weight loss pills



  • plm209
    plm209 Posts: 222 Member
    Diet and exercise are the only way to actually lose weight. There is no magic pill out there that will make you shed pounds.

    That being said, I do take USP Labs OxyElite Pro on a daily basis while doing strict dieting. I don't drink any caffeine containing products other than a pre-workout supplement in the afternoon and OxyElite does give me a little boost in the morning. I find that this boost helps me stick to my diet and feel happier during the morning hours. Without it, I tend to drag and am less motivated to eat healthy. I never up my dose past one pill first thing in the morning, even though the label tells you to since I just use it for the energy boost, not the supposed thermogenic effects.

    The version I take contains 1-3 DMAA, which really gets me going. The "new" formula (FDA compliant) doesn't have this and I don't have any experience with it, but other so-called fat burners never did anything for me, so I doubt I'd get any benefit from it. USP labs is still producing both versions (to my knowledge) and is fighting the FDA ban on 1-3 DMAA.

    ^^ this is what I take...funny that the only other response of someone who does use something is the same product I use. I have tried so many things over the years and this is the only thing that has even come close to helping with energy/appetite control without making me shaky. I only take one about once a week on really tough days and like you, one in the morning. For me it does help. Of course everyone is different. Because I use it so infrequently, the 30 dollar investment will last me many months.

    2013 NYT article about OxyElite and Jack3d. Please read it if you have time.

    I'm well aware of the issues surrounding DMAA, but I believe the health issues were due to misuse and abuse, not someone taking the supplement per (or below) levels indicated on the label. People are quick to blame the ingredients when they should be pointing fingers at the abusers. This issue first came to light when two soldiers died during training exercises while using DMAA containing supplements, supposedly Jack3d. IMO, they were likely not drinking enough water and likely taking more than suggested while performing VERY strenuous activity. Typically soldiers are training in hot weather environments and pushing themselves to the limit both physically and mentally. It was a recipe for disaster.

    The DMAA ban is similar to the Ephedra ban in the early 2000s, people misuse something that actually works and then everyone suffers.

    End of rant.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    I used to use Grenade tablets, which classes itself as a fat burning pill... But I mainly used it for energy during a work out.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I took Hydroxycut about 10 years ago. After about a week on them I started feeling disoriented and jittery and almost passed out at work. Just wanted to throw that in there so you know not only do they not work but they can be dangerous to your health as well.
  • ElizabethLovesFood
    ElizabethLovesFood Posts: 54 Member
    My motto is: I didn't need a pill to get fat, I don't need one to get thin.

    I think they're just a money pit personally.

    i like this motto
  • msjames1999
    msjames1999 Posts: 528 Member
    Please don't do it. The results will only be temporary.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    There is no magic pill!!! If there would be no obesity! I am living proof that hard work pays off!
  • tinylittlelove
    tinylittlelove Posts: 120 Member
    I wouldn't go down that road. You don't know what's in them. Like any medication they also have side effects.

    I will also add, I've tried numerous diet pills when I was overly obsessed with weight loss (fine now).
    Now Adios and Acai Berry, were fairly pleasant, but I didn't see any additional weight loss. I lost about the same amount of weight as I would have without them.

    In my opinion, I would not go down the pill route as it can lead to a greater obsession. You're goal is to make a HEALTHY lifestyle change and not to dramatically lose weight. Remember if you lose weight too quickly, you are MORE LIKELY (not definitely) to put that weight back on.

    Slow and steady wins the race, take each day as it comes. Eat right and exercise. You'll see great results and feel better if you work hard for it.

  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    You won't get many if any comments supporting diet pills on this site. The general concenses will be save your money, eat at a deficit and move more.
  • Mrsshellers
    Mrsshellers Posts: 157 Member
    Don't do it, they don't work. All that will happen is you'll end up with some pretty horrid side effects and less money in your pocket.

    If there was a miracle pill we'd all take it instead of putting the hard work in to diet and exercise.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    Diet and exercise are the only way to actually lose weight. There is no magic pill out there that will make you shed pounds.

    That being said, I do take USP Labs OxyElite Pro on a daily basis while doing strict dieting. I don't drink any caffeine containing products other than a pre-workout supplement in the afternoon and OxyElite does give me a little boost in the morning. I find that this boost helps me stick to my diet and feel happier during the morning hours. Without it, I tend to drag and am less motivated to eat healthy. I never up my dose past one pill first thing in the morning, even though the label tells you to since I just use it for the energy boost, not the supposed thermogenic effects.

    The version I take contains 1-3 DMAA, which really gets me going. The "new" formula (FDA compliant) doesn't have this and I don't have any experience with it, but other so-called fat burners never did anything for me, so I doubt I'd get any benefit from it. USP labs is still producing both versions (to my knowledge) and is fighting the FDA ban on 1-3 DMAA.

    ^^ this is what I take...funny that the only other response of someone who does use something is the same product I use. I have tried so many things over the years and this is the only thing that has even come close to helping with energy/appetite control without making me shaky. I only take one about once a week on really tough days and like you, one in the morning. For me it does help. Of course everyone is different. Because I use it so infrequently, the 30 dollar investment will last me many months.

    2013 NYT article about OxyElite and Jack3d. Please read it if you have time.

    I'm well aware of the issues surrounding DMAA, but I believe the health issues were due to misuse and abuse, not someone taking the supplement per (or below) levels indicated on the label. People are quick to blame the ingredients when they should be pointing fingers at the abusers. This issue first came to light when two soldiers died during training exercises while using DMAA containing supplements, supposedly Jack3d. IMO, they were likely not drinking enough water and likely taking more than suggested while performing VERY strenuous activity. Typically soldiers are training in hot weather environments and pushing themselves to the limit both physically and mentally. It was a recipe for disaster.

    The DMAA ban is similar to the Ephedra ban in the early 2000s, people misuse something that actually works and then everyone suffers.

    End of rant.

    "If I can lose 2-5lbs a week by taking 4 pills a day I bet I can lose more and faster if I take half a bottle a day!"

    I do actually agree with you that in most cases the harmful effects of ephedra and DMAA are due to pre-existing conditions and abuse/misuse of the product

    that being said, I think that if people want sustainable weight loss then they shouldn't use the pills because if they don't change their habits (eating better - smaller portions, less junk and exercising) then when they stop the pills they will gain it back.

    Also losing weight faster won't always give you the results you want. I have a co-worker who started a program in January (he reduced his portions a lot, eats no carbs other than what is in fruit or veggies naturally and avoids the high starch/carb veggies and can have no sugar at all (other than fruit) and he started jogging 3x a week for 30mins). He has lost a ton of weight about 5-6lbs a week but because he did it so fast his skin is REALLY saggy. like REALLY REALLY saggy lol
  • GKoz004
    GKoz004 Posts: 87
    I've taken a host of different things over my time dieting. I've tried Mega Green-T, a ton of dif cleanse pills, raspberry ketone, etc. Nothing works. I never felt any different taking any of them, and they never produced results. SO, I'd say save your money.