thyroid/bloodwork/can't lose weight



  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I have no advice, just wanted to :flowerforyou: . Did you say you went to an edno? I went and they did a bunch of blood work. I was feeling awful and my thyroid was out of whack. You might want to try there. The appt. was good. They asked a lot of questions that my family doctor didn't ask.

    Good for you for sticking with it.

    It's been a year since you had the bloodwork? If so, GO again!!! I have hypo, so it's different for me -I have to get it done every 6 months. I'm bad about it and manage to go every 9-10 months.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Eating clean and working out only work if you are eating fewer calories than you burn. If you burn 3,000 calories running and eat 5,000 calories of brown rice and seaweed each day, you will gain weight. And as far as the thyroid thing goes, while a thyroid issue CAN make your metabolism below average, it can't prevent you from losing weight entirely.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Thyroid is one of the hardest things to diagnose, according to my doctor. I was sent to the endocrinologist back in 2001. My blood work showed I was a little on the hypo side. When I went to the endo he ask why I was there, because he had a lot sicker patients. I was just following PC's instruction. I didn't ask to check my thyroid, I didn't know anything about it at that time. Then in 2008 I was sent back to the endo by my PC because my levels where off the chart on the hyper side. I was 314 lbs. and gaining and I was being diagnosed hyper. The endo couldn't believe it and I had to go through the tests 3x before he would treat it. It was getting so bad it wouldn't even register on the chart and my heart was being effected. Now I have no thyroid, so I just make sure I eat right, exercise. Sometimes the weight comes off and other times it just stays the same, but I know I'm as healthy as I can be.
  • runner_gurl76
    runner_gurl76 Posts: 37 Member
    I am in the same boat.

    I can tell you for certain that IBS = gut issues and food alergies/intolerance.
    I would look seriously at your diet and start by eliminating grains/wheat/gluten.

    I am in the process and the wheat elimation helped me lose 20 lbs that would not budge.

    Now I am moving on to dairy as next step.

    If you get this figured out, please let us know!
    There are so many of us out here that are struggling with thyroid issues, it would be great to see a success story.
  • rheelizabeth
    rheelizabeth Posts: 160 Member
    If one of your doctors wanted to prescribe metformin to you then I would suggest trying to eat low GI diet (low fast carbs)? This helps people with symptoms of PCOS hugely and can help with weight loss too.

    I've not done it myself...

    Also how about asking for Orlistat (Xenical)? That's been proven to work and if that doesn't work then I would try the allergy thing, trying to avoid dairy then wheat etc and see if that helps?

    I have issues with losing, it's taken me well over 12 months to lose 27lbs, it's very very slow sometimes. I also burn 2000+ calories every week (I use a heart rate monitor) and eat 1600 (still in a deficit) and eat about half of my burned calories back.

    How many calories are you consuming every day?
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I don't know why the endocrinologist wanted to give me metformin. Maybe to shut me up and help me lose? I don't need anything for my appetite. It's just fine. If i don't have pcoc i didn't see the need for it. I do measure and take pics. Its been 3 months....i really don't see a difference in the pics and i lost 4 inches the first month and none after that. No, i'm not gaining. I'm maintaining. If i ate what i wanted and didn't exercise i could gain 10 pounds in a month. I've done it. I don't know what my TSH is....i have lost all my papers since it's been over a year. I need to call my dr. and get copies from her.
    I'm new to MFP.........i'll go look and see how to make my diary public

    Metformin isn't just for PCOS. In fact, it wasn't originally intended for PCOS, its ability to treat PCOS is actually just a happy side effect, due to how it works. It's primary purpose is to treat insulin resistance. Even without an official PCOS diagnosis, it's entirely possible that you're insulin resistant (which is indicated by a high fasting A1C), for which the Metformin will help.

    Whether the doctor did it just to shut you up is a different matter.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    I was having the same problem. Had my throid checked because I was finding it impossible to lose weight and ahving other classic symptoms of hypothyroid. My TSH came back at 2.76...normal according to the range. I insisted I be put on low dose syntroid because many endocrinology articles I found stated that women should have a TSH between 1.0-and 2.0...95% of the population has a TSH below 2.0. I've started on it and all my symptoms have been dramatically eliminated. I'm losing weight much slower than I have in the past, but based on my lifting and food intake this is to be expected. I also got off my birth control....estrogen can inhibit thyroid function and make weight loss more challenging, especially if you have it in excess.

