding and subtracting until I get close to my goal but leave enough for frozen fruit which is 70 calories for 1 cup...
  • carriebonner
    Welcome back.. I too have the same issues as you... and the diet I love diet coke !!!! I am also back to try and finally make sense of me and food and our crazy love hate relationship... only this time I plan to be in charge :) I would say... make things simple..take it one day at a time.. an hr at a time if needed... and dont forget the water :) Good Luck on your journey...and blog every couple of days to help you stay on track :) add me as friend if you like... cant ever have to many supportive friends I say ..