New here

I am starting my weight loss journey for the last time today. I hope to find support and encouragement here and also to provide the same to others.


  • Mirandadee12
    Mirandadee12 Posts: 11 Member
    I am starting for the last time today as well. This is something that I need to work on for the rest of my life. I'm tired of starting and stopping. I've just been wasting time and my life going back and forth. It is time to live! I'd love to be a friend. Feel free to add me! One step at a time and we will be successful!
  • I am also doing it for the LAST time! We can do this! Feel free to add me for support! I'm on pretty much all day and my diary is open =)
  • Svitfull
    Svitfull Posts: 5
    Good luck. And something that helped me:

    The first 5 days i went in with a really low calorie intake, 600 less then what i am eating now (and i am still undercutting).
    Being a real fatty at heart who loves to eat, i think it was important for me to feel that hunger constantly, to accept it. It is just a feeling nature provided us telling us that we should eat, if you instead have an app (like this one) that can tell you when to eat, then it is completely useless feeling, worthy only to ignore.
    Knowing this helped me a lot, hunger do not have any control over me anymore and my sugar addiction is gone. However i do eat some junk just because i am lazy. But i will be switching that for potatoes soon enough.
  • I'm new too, feel free to add me!! xx :happy:
  • CatherineB4
    CatherineB4 Posts: 8 Member
    HI, I started weight watchers, then quit, I started doing Jillian Michaels dvd's then quit, my treadmill is now collecting dust. We have to do it. I made a promise that by Christmas time I can be proud of myself and feel sexy and healthy. I love to keep in touch and see our goals become reality!!!!!!! add me!!!!!
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP! This site is awesome! Feel free to add me :)
  • erpar4
    erpar4 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm fairly new as well! Anyone feel free to add me as a friend! I'll happily provide motivation and support!