wanting to conceive and lose weight at the same time!

hi everyone..i am almost new to this forum...i got married 2.5 years before.After marriage i gained 15kg :(..Finally i am awake and so so so upset and don't know what to do since i want to lose weight but at the same time,i am also trying to conceive so i can't do hard exercises or crash diets ...according to my fitness pal goal,i need to take 1200 calories a day if i plan to lose 1.4 pounds a week...I think 1200 calories a day is tooooo much ...will it really help me lose my weight? plz give me more tips as to how can i lose weight fast and also in a healthy way..thanks aloooooooot...


  • lindze123
    lindze123 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm at 1900 calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week. and So far, i've been losing a little more then that. Your body NEEDS to have calories to sustain itself, or it starts to starve and you end up losing next to nothing because it does not want to expend the energy.
  • dlmaylor
    dlmaylor Posts: 25
    I'm also trying to conceive and have 1760 per day my weight loss has been slow I have logged for 105 days and only 14 lost keeps going up and down feel free to add me as friend we can support one another
  • mssaudi
    mssaudi Posts: 14
    I'm at 1900 calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week. and So far, i've been losing a little more then that. Your body NEEDS to have calories to sustain itself, or it starts to starve and you end up losing next to nothing because it does not want to expend the energy.

    for how much time had u been on calories count? and are u also doing some exercise?
  • mssaudi
    mssaudi Posts: 14
    I'm also trying to conceive and have 1760 per day my weight loss has been slow I have logged for 105 days and only 14 lost keeps going up and down feel free to add me as friend we can support one another

    yeah i added u...are u doing some workout too? 14 pounds is quite alot weight to reduce :)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    hi everyone..i am almost new to this forum...i got married 2.5 years before.After marriage i gained 15kg :(..Finally i am awake and so so so upset and don't know what to do since i want to lose weight but at the same time,i am also trying to conceive so i can't do hard exercises or crash diets ...according to my fitness pal goal,i need to take 1200 calories a day if i plan to lose 1.4 pounds a week...I think 1200 calories a day is tooooo much ...will it really help me lose my weight? plz give me more tips as to how can i lose weight fast and also in a healthy way..thanks aloooooooot...

    You've been here since June of last year, try using the website as it is designed to lose weight at a healthy and sustainable pace. 1200 calories per day isn't too much. Put your numbers in, set your activity, and roll with it.
  • michellechawner
    hi everyone..i am almost new to this forum...i got married 2.5 years before.After marriage i gained 15kg :(..Finally i am awake and so so so upset and don't know what to do since i want to lose weight but at the same time,i am also trying to conceive so i can't do hard exercises or crash diets ...according to my fitness pal goal,i need to take 1200 calories a day if i plan to lose 1.4 pounds a week...I think 1200 calories a day is tooooo much ...will it really help me lose my weight? plz give me more tips as to how can i lose weight fast and also in a healthy way..thanks aloooooooot...

    DO NOT EAT 1200 cals day if you are pregnant. You need to check with a physician first if you are pregnant that losing weight and the baby is a good idea and make sure you were eating enough.

    ETA - I know you WANT to conceive, but, not already pregnant, but if you do 1200 cals a day and then become pregnant you will be upping that a lot more because of the baby which leads to wait gain, not loss. Just check with your doctor to be sure you can lose healthy, and still be able to get pregnant.
  • chanel1twenty
    chanel1twenty Posts: 161 Member
    The calories MFP gives you is the amount you can eat without exercise & still lose weight.

    Now having 2 kids back-to-back I have to give my 2cents about conceiving & losing weight.


    Yes, it is smart to be in good shape when you get pregnant, but once you get pregnant-stop. If you lose weight while pregnant you'll get yelled at by your on/gyn. Between having my first & conceiving my second I was dieting and working out intensely. Once pregnant I lowered the intensity of my workouts & ate more. You don't have to do nothing but during pregnancy you cannot lose weight.
    It will harm your baby.

    You don't "eat for two"- common misconception...well, at least you shouldn't be lol. When a woman gets pregnant she should eat a mere 300 calories more than she was before. 300! That's it!
    You should only gain 25lb. Obviously most women gain more, but 25 is all you need to gain, but you MUST gain that 25.
    Yes, it is true that medical professionals say that weight from pregnancy is the most difficult type of weight to lose, but it's doable. Just a battle with hormones & body reconstruction. Hell, it takes a full year for by our body to fully recover after pregnancy (I got pregnant with my 2nd when my 1st was 12weeks old. Don't recommend that, I suffered a lot of pelvic problems because my symphysis pubis hadn't fused back together after the 1st)...but when you hold a chubby, healthy, beautiful baby, it's all worth it.

