I am a re-newbie

I am back after a long hiatus. I started back in August 2012 and watched my food intake through December and then come January, I thought "I'll just take another month off" and then in February and March the same thought and now here it is mid-June and I have almost gained everything back again. My body is telling me it is time to get back under control and so I am trying to make a comeback. The first step was getting on that scale yesterday. I avoided it like the plaque - afraid of what it would read. So, I sucked it up and got back on it. That was a reality check for sure!

Anyways, I am here today logging my food and attempting to drink more water and get my eating habits back under control. I would appreciate any support I could get.



  • EllieBMackal
    EllieBMackal Posts: 116 Member
    hey, feel free to add :)
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 235 Member
    That's awesome! I'm kind of in the same boat. If you'd like to encourage one another, feel free to add me!
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    ADD ME
  • NC0224
    NC0224 Posts: 11
    I have recently come back to MFP as well. I love food, and then you add boredom/stress eating to that equation = serious disaster! However, being healthy feels so much better! Feel free to add me if you would like. :)
  • BeautifulByChoice
    Glad you are back! Add me if you would like!
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    Jen is back!!!! Time to smash-it-up pal.

    Good to see you back again and if you want I am more than happy for you to come back on my FL.

    That goes for anyone on this thread to be honest.
  • cesoriano73
    Welcome back! I have just finally started to consistently track my food even though I have been on MFP for more than six months. Just take it day by day and you will be back on track in no time!
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    Been there, done that! I'm about 2 weeks into this time... but you notice my "joined" date is much further back. :)

    Feel free to add me, I log every day (good and bad) and am always looking for new friends. :)
  • LogansMomTX
    I'm a re-starter too!!! Friend me!