How much is too much?



  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Walking a mile every day is great, but it's hardly something you need to rest from.
    This. I've been doing a running training program and I did like 2 hours saturday (running and walking) and 30 minutes running/walking yesterday and I can feel that I need a rest today. (it's also my scheduled official rest day). That doesn't mean that I can't walk if I feel like it or doing some housework or something.

    I dont' know what's involved in the squat challenge but it's generally recommended to take a day off from specific weight training to allow muscle to heal.
  • Meghansmotivqte
    Meghansmotivqte Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, I heard the same thing. And a friend of my quoted the brain saying, too much homework is not good for the brain, it needs rest and so does the body. However, I am doing the ab and squat challenge as well. I recommend doing something everyday but not drastic. Don't weight lift everyday but walking is okay. Do what you feel is best!
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member
    Normally (meaning when not doing a specific challenge etc) the body does need rest to recuperate and heal. When I was lifting there were times we'd go 7 days in a row for one week as a 'blast' week to really tear the body down but then we'd rotate back to a 5 day week to give the body two rest days. During that time I didn't managed to make the gains I thought I should have.

    Later (and older) I went back to serious weight training with a mind to bench over 300lbs however my approach was different: I'd rest each muscle group for a week. I was trying to take a slight different approach based on years of reading and training and was surprised by the result! 300lbs on the bench passed right by and before long I was benching 350lbs and stronger then ever!!!

    Moral of the story? The body needs rest from physical exercise to repair damaged muscle. It takes approximately 24 hours to recover from a workout and an additional 1-2 days (or more depending on age etc) to repair the damage done to the cells. This is why most lifting routines don't involve more then twice a week for one muscle group.

    So my suggestion is to be sure to give yourself a break once your challenge is over (maybe a full week off the squats) then when you return try not to overtrain (meaning no more then twice a week per muscle group).

    As for walking, in theory you should be able to do that every day but even walking can cause problems for those of us closer to 50 or beyond and overweight. In my case not taking a break and not stretching (DOH!) gave me planter faciitus (like tendonitis of the planter tendon). I was walking more and more every day and on the 7th day after a long week of walking put in 11 miles (two separate stretches) and came away limping -- what the heck!? Good shoes and a lot of stretching later and I've learned that even walking can require a rest period :)

    So enjoy the energy and fit feeling etc but be sure to give you body some rest :D