    Lose the weight you want to lose BEFORE conceiving!!! Good luck :)
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    hi everyone..i am almost new to this forum...i got married 2.5 years before.After marriage i gained 15kg :(..Finally i am awake and so so so upset and don't know what to do since i want to lose weight but at the same time,i am also trying to conceive so i can't do hard exercises or crash diets ...according to my fitness pal goal,i need to take 1200 calories a day if i plan to lose 1.4 pounds a week...I think 1200 calories a day is tooooo much ...will it really help me lose my weight? plz give me more tips as to how can i lose weight fast and also in a healthy way..thanks aloooooooot...

    Hey there! I've been here for a little over 30 days and I'm at 1400 calories to lose 1 pound a week. (sedentary jobs... gotta love 'em! READ: sedentary job=low calorie intake)

    So far so good. I've stuck (mostly) to the plan and have lost 3.5 pounds in 4-5 weeks.

    I'm looking to conceive sometime in the near-ish future as well so I'd like to get my body to its prime fitness level first since I will only be adding pounds on while pregnant. Feel free to add me and we can encourage each other along the way! :)
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    1. MFP expects you to exercise and with that exercise it will give you more calories. AS long as your net calories (Calories eaten- exercise calories) are over 1200, that isn't too little. I too am trying to conceive, and that is what I eat. As long as you eat back your exercise calories it is not too drastic. If you are concerned, do low impact exercise, but don't eat for something that isn't there yet.
    2. Once you are pregnant, switch your goals to maintenance and eat that (plus exercise calories) until your doctor recommends eating more. If you are already over weight, your maintenance calories will probably be enough.
    3. You do not need to eat more to conceive, and you certainly don't need to eat more than maintenance in the 1st trimester.
  • chanel1twenty
    chanel1twenty Posts: 161 Member
    Of course I only have 2 kids so I don't know what I'm talking about, lol, but I have to reply to some new posts.

    This nonsense about the first trimester? This is the absolute most crucial time for baby. This is when you have the most restrictions, &; when over 3/4 of miscarriages occur.

    Your weight does NOT matter. Overweight, obese, underweight, irrelevant. You have to consume at minimum 300 more calories than before pregnancy! Doesn't matter if you're 100lbs, 200lbs, or 400lbs

    There is an actual term for not eating enough during pregnancy because of fear of weight gain, pregorexia.

    A woman named Ms. Baumann suffered from this, & gained only 18lbs during her pregnancy. In her 7th month, a bleeding problem appeared that told her OB that the baby was suffering intrauterine growth retardation. Then when she was born she began suffering through severe seizures. Upon getting older, it was discovered that she has serious attention deficit problems that require her to go to a special needs school. She would have anyway though due to her severe seizure disorder causing her to have to wear a helmet. Mrs. Baumann's ob/gyn & daughter's pediatrician both attribute this to her being malnourished in the womb.

    I do not personally know Mrs. Baumann, but while in the hospital after having my first, I met a woman whose son was in the NICU...for his eleventh week. She told me she went into labor at 29 weeks & that he weighed 2lbs. I asked if she knew what caused this, & she said her doc told her it was because of her consuming too few calories while gestating & burning off too many calories as well.

    Sure, some women don't ear a lot while pregnant & baby's fine. But is the health of your child & your own health during pregnancy something you want to take a xchasnce on? I know the woman I met in hospital said she would do anything to go back in time, & that she felt so guilty for being worried about getting fat while pregnant.

    At my 6 week postpartum checkup, I asked one of the nursery nurses about that baby. She told me he didn't make it. Instead of sending home a baby tightly swaddled in a blanket, they had to send a baby home in a bag.
    To this day I wonder about that woman & her husband. Hell, I would even go so far as saying I'm haunted by them. I don't tell you these stories as a scare tactic & I know I cant change what you do.
    But maybe I can positively affect it. All you need to do is eat your normasl calorie amount and an extra banana or side of hummus with vegetables to rid the risk of having a story like Mrs. Baumann or the woman I met in hospital.
  • mssaudi
    mssaudi Posts: 14
    wowww i can see people here losing sooooo much pounds...i am so tempted to use it now...