Another Needs Help Re Motivating

As Title says I need help I have gained 30Lbs since January. Gone well past what I weighed before to nearly 21st
I know what to do I know How to do it I just cannot motivate myself.

Need some small step ideas you have used to get going again.

Thank you in advance.


  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    ugh, i am right here with you... i have just put on 15 pounds after losing 13... the new clothes i bought a month ago don't fit anymore. i can't seem to find my self control...
  • Chaosrose8
    Chaosrose8 Posts: 39
    This is only my 3rd week, but I've been making small changes. Set one small goal each week. For example, drinking more water, eating more vegetables, going for a walk every day, what ever works for you. Also log every day and you'll be taking steps in the right direction. You don't have to change everything at once.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I agree with making small changes, one thing at a time. If I remember correctly, my first thing was to quit bringing potato chips in my lunch. Another week, I quit taking the elevator at work. With my exercise routine, I started with just 30 minutes on the elliptical and gradually worked my way up, just focused on that at first before adding strength training and other kinds of exercise.
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member
    I believe you must think of it not as 'losing weight' but as 'changing your life'. Re-evaluate what it is in your life that is causing you to gain the weight back and take a closer look at how you lost the weight (fast weight loss and fad diets almost always end in gaining all the weight back plus some).

    Try first with your normal diet -- what is it, what about it causes you to gain the weight?

    Then think about how you can change it for the better -- for good.

    I've gone from eggs, toast, cheese, meat and butter for breakfast to oatmeal, wheat, bran, agave and cinnamon for breakfast and it's really helped. It's what I do not -- not a 'diet'.

    Doesn't mean I can't have the other but now that is a 'special' breakfast.
  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    This is my second attempt and so far so good, the first time I regained everything I lost and then some. this time I have been consistent and less extreme,I havnt beaten myself up if I had an off day and I have been more determined. Actually coming back to try again is awesome and you know you can lose it because you have before. It is a lifestyle change and I am sure you can do it! I have found adding people and having a vent on a down day or seeing that others are in the same boat is a real boost. Good Luck!!