Mommy of 3 - Finally Noticed Myself and Gasped in Horror

skvoran Posts: 4 Member
Hi all!!

My name is Anna and I am a mommy of three beautiful boys (3 year-old twins and an 18 month old! They are the joy of my life, and I seem to have forgotten to take care of myself, so it was such a shock last week, as I was packing for a business trip to realize that I just do not fit into any of my nice clothes. I guess I kept buying just a size bigger, and just another size bigger, or stretchier.... without paying much attention. So, now I desperately need to lose 50lbs!! This is my first day using this site and I'd love to make friends and hear everyone's stories!

Full of hope,


  • monnyq
    monnyq Posts: 40 Member
    Good luck with your weight loss journey. I know how easy it is to lose yourself through motherhood and I only have one child. This forum is very helpful if you are accountable. The pounds will come off and you will soon be back in those snazzy, just a tad bit too small, outfits! Feel free to add me, if you like. :smile:
  • alligator1225
    I know the feeling :( My youngest is going to be 11 in 2 weeks and about 3 months ago I finally decided I needed to do something about my weight. I'm carrying around an extra 80 or so paounds. I've been watching my carbs and calories for almost 3 months and have lost 32 lbs so far. I have to daughters almost 11 and almost 13, and I want them to be healthy... I can get on them about eating healthy if I'm not doing the same.

    Good Luck,
  • skvoran
    skvoran Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much! That's great to hear :)
  • tracy4511
    tracy4511 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Anna,

    Welcome aboard, I had the same problem, my lil boy was 18 months old when I realised I had to loose some serious weight, i'm almost half way to my target now. xx
  • fowlermrmrs12
    fowlermrmrs12 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there. I'm a mother of 2 beautiful girls 7 and 12 years old . I need to loose 30 lbs by the end of Nov. my husband is deployed so when he comes back home , I would love for him to not even recognize me because of the weight loss.i am 42 years old and I'm not getting any younger so I'm ready to be at a healthy weight! Lets motivate each other. I went to work 30 minutes early to run for 30 min with my clients dog. That's my cardio today. What will be yours?
  • jaime814
    jaime814 Posts: 1 Member
    I am right there with you! I had my daughter 10 months ago, and at first I weighed less than my pre-pregnancy weight, than I went back to work and have gained my pregnancy weight and more. I am ready to lose this weight! Today is my first day doing herbalife( have done in the past and it has worked)! I am a distributor if anyone is interested send me a message!
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Welcome!! Feel free to send me a FR!!!
  • obiegirl
    obiegirl Posts: 28
    Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend - I had a very similar experience with traveling for business several months ago (I have two children). Most of the time I can work in jeans, which allows me to fool myself. The "nice" outfits weren't so accommodating!
  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    Been there myself ... more than once if I'm honest!

    Everyday brings us a chance to do better, be better and live to our fullest potential.

    Be tough but gentle with yourself and you'll get back into fighting shape in no time.

    Just remember that you didn't get here over night and be patient with yourself!

    Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    Mother of three here. My youngest is 9 months old. My youngest and middle were both born via c section. So always had to wait the three months to even exercise. I hear exactly what you're saying. We love our kids,so much (they come first)that without realising we end up not really looking after ourselves. No one's fault just comes with the territory.You will find many supportive people on here. I wish you luck in your journey. Be patient with yourself . Log your food,eat well,exercise and I'm sure you'll get to your goal!!!

    Add me if you like :)
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    Hi I'm a mom of 3 also mine are little older though , I figured after raising them it was time to take care of myself so here I am. Anyone can add me I try to be supportive as I can . although I may not be able to comment on everyone everyday.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Aw, I have 3 kids too! All boys, the youngest being 18 months as well. It's so great that you started, just keep with it and you'll lose the weight! Feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like. :smile:
  • fitnotfat12
    fitnotfat12 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there Anna,
    I'm Hannah also a mother of 3 though one of my babies is waiting in heaven! I have a two year old and a 2 month old! I also need to lose 50lbs! Started here about 3 weeks ago and have 3 pounds gone and I'd lost 3 pounds before that! It's hard to look at yourself and think what happened, but hopefully we can all look at ourselves in a year and think proudly of what we've accomplished! :-)
  • sutoid
    sutoid Posts: 26 Member
    I know the feeling all too well. I had my 4th (and last) child 8 weeks ago and I really need to shift the weight I've accumulated since having my second (almost 10 years ago). I've managed to bring my bmi down from 35 to 28-29 over the last 3 years. Most of the weight came off while pregnant with my third and forth children (21 months and 8 weeks). I've got quite a way to go yet, although weight loss isn't what I'm aiming for (but would be nice lol). I'm mainly trying to tone up, ditch the fat and get healthy. Good luck, and you're more than welcome to add me :)
  • fitnotfat12
    fitnotfat12 Posts: 7 Member
    Ah I think that's such a great reason to want to lose weight and get in shape :-) I'm sure that would be an amazing thing for your husband to come home too! :-) I'm planning on a going on a least a 30 minute walk with baby in the pack and big brother in the stroller! Then if I have the energy this afternoon( very low on sleep) I want to try to do 10-20 minutes of a belly toning workout! Need to boost up my calorie burning today after the Father's Day BBQ yesterday!!
  • Nenusky
    Nenusky Posts: 37 Member
    Hiya. Feel free to add me.:smile: