
Hi Everyone,

I have been struggling with eating and my weight for my entire life and was recommended this site from one of my girlfriends. I am looking forward to this journey and will take any advice that anyone is willing to share. Thanks in advance and I look forward to creating a healthy lifestyle for myself!

Good Luck Everyone!


  • rfirkibs
    rfirkibs Posts: 3
    Been THERE! I have the same problem. I've had this application for 6 months and will be all about tracking and then stop for a while and get back on. My weight has yo yo'd with the app as well. I think getting this app will help you be aware of the count of calories of everything you eat. LIke one slice of cheese has the same calories as a cup of grapes! can you believe that? You can do it! Welcome! I've never done the blog thing so this is my first time as well :)
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi. Welcome to MFP.
    Quick intro. I am Jenny. I have 6 kids and work the midnight shift. I have a hard time getting motivated to cook supper after I get up in the afternoon.

    I have found that I do better If I pre-log the food I take to work-- I can always take it off if I don't eat it. It kind of gives me an idea of what I will have left the rest of the day.

    The first week or so all I did was log my food.... I found out REAL quick how bad it was for me. Then each week I cut out one or two things so I could fit into my calorie goal.

    Fruits and Vegetables are great snacks... You can still eat processed foods, but you have to watch your goals. It is real easy to go over. REALLY WATCH the lables...... I found something that looked super great- until I realized one serving was HALF a pie..... do they really expect us to cut the thing in half??? They should just put the total for the hole thing..... Hot pockets ONE is a serving even though two come in a box etc...

    Drink plenty of water....

    Anything specific you need to know feel free to send a message. I'm always willing to try to help.
  • erpar4
    erpar4 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there! I'm new to the MFP community and I'd love to provide support and encouragement!