Looking for support/new friends

Need some motivation again :( lost my job a couple of weeks ago and the weight loss and diet has just gone down hill since then.... I've put on 1.5kg in 3 weeks but don't have anything else to blame but myself. Been binging on junk food late at night after trying to eat healthy during the day even that has been slipping though and find myself in the chip shop or maccy ds :( I have no support around me as everyone has been telling me to stop losing weight but I just don't feel happy with me and how I look? Always struggled with my weight so it was such a huge achievement I just don't want to go back to how I was :(


  • Are you working out? I know the days I workout I typical eat healthier (not always, but usually) and feel better.
  • I try to do 30 mins of exercise everyday split up into 3 10 min workouts. Should I maybe try doing the 30 minutes in one burst? Worked I tend to eat more if someone else is eating (like my partner) and I'm guessing the late nights don't help as that's when I tend to snack so earlier to bed?