Wa Going to Try for Lap-Band, But Decided Against It

Yesterday, I called to get pre-qualified with insurance for a lap-band. I'm desparate to lose weight and started convincing myself that I needed something besides counting calories/excericse. After I called I got ticked-off at myself. I have everything I need to succeed inside of me. Even with a lap-band it is all about calories/excericse. So I'm re-committing today to log my calories and excericse on MFP every day. When the lap-band place calls back, I'm going to tell them, thanks but no thanks......I'm going to give myself a mental lap-band and stick to MFP. LOL


  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Awesome, Sandy! Exercise/calories and portion control- all you need to get it done. It might take longer, it might be harder, but you are worth it!
  • shawnjray
    This is truely one of thee best post I've ever seen on the community board. Good for you and please keep posting so we can all join you in your quest too. We're pretty much all here for the same reason and you said it best; it's all mental!

    Good luck.
  • Van3ssa_2468
    Van3ssa_2468 Posts: 76 Member
    My sister struggled with weight all her life. Two years ago she had GP surgery. She lost a lot of weight, but now she has to watch very carefully what she eats.
    I thought all I have to do is put that same idea into my head without the surgery, so far it is working.
    Personally I feel I should give it my all before I resort to anything like that.
    You can do this!
    Good Luck!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I'm going to give myself a mental lap-band and stick to MFP. LOL

    Love it, mental lap band....that's exactly how it works...good for you to make a better decision than surgery
  • tgaspard
    tgaspard Posts: 22
    Awesome! And, what a brave choice!

    Best of luck & God bless you!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I'm very happy about that decision!
    If you're serious enough to have a surgery to lose weight, you're serious enough to do it with out the surgery!

    You are a part of an awesome website with some very awesome people.
    You need a kick in the butt, a sholder to cry on, a pat on the back, we're all here for that!

    Just remember to be honest with your self, you exercising, your eating and you'll do great!
    I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    I was going to get the lap band then thought of gastric bypass. My husband and father was against it. Then I heard these horror stories then decided to do it on my own. I think I was just overwhelmed with how much I have to lose, but so far have lost 10 pounds. I am so glad I changed my mind also.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    You can do it. I have know of a few people that have had the lap band surgery and lost the weight only to gain it all back and I know of others that lost the weight but arent healthy and dont look good. Do it the healthy way and keep it off,. we are behind you
  • 2bthinsandy
    Thanks everyone. I don't want to offend anyone that has had a lap-band. It is all hard work and the lap-band is a good tool. I just decided that for me, that wasn't a tool I wanted to use right now. A friend of mine just had a gastric bypass done and she lost 18 pounds the first week. I know that prompted me to think about surgery because I want my weight off now! I know I didn't gain these extra 50+ pounds overnight, but it is not unrealistic to think that I can lose them overnight....right? :)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think that is so great! What an awesome decision to make and it sounds like you have the determination! :flowerforyou:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Love it, mental lap band....that's exactly how it works...
    No that's not how it works at all. Weight loss surgery gives you physiological hunger control. Your hunger hormones (ghrelin, leptin, etc.) are actually changed and your body's set point is lowered as well.

    That's why clinical data shows that 75-90% of people who get weight loss surgery end up losing and keeping off an average of 50% of their excess weight for at least 5 years while people with 50 pounds or more to lose who attempt to do so without weight loss surgery succeed in keeping off 40% of excess weight for only two years only 1-10% of the time. Those are not good odds.

    For me, I could lose weight just fine. I've lost gobs and gobs of weight. I couldn't keep it off though because of my ravenous hunger. Now the part of my body that overproduced ghrelin is gone and I have normal hunger. My body's set point is no longer 225, but 115 as well. This makes a tremendous difference in my ability to maintain my weight.

    I wish the OP well, but I also hope she doesn't end up yo-yo dieting for 30 years like I did when a tool exists now that can break that cycle. Society tells us that obesity is a behavior issue, one of willpower, and that failure to lose weight is due to character flaws. Science tells us that's a bunch of BS, that obesity a complex disease with many physiological causes. Society reminds me of a little kid with its fingers in its ears singing "la la la" I can't hear you" on this one.
  • 2bthinsandy
    I'm the original poster and unfortunately, I've yo-yo dieted for the last 15 years.......that being said, I think of weight loss surgery as a weight loss tool. I know my issues with food are mental not physical (I hardly ever eat just because I'm hungry) , so the root of my food issues is my mind.....hence a mental lap-band is my tool.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I have the lapband myself and it was great! i lost 100 lbs with it, but learning to "eat through it" and grieving during my divorce, i gained 80 lbs of it back. Not good! that's why I'm here....im eating better, smaller portions, exercising, and i am getting a fill in my band next week. i figured i have the tool in my body, i might as well use it, but live healthy too. congrats on your decision to get healthy and lose weight....no matter how you choose to do it. it's hard either way.....
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I'm very happy about that decision!
    If you're serious enough to have a surgery to lose weight, you're serious enough to do it with out the surgery!

