Shaun T's Rockin Body?? Creator of Insanity and Hip-Hop Abs

Has anyone done Shaun T's Rockin Body?? What worked? What didn't?
It has decent reviews online and isn't really expensive compared to the other mountain of workout DVDs on the market. I'm typically doing running workouts and now need to look for more cross-training and body weight strength workouts to get faster and fitter.

Thanks for the input!!


  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I'm on Week 2 right now- the workouts are really fun (it almost doesn't feel like I'm exercising!) I can feel my abs getting tighter (under the layer of "fluff", of course). Like any other plan, you get out only what you put into it. Good luck!
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    If you can get past him acting like a lady...I got a deal on it and tried it...just didn't do anything for me....But with the lady above comment...may give it a go again...
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I decided to give it a shot after I tried Turbo Fire; loved TF, but my knees and feet didn't. The dance workouts are easier on me; I do the advanced moves where I can and I follow the modifier (Tanya, I think her name is) when I can't.
  • DianaK78
    DianaK78 Posts: 55
    I have yet to try Rockin' Body, but I just completed 90 days with ChaLEAN Extreme and got AMAZING results. I lost 19 inches all over and 15% body fat. Now I am continuing with the ChaLEAN Extreme/Turbo Fire Hybrid program and it is going very well =D
  • chrmne
    chrmne Posts: 3
    Hi...Rene. I have those dance workout, he do act like one. I also have the insantity work outs, he do not act like that.......Now that is a really good workout DVD. I usually don't sweat, I sweat like I never have before. But keep trying, I feel the workout and it really have me sore. Just work those abs and work them hard. NO CHEATING
  • jenkins22
    jenkins22 Posts: 14
    I just got my Rockin Body set which, which i only paid 27 bucks for on Groupon. I am starting it tonight and hopefully will get some results!
  • I just started Rockin Body. However, the INSANITY video is insane and you will work hard. I barely could get the workouts.
  • kickers19
    kickers19 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm on day 3 of Insanity. It's hard and it hurts!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I've done Rockin' Body. Great cardio workout. Supplement it with some heavy weight training and you're golden.
  • How is Rockin Body on the knees? I have severe osteoarthritis and have to really watch what I do.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    It's low impact by nature with only a few high impact exercises and there's a low impact modifier for those.
  • My roommate has it and I have enjoy doing some of the workouts with her. I usually do the abs video from it after a short run or after whatever cardio I do on a cross train day... I've also found that doing the longer dance ones are a great workout to do as warm-up for a run... really boosts my energy :)
  • hana_623
    hana_623 Posts: 1
    Rockin' Body SUCKS. I used to do gymanstics and ballet, so I am familiar with dancing. The first time I ever did one of the workouts I had to rewind 5 times (a 25 minute workout!!!!!) because I couldn't figure out what he was doing. My heart rate didn't go up, I didn't sweat, I felt nothing. Been doing it for 3 weeks and still haven't seen ANY results. This is Beachbody's cheapest workout and I can see why. DO NOT BUY IT. I recommend Turbo Jam. I lost 25 pounds in three months doing that.
  • Sarab120
    Sarab120 Posts: 27 Member
    I've been doing rockin body for one week. I've already lost 2 inches off my waist and 1 inch off my hips. I'm down 1% body fat.
  • I liked it and lost 5 pounds. The workout is a lot of fun I got a great deal on it too at
  • 1fitnessplanner
    1fitnessplanner Posts: 63 Member
    doing it now at same time as focus t25 i view it as my fun workout for after my serious workout but for a double rockin body i can but up to 500 cals (measured with heart rate monitor with strap) so it's doing something :)
  • melba_321
    melba_321 Posts: 65 Member
    It's working out pretty well for me. Rockin' Body, especially if you go by the suggested calendar, can give a good workout. I was a bit rusty with working out, & this is the perfect transition for me...especially with having a knee issue...there is someone doing a lower impact version at all times. So, when it gets a bit too high impact, I just follow her.
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    It's working out pretty well for me. Rockin' Body, especially if you go by the suggested calendar, can give a good workout. I was a bit rusty with working out, & this is the perfect transition for me...especially with having a knee issue...there is someone doing a lower impact version at all times. So, when it gets a bit too high impact, I just follow her.

    This is good to hear! I was thinking about purchasing this, but wanted to see what MFP peeps said about it. I tore my ACL a couple years ago and I have to be careful what I do. I am doing Turbo Jam now, and following the low-impact modification, but I still catch me knee sometimes and can really feel it. I just want to have options for my workout even though I really enjoy Turbo Jam.
  • hello
    I wanted to join you because I'm a fan of beachbody, I had expectaculaires results, mother of two children 2 and 3 years, my body has changed and I have started insanity and I will continue my muscles, here, for information and if someone is interesé I have bought all my dvds on website English / French fast shipment paypal payment or cb, and very low price so I recommend :)
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    I haven't done Rockin Body but I have done Hip Hop Abs. I didn't follow the plan completely (will probably go back to it one day) but I got some good results in a short amount of time. I didn't find it too challenging though, I've moved onto P90X. But it sounds like Rockin Body might be similar to HHA.