Give me your motivation.

What works best for you? What kind of diet plan are you following? Just curious. Thanks.:happy:


  • DoreenN
    DoreenN Posts: 60
    I dont follow any of those fad diets. Just try to eat healthy overall. I watch the carbs that I eat. There are good carbs and bad carbs, I eliminated the bad carbs.

    If there was a day that I didnt feel like going to the gym I would just look in the mirror and remind myself that Im not going to get the body I want by sitting on my butt. And once the weight came off I would look in the mirror and remind myself that I wouldnt have this body by sitting on my butt.

    What kind of workouts are you doing? If you need any tips I would love to help.
  • TAWalker
    I eat what I like and count calories. This means smaller portions but I still get to eat the food I like. I've found that if I eat food I don't really like I am more likely to binge.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I'm not following a diet plan - I'm eating healthy and changing my life! I try to eat as few processed foods as possible, a balanced diet of whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats, beans, and lots of veggies and fruit. I'm not afraid to have an occasional treat - I don't feel deprived at all. I'm exercising regularly and feel better, physically, than I have in a long time. I'm living a lifestyle that I can see myself continuing for the rest of my life!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Just counting my calories, eating good carbs, lots of veggies, lean protein, getting the recommended amount of fiber... I use my lunch break to do strength training at the gym. And after work & weekends, I take our 2 year old out in the stroller for either a walk or a jog. That's been the key for me. Making the time to get in some cardio while not taking any time away from him. He loves it! I give him some yummy snacks & will usually stop for awhile so we can play at the park. So, my exercise is always fun for me and him! :tongue:
  • kimmi33
    kimmi33 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks to everyone...That helps me alot. I dont have a work out routine at the moment but plan to start walking soon. I am trying to do low cals under 1200 a day. Its a struggle but I am trying to focus on the bigger picture.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Thanks to everyone...That helps me alot. I dont have a work out routine at the moment but plan to start walking soon. I am trying to do low cals under 1200 a day. Its a struggle but I am trying to focus on the bigger picture.

    FYI - you really shouldn't eat less than 1200/day. If that's what MFP gave you, you should be eating that PLUS at least half of your exercise calories (I usually try for 50-75% of them). Here are some posts that explain how you could eat very low calorie but not lose (such as if you're eating less than 1200/day for an extended period of time) and also why you should eat exercise calories. These are posts recommended for new users.

    Just remember - less is *not* always better. You have to eat less than you burn to lose weight, but if you don't eat enough your body will get cranky (in non-technical terms!) and may stop losing.
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    I just count calories and try to eat balanced. All fad diets really just reduce your caloric intake. Low carbs keep you from getting an insulin spike, so you don't feel hungry, and therefore eat less. I think that is a good plan for people who were large eaters in the past. I eat carbs but try to make them whole grain. I actualy eat anything I want, just in moderation. We still have pizza delivered, I eat Klondike Slim a Bear ice cream bars, for breakfast and snacks I eat Special K or Quaker Oats bars as they taste just like a candy bar. I do not feel deprived. I get my motivation by wanting to fit into designer clothes made for thin people. I also like to bicycle and I won't get so winded when I am smaller.