    You are a part of an awesome website with some very awesome people.
    You need a kick in the butt, a sholder to cry on, a pat on the back, we're all here for that!

    Just remember to be honest with your self, you exercising, your eating and you'll do great!
    I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
    Wow! Very nicely put Steph:heart:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    This is truely one of thee best post I've ever seen on the community board. Good for you and please keep posting so we can all join you in your quest too. We're pretty much all here for the same reason and you said it best; it's all mental!

    Good luck.
  • cherylpoitevent
    cherylpoitevent Posts: 25 Member

    I am very proud of you.

    I will give you the best piece of advice I have: Remember that weight loss takes time, dedication and determination. These qualities are among the top qualities that people are envious of. "I wish I had her dedication." or "He is so determined to succeed" -- These words are the best compliments a person can give you... (Not that jealousy is a good thing) But, once you get affirmation that others are focused on your success you will want to push yourself that much harder -- and keep those positive words coming your way!

    I guarantee you are going to be so proud of yourself. Trust me, I've been there and done that before (It really feels amazing!).

    Remember that sometimes it takes overcoming adversity and being the first to take the plunge to truly find out how much stamina we really have.

    You are going to move mountains... and I guarantee after about a month of success, others are going to want to be moving those mountains with you.
  • CelticWarrior
    Yesterday, I called to get pre-qualified with insurance for a lap-band. I'm desparate to lose weight and started convincing myself that I needed something besides counting calories/excericse. After I called I got ticked-off at myself. I have everything I need to succeed inside of me. Even with a lap-band it is all about calories/excericse. So I'm re-committing today to log my calories and excericse on MFP every day. When the lap-band place calls back, I'm going to tell them, thanks but no thanks......I'm going to give myself a mental lap-band and stick to MFP. LOL

    there you go, give yourself more credit to be able to do it EL natural !
  • Casablanca911
    I had a moment when I thought about surgery for weight loss, but it made me angry because as you said we have everything we need to do it without surgery. Sadly we know someone who got surgery but never learned about eating and exercising for health and he gained back all his weight. Good luck
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Love it, mental lap band....that's exactly how it works...
    No that's not how it works at all. Weight loss surgery gives you physiological hunger control. Your hunger hormones (ghrelin, leptin, etc.) are actually changed and your body's set point is lowered as well.

    That's why clinical data shows that 75-90% of people who get weight loss surgery end up losing and keeping off an average of 50% of their excess weight for at least 5 years while people with 50 pounds or more to lose who attempt to do so without weight loss surgery succeed in keeping off 40% of excess weight for only two years only 1-10% of the time. Those are not good odds.

    For me, I could lose weight just fine. I've lost gobs and gobs of weight. I couldn't keep it off though because of my ravenous hunger. Now the part of my body that overproduced ghrelin is gone and I have normal hunger. My body's set point is no longer 225, but 115 as well. This makes a tremendous difference in my ability to maintain my weight.

    I wish the OP well, but I also hope she doesn't end up yo-yo dieting for 30 years like I did when a tool exists now that can break that cycle. Society tells us that obesity is a behavior issue, one of willpower, and that failure to lose weight is due to character flaws. Science tells us that's a bunch of BS, that obesity a complex disease with many physiological causes. Society reminds me of a little kid with its fingers in its ears singing "la la la" I can't hear you" on this one.

    If you have a medical problem and endocrine has picked up on it...I say that's what you should do

    However, so many people eat for emotional reasons and are basically sedentary....you have to understand why you eat, when you eat and how you move your body to compensate...once that is established, you can make the proper decisions based on what you and your doctor have determined what is the most appropriate course of action.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Yesterday, I called to get pre-qualified with insurance for a lap-band. I'm desparate to lose weight and started convincing myself that I needed something besides counting calories/excericse. After I called I got ticked-off at myself. I have everything I need to succeed inside of me. Even with a lap-band it is all about calories/excericse. So I'm re-committing today to log my calories and excericse on MFP every day. When the lap-band place calls back, I'm going to tell them, thanks but no thanks......I'm going to give myself a mental lap-band and stick to MFP. LOL

    there you go, give yourself more credit to be able to do it EL natural !
    You guys ROCK giving support like this to her for her decision!! I totally agree, I think docs allow far too many to do the surgeries nowadays before really really giving it a successful shot at what truly works in the end. Watching what we eat and getting our workouts in!

    If I can lose 200 on my own the old fashioned way, truly ppl!! ANYONE can!! I wanted permanent changes mentally, physically and emotionally, not simply quick drastic physical, our minds can't keep up with that (it's hard enough when we lose it over time to really keep up and see the changes in ourselves). Seen far too many ppl drop the weight quickly with surgery only to not know what to do afterwards, not know how to eat properly, not realize it's not magic and not have a workout plan only to gain it back plus 100 lbs. more.

    If I want something for myself I want to be able to say I worked hard to get it MYSELF and know I gave it my best shot! I want to be able to continue on with the patterns I began in the begining.

    Merely my thoughts on the topic:wink: