Weekend sabotoge



  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I was having the same problem (still am to some extent). I just started logging even on the weekends, it is ugly sometimes, but it is helping me to see where I am sabotaging myself.

    And this past weekend I made HUGE strides in drinking all my water... so when it came to weigh in this morning, I had actually kept off all the weight I'd lost last week!
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    I just logged for the first time my entire weekend and made a huge discovery. Only one day did I go way over my calories but not enough for a 4lb gain. My sodium levels were sky high and this makes me want to be more accountable now.

    Saturday is my fun day where I allow myself more fun with food. I am learning the 80/20 rule. Be good 80% of the time and a little bit of fun does not hurt.
  • 4word
    4word Posts: 15
    "Log everything - I've logged days where I've been 2000 cals over. There is no shame in it. That is hard to make yourself think, but it's true. No-one really should be judging you for your log. The log is there to give you information and to help you get to where you want to go. It's also there to make you think twice before eating something. Both of those are equally important, but they both rely on you getting into the habit of doing it."

    I AGREE! It is so easy to want to "hide" our calories from ourselves and others.... But this is a learning tool to see what works, what doesn't and any patterns to our poor eating times. Log in on the weekends!
  • 4word
    4word Posts: 15
    Sorry langurmonkey... I was trying to agree with what you stated but apparently I do not know how to Quote correctly!! :/
    THICOK Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments! I do use the smart phone app, just need to be better about staying w/ it on the weekends.

    I love the support of MFP!