Food you refuse to eat...



  • BrittanyAnnL
    BrittanyAnnL Posts: 140
    Ezekiel Bread.

    My Nutritionist pushes this on me every session. I refuse to even try it at this point.

    Ezekiel bread tastes just like regular bread. Like.. wheat bread. Not white of course. You should try it. You might be surprised. I eat the sesame one. Love it.
  • BrittanyAnnL
    BrittanyAnnL Posts: 140
    Any type of body part that isnt a prime cut of meat. (Liver, Cow Tongue, Pigs Feet.. etc. )

    Processed meats.. Hot Dogs, Bologne, Etc.

    Mcdonalds. I will not eat anything that comes from that place. I think its the devil. Seriously.

    Bring on the steak, seafood, veggies, herbs, fruits, grains, fungus, reptiles, whatevs! lol.
  • Liver(refuse to try), radishes
    beets, onions, deer or any other "game" meat
    pickled eggs, yams, sweet potatoes
    tomato soup makes me gag
    frozen/canned mixed vegetables
    any green beans that aren't canned
    oysters(refuse to even try)
    marshmallows(peeps are repulsive)
    any candy unless it's chocolate
    hot peppers
    red velvet cake...especially shaped like an animal
    pecan pie....actually most pies
    too long of a list, all disgusting, i could go on
  • Clams, oysters, mussells and anything else that looks like a booger.
  • Lynds7128
    Lynds7128 Posts: 132
    Clams, oysters, mussells and anything else that looks like a booger.

  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I'm not a picky eater and I'd probably eat just about anything on a dare .....(any kind of FOOD, that is) but the only things I can think of that I don't like are coffee and raw carrots (I like them cooked). I try a raw carrot every few years to see if my feelings have changed any. But coffee - blech!

    There are certain other foods: pigs feet, cow tongue, tripe that look pretty unappetizing, but I'd probably try them. On a dare.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member

    Pretty much anything that is ****-tier I refuse to eat.

    Your life sucks, bro.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    there are many foods I will never eat but the big "food of the moment" that I refuse is chia. No freaking way am I going to eat slimy little seed balls and call it pudding. I can think of a thousand other ways to get my nutrients.
  • TLWallperson
    TLWallperson Posts: 125
    Kale that shizz tastes like crