30 Day Shred, level 3 and still no results!

Hiya, I was wondering if anyone could help me.

I bought the 30 Day Shred video in order to tone myself up a bit for holiday, but so far haven't seen any results (and I don't know why!).

I eat about 1300-1500 calories a day, and have just started level 3 today (I did level 1 and 2 for 10 days each). I do the DVD 6 days a week - the day I do not work out, I waitress so I'm on my feet for a 7 hour shift, with only a 15 minute break. On the days I do the DVD, I also do a 4 mile dog walk at a reasonable pace (I think?! I do it in about an hour).

I can't understand why I'm not toning at all! If anyone else has had the same problem, it'd be great to know. Reading stories about people who've lost pounds in the first 10 are making me wonder if I'm doing it right!



  • hottopicfitness
    hottopicfitness Posts: 32 Member
    You have to look at the food you are eating. I worked out twice a day for a month and didn't lose a pound. It wasn't until I really checked what I ate then I dropped 5 then 10lbs. For me it was over eating carbs and sugar even though it was "diet". Now I stay away from anything labeled diet because chances are its high in sugar/carb.
  • alcc23
    alcc23 Posts: 28 Member
    Also, check your calories on the days you are working out. You may not be eating enough to fuel your body after a hard workout and your body can go into starvation mode which does the reverse!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    first, this is 80-90% diet.

    second, it's only been 20 days.
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Did you take measurements and / or pics before you started?

    When I did the 30 Day Shred last year, I lost inches, but the scales didn't move much.
  • topstarkostjaa
    Just keep it on !

    Can you write down your food for us ?

    I guess your bodyfat changed these days.

    If you build some muscles as fast as you burn some fat, then your scale wont show your success.

    Fat weights 80% of muscle mass.
  • mminter22
    mminter22 Posts: 29
    first, this is 80-90% diet.

    second, it's only been 20 days.

  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    If im understanding correctly you're more concerned with toning vs losing weight .... measurement will show you the best if you've had any results.

    What weights are you using with the program?
    for toning up you should be trying to use the heaviest weight you can and
    taking a protein supplement... if you're just using the measly 3 lb weights like in ripped in 30 suggests... you wont see much "tone-age".
    Go heavy or go home ... and the other poster is right its only been 20 days. lol

    ETA: I havent done 30 day shred but i am doing ripped in 30 right now ... so im going of the idea that these two are pretty similar.
  • judypriv
    judypriv Posts: 206 Member
    It's been 20 for me and I haven't lost any weight and only lost like maybe 1-2 inches BUT I've had at least 6 people tell me I look thinner the last week and i feel less "jiggly" if that makes sense plus my endurance is MUCH better. The first day I was DYING and now I do it and enjoy it and feel like I've worked out not murdered myself so I must be helping my body feel better in some way.
  • floppybackend
    floppybackend Posts: 52 Member
    It helped me with motivation and stamina and even though I managed it I lost very little weight. For some it may shift loads of weight but for me I hadn't worked out for so many years and it took me a while to get through level 1. It is 20 mins and depends on the intensity and with using too light weights you aren't gaining much and the calorie loss wasn't as much as I hoped. I used the dvd to improve my strength and now started at gym classes where the classes are much more intense and I feel I am being pushed more the comparison is massive and now I am doing these classes more I can see the difference In a class the instructor is also picking up poor posture and I think many get through the DVD without concentrating and good control and positioning.

    There are many people who lost very little not everyone shreds pounds. I would mix DVDs so you are using different exercises and motivation. Increase the weights. Perhaps spend 1 day a week at an exercise class and allow plenty of time. It took me 1 year to get my fitness level up and have the stamina. 30 days is only 4 weeks and many people only lose 2lbs a week after your body has got used to change in diet and routine. It is diet first then exercise and until you start eating cleaner it can be impossible to shift the weight. You definately need to give it more time.
  • Cjbear14
    Cjbear14 Posts: 1
    I know how you feel. I have had two little ones and wanted something to do each day without interfering with work and being a mum to tone me up. No inches or lbs lost yet and I can't notice a difference really my hips and belly are still bigger than what I would like. Hubby says he sees a difference but think he's trying to keep me motivated a little. If I pop before and half way pics up could you guys judge for me. (Excuse me stretch marks)
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    You have to take photos. The scale and even the tape measure tell only part of the story with a workout program as this. You have likely shrunk in places that you don't even measure, and it's not uncommon to gain weight during the Shred.