Too Short?

I am 4'9" and work at a desk. I weigh 110#
Can I eat less than 1200 calories? MFP says I shouldn't for fear of starvation mode.
Even if Im not on a diet thats what it says it takes to maintain my weight.
Then it tells me that in 5 weeks I would lose half a #.
I don't have that kind of patience.
It also tells me to eat my workout calories, which try not to do.
I try to work out 700 calories a day on the elliptical. I eat approx. 1200 calories.
Which leaves me at a net of 500-600 calories a day.
Sometimes I'm sooo tired.
Is it hopeless to lose 10 #s if I don't hit the gym hard forever?


  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Since you're really short you probably DO have to eat less than 1200 cals a day to lose weight. But maybe speak to your doctor or someone about your weight loss goals?
  • nfgchick79
    nfgchick79 Posts: 89 Member

    No you do not have to eat less than 1200 a day even though you are short. I am 5'0" and about 110 and I eat around 1600-1800 a day. I started at 1200, lost some weight, plateaued, bumped it to 1500, lost even MORE weight and now I am trying to maintain/tone up so I am eating a bit more. I'm still tweaking my numbers but I most definitely eat more than 1200 a day.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    Here's my experience: I'm 4'11", I currently weigh 110. My goal weight is 107. My starting weight was 120.

    I don't exercise much besides yoga and some strength exercises. I do bike riding and gardening occassionally.

    I lost the first 10 pounds by eating 1500 a day, then I bumped up my calories to almost 1700, and I'm still losing. I'm losing very slowly, but I'm not gaining.

    Even at 4'9", I would bet you can eat around 1300 and still lose, especially if you're exercising.

    Also, I sometimes like to zig zag my calories. I'll eat 1800 for a day or two, then go down to 1400 for a few days. Then I'll stay right around my calorie goal of 1700. It works for me, but I'm not impatient with the weight loss either. To me, losing a pound a month is great progress since I only have a few more pounds to go.
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    I am also 4'9" and I really hope that it is not true that we would have to eat that little to lose. I am eating around 1600 calories now but I am still 50 pounds or so away from where I want to be.
  • forAandP
    forAandP Posts: 5
    Thanks for the heads up. I think I will try to stick with 1200 and cut down on running which really tuckers me out and do more strengthening like pilates and such.
    We will see how it goes.
    Also once a week I eat closer to 2200 Calories. Is that really bad? The rest of the week I am very careful but with family dinner and friends and parties I end up with a very heavy saturday...
  • forAandP
    forAandP Posts: 5