    Keep pushing though....and make sure you really are at a deficit. Calorie underestimation and exercise overestimation are two things to watch for.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Chances are it's a case of metabolic damage. Watch this and then parts 2 and 3. It'll explain more than we can
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member

    It has only been 30 days. I remember my first month of working hard kicking *kitten* eating clean i GAINED weight, then i kept it up and it started to come off. Keep it up
  • fishbarn
    fishbarn Posts: 90 Member
    I have hyperthyroidism. Did they check your PTH & calcium levels? If so what where they If you don't mind my asking. For years I could not loss weight. That is why I'm asking. Feel free to ad me as a friend.
  • i've slowed down in the past few days. I didn't exercise over the weekend . Seems like since i have been on MFP i haven't been eating as clean either.....i just try to stay within my calories. It's hard to stay motivated when you don't see results. Tomorrow is my weigh in day . ( i weigh once a month) I'm not looking forward to it.
  • i think i have it set correctly now(my diary to public) ....if not let me know. Now don't look at yesterday---it was fathers day LOL ....i believe i start MFP around May 27??
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    i've slowed down in the past few days. I didn't exercise over the weekend . Seems like since i have been on MFP i haven't been eating as clean either.....i just try to stay within my calories. It's hard to stay motivated when you don't see results. Tomorrow is my weigh in day . ( i weigh once a month) I'm not looking forward to it.

    After seeing you'd only been doing this for 30 days and after reading this last post ^^^^ it doesn't really sound like a medical issue. Trust me, I sounded exactly like you did and I actually gained weight my first month even though I said I was doing everything right. It really took me being totally dedicated to my diet and weighing and measuring everything before I started to lose weight. It just doesn't work if you "try" or "sometimes" you just have to "do". Give it some more time and don't be so hard on yourself. Once I gave up on the idea that there was something wrong with me and that I should be able to lose weight faster things really became a lot easier. Give it another month and be strict with your diet and see what happens. If it's available to you see a dietician/nutritionist as well.Best of luck!!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Thru fertility testing I ended up having my thyroid checked. Turned out it is in normal range but high for fertility purposes. So I went on low dose synthroid. I'm not severely overweight, but it did help (I'm 4 months pregnant now so gaining).

    I will say that when I was losing weight, I'm not sure if it had to do with the synthroid or the focus on eating tons of fruits/veggies/lean meats/whole grains and very little processed food. When I was just staying in calorie range and had the "a calorie is a calorie" mentality my food log sometimes only had like 6 or 8 lines on it due to processed foods. When I was at my best in terms of eating, my log had 20+ items a day since it was all cooked from scratch as opposed to packaged. Just a thought. Thyroid problems mom has struggled for 30+ years, but she's able to lose weight and have a normal happy life at age 63 as long as she goes back to basics.

    As for testing for it, I just did bloodwork. My mom too.
  • I started on March 18th. I've only been with MFP since may 20 something. 3 months of exercise and keeping my calories under 1300.... i was hoping for some results.
  • i agree...i need to stick with clean eating no matter what. Even if i don't lose an ounce it is so much better for my body . Seems like since i started with MFP i've had the "a calorie is a calorie" mentality . I have to get away from that
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    i agree...i need to stick with clean eating no matter what. Even if i don't lose an ounce it is so much better for my body . Seems like since i started with MFP i've had the "a calorie is a calorie" mentality . I have to get away from that

    I'm not 100% a clean eater but I also don't go by the "a calorie is a calorie" mentality, I'm in the middle :-) I know that the healthier my food is the more I can eat, the more I eat the better I feel. The more junk food I eat the more I want and then I usually overeat, vicious cycle hehehe

    Log and measure your food, keep up the exercise for another month and then go back to your doctor with proof of what you've done :-) Oh and if weight lifting is an option throw in some of that. I also learned the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism and the higher your metabolism is the more you can eat :-) I like eating, can you tell?
  • MistyEE
    MistyEE Posts: 67
    I only looked through the last week or so, but you aren't coming close to your goal calories. I think you should determine what your true stats are (TDEE, BMR) and then re-calculate the calories you need based on the exercise you are doing. if I don't eat enough, I gain. It is worth a shot.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I don't know why the endocrinologist wanted to give me metformin. Maybe to shut me up and help me lose? I don't need anything for my appetite. It's just fine. If i don't have pcoc i didn't see the need for it. I do measure and take pics. Its been 3 months....i really don't see a difference in the pics and i lost 4 inches the first month and none after that. No, i'm not gaining. I'm maintaining. If i ate what i wanted and didn't exercise i could gain 10 pounds in a month. I've done it. I don't know what my TSH is....i have lost all my papers since it's been over a year. I need to call my dr. and get copies from her.
    I'm new to MFP.........i'll go look and see how to make my diary public

    It won't matter what your numbers were a year ago to be honest. Go get a new panel done with all hormones pulled...TSH is a pituitary hormone not a thyroid covers it you shouldn't be paying $2000 out of pocket, that's ridiculous
  • cindy5761
    cindy5761 Posts: 28
    I have been hyperthyroid since 1999 and on medication.....lost 35lbs in 2006 and have kept it off. I tried to eat healthy with...30% protein 30% fat and 40% carbs when I lost it. To me your protein seems low and maybe your calories are too low if you are exercising you add in your exercise? Not sure what your current weight is but I was eating 1500 calories a day and the weight came off. Good luck!