Looking for Friends to help me meet my goal together

Hi Guys:

Well I turned the dreaded 49 this Friday and my promise to myself is to finally meet my weight lose goal by my 50th bd. My goal is 20, but that is just a start. If I can lose 30 pounds then that will be my ultimate goal. So I would love to here from you all and maybe give me some of your advice and what you did to lose.




  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    Thats the link to an awesome group that is motivational and supportive!
    There is challenges, prizes, advice, most of all a great family!
    Hope you join and enjoy!
  • jmerry3
    jmerry3 Posts: 6 Member
    Sent you a request. I'm 44 with 15+ lbs to lose. It would be great to have another friend to share support and motivational tips.
  • bluenosebeetle
    Hey! Let's support each other!
  • smwkent
    smwkent Posts: 10
    Hi there, you can add me and maybe we can encourage each other. Good luck on your journey
  • MichelleMac58
    MichelleMac58 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi....What I did was I was mindful of everything I put in my mouth...period! I didn't eat sweets anyway,,,,but I loved pasta and bread.......after a couple of cleanses I discovered I was sensitive to glutens and dairy so I gave them up and I've never felt better in years!! I think most people know but ignore what foods cause issues so listen to what your body tells you! If you bloat, ache, are gasy, uncomfortable,: ave diarrhea, are constipated, etc....look at what you are eating and CHANGE....you are worth it!!!!! ADD ME FOR SUPPORT IF YOU LIKE:smile