Cant get to the gym very often.. anything i can do at home?



  • I'm doing my very best to drop this weight but the biggest issue is i feel a need t be working out.. but i cant get to the gym very often.. any tips or advice for some at home workouts to help me bust down some of this weight?

    I live in a really small apartment, and found a sturdy but small exercise bike. It folds up into a corner for when you have company. It is completely silent, and I can even watch TV while I am riding it. It was $130 w/free shipping at If you want the link, let me know. I am also now walking 4.25 miles a day. I think I over did it a little and have to take a break today, because I was so sore I could barely walk out to my car to go for coffee. I had gone up 3 lbs., and yesterday I was back down. But I really haven't lost any weight since Easter. All I have left is belly fat, and it just seems to be impossible to get off. I will run myself ragged into the ground if I have to, but I am going to get it off. Right now I look really good except for my belly.
  • christylindquist
    christylindquist Posts: 32 Member
    There are TONS of workouts on Youtube, also has a lot of at home circuits that area great. I don't have a gym membership and my apartment is small. But there's just enough room for me to workout.
  • I've lost a lot of weight doing at home dvds by Jillian Michaels. Most people on MFP have, I believe, at some point used JM dvds.
    You can search on youtube for all her stuff. I HIGHLY recommend her. I'm roughly 195lbs and 5'8 and in 20 minutes I can burn 350 calories. It's great!
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    DVD's: Insanity, P90x

    Buy yourself a set of dumbbells, a barbell and a bench.

    Run outside. Job done.
  • bgraz1994
    bgraz1994 Posts: 56 Member
    Gym Free Cardio:
    -run outdoors
    -jump rope

    Equipment free Calisthenics:
    -Tricep dips
    -Donkey Kicks
    -Arm circles/pulses

    Dumbbell Exercises: (Dumbbells are cheap and easy to store at home)
    -bicep curls
    -tricep extensions
    -chest fly
    -reverse fly
    -bent over row
    -chest press
    -shoulder press

    Other Ideas:
    -youtube videos
    -workout dvds
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I'm doing my very best to drop this weight but the biggest issue is i feel a need t be working out.. but i cant get to the gym very often.. any tips or advice for some at home workouts to help me bust down some of this weight?

    Hya. May I suggest an excellent bodyweight training manual called, "You Are Your Own Gym". Google it to find out more and I believe there is an app that you can use as well by the same name.

    all best!
  • AndorZensko
    AndorZensko Posts: 47 Member
    I have not lost a lot of weight yet, but what I have lost has never come off at the gym. I have several videos by various fitness "experts" in various stages of fitness. Even on the days that I do not feel well or have not slept well and don't want to do anything I can because I have walking videos to at least be moving, then on the days that I wake up and feel like I can do it all I have the Jillian Michaels and Tracy Austins and such. The other reason I have different videos is because I get bored and need to do something different from time to time. There are also the insanity and PX90 videos that I have not gotten into but I have heard great things about from friends. Find what works for you and just get moving and it will come off.
  • psharma06
    psharma06 Posts: 93 Member
    Check out Ftiness Blender on Youtube, they have great workouts
  • Puffingmuffin
    Puffingmuffin Posts: 76 Member
    Download the 'map my run' app. It's free, fantastic and tracks your runs (calories, speed and distance). Running outdoors is all the cardio I do. It's free and I feel like a superstar after, albeit it being winter in the country I'm running now.

    Buy a barbell set (20kg to 50kg) so you can do strength training on the cheap. Do the 30 day squat challenge with fun music. It's free and I can start to see results on Day 6!

    This is what I do for my exercise routine. I'm having great success with it since last year. I have dropped a dress size within 2 months. I feel the gym is a waste of money (ranges from $45 to $90 per month)and my closest one is far away from where I live. Good luck
  • 7opoundsin16weeks
    7opoundsin16weeks Posts: 211 Member
    cry at home
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    buy a jump rope. 10 minutes of jumping rope is the equivalent of running an 8 minute mile.
  • I have the same issue because I have kiddos and it's almost impossible! I got insanity from a friend and am going strong almost done with my 2nd week. You can do that all from home and it's a great workout. I lost two pounds the first week and I already feel better.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    If you can get/have room for an elliptical, they are great! Put a TV in front of it and before you know it, you've burned 400 calories after watching a show! Be careful though, the calorie counter really does overestimate calories burned on those machines. I also love walking and walk/jog to start if you are interested in starting running.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    If you start lifting your not going to get HUGE and become an muscle women, its all about the weight you lift. Keep it small and get toned or go huge and get big.

    Sorry but no.
    You can lift heavy and you won't get "huge". To become bulky a woman needs to train and work very very hard to get that affect. Lifting heavy won't suddenly create huge muscles. Screw 20lbs dumbbells.

    YUP! So true. Most women won't bulk up unless they do huge amounts of weight training. Lifting heavy is great for women. However, it does need to be a program devised by someone who knows what they're doing. If you know what you're doing (form and technique, what muscles groups to do and for how long/often) then that's great, otherwise it might be worth seeking out a PT who is willing to write you a program and teach you how to lift like that as you can do damage to yourself if you aren't doing it correctly.

    On the OP's topic - there are a bazillion 'at home' workouts you can look up online. Look up HIIT or Tabata if you want some cardio stuff, and there is a bunch of body weight workouts too. Just make sure you do a good mix of cardio and strength.
  • Reepir
    Reepir Posts: 32 Member
    I think someone already posted for but this is her Beginners Calendar with links to the vids on Youtube. She does have more advanced calendars as well if you are needing more impact but this is great and you need nothing but yourself for it! Or maybe a yoga mat if you have hardwood floors.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    bump for sites to visit
  • breeezy1030
    breeezy1030 Posts: 42 Member
    I agree Leslie Sansome..I downloaded it for free (torrent), along with Insanity (working my way up to that!) Lets just keep it going and never give up...remember this is not a diet...its a new way to live, new habits that are actually good for us!

    Good Luck!!
  • Adrasteis
    Adrasteis Posts: 110 Member
    I prefer working out at home compared to the gym, I always feel so self conscious in them since I sweat so much when I'm working out. My workouts at home include a lot of Leslie Sansone (3 miles and up) 3-4 week, The Firm Boot Camp workouts twice a week, I alternate twice a week between pilates and yoga (both by Denise Austin) with additional strength training using 3lb. 5lb. and 8lb weights. Recently I've been doing the 500 calorie workout on Youtube by Gymra, amazing sculpting workouts that have me noticing a difference in my thighs and my arms.
  • Habiteer
    Habiteer Posts: 190 Member
    There are tons of things you can do at home. If you have an android phone, I am currently using the app called "7 Minute Workout" by mphan. I modify the exercises a little bit to suit my needs, for example, I don't do side planks (yet) since they are a bit difficult for me at the moment. I'm also thinking of switching out the ab crunches for something else, because I heard that ab crunches can eventually cause damage to your spine because of all the spine flexing.