Insanity and inches exploding all over!

I am going into my third week of Insanity and I have noticed that my body is exploding in inches. Gain on my stomach, my thighs, my butt. EVERYWHERE. Anywhere from 1-3 inches. I am extremely discouraged. I have been eating right, upped my calories (I was falling asleep at work earlier in the routine), and have cleaned up my diet to the point that I am afraid to touch anything with sugar in it.

I am just burned out exhausted and pissed. Do the inches vanish and the fat begin to come off soon in this workout? I am also seeing very little change in pictures. I feel huge with all these inches.

Please do not message me trying to sell Shakeology or anything.


  • robpbeachbod
    okay - lets talk about the breakdown in cals... if you were falling asleep at work and you have raised your cals up - how did you raise them? did you up your carbs?

    sounds to me like water retention due to the new changes in your diet... it is entirely natural to retain some water when you make drastic changes like that - and not a big deal.

    When you say you are avoiding sugar anything... does this include fruit? and are you using splenda or an artificial sweetner? if you are - STOP. No artificial sweeteners.

    Also - another thing i could suggest is to follow the diet guide. Calculate your required calories using the guide and then do not deviate from that.

    If you are getting burnt out and exhausted i really do think you have been under-eating - and possibly still are. Follow the diet guide - last thing you want is your body going into starvation mode because then your body is gonna try to save calories and your muscles are going to get eaten for energy (this is called going catabolic). It started happening to me during asylum and i had to correct it FAST. and why? cuz i wasn't using the diet guide calculations cuz i was going based on P90X and other programs i had done before. You can find the calculations FOR FREE on let me know if you need a hand finding them.

  • Angel_Cake25
    Angel_Cake25 Posts: 48 Member
    Raised through fruits, vegetables and proteins and Carbs.

    No artificial sweeteners. If I want sugar, I can have the real stuff in small quantities, which I do.

    I WAS exhausted. I raised my calorie intake and it changed it. I'm pissed because after a year of working out my *kitten*, I can't loose a bloody pound.
  • robpbeachbod
    for sure you were - head on over there to and compare what you have been eating with what the insanity daily cals and breakdown calls for... i know for month two you HAVE to up your carbs - and for most ppl month two is where the magic happens (in terms of fat loss) cuz the intensity goes up.

    Remember - use your before and after pics - only weigh and measure when the book tells you too. There is alot of science behind the insanity package - just gotta follow it.
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    When are you checking for changes in size? The best time is after waking from a well rested night's sleep. And by well rested, that means 7-8 hours. If you're checking in the evening, particularly after your intense workout, you will be bloated from water and cortisol retention.
  • Angel_Cake25
    Angel_Cake25 Posts: 48 Member
    No offense Rob, but I would like to talk to people who are not being paid by Beach Body to sell their product. I'd like to speak with other users who can be real with me.
  • Angel_Cake25
    Angel_Cake25 Posts: 48 Member
    robdel302: I check in the mornings, but I am not seeing any changes. I thought I lost an inch, but it may have been in my head. I'll check again in the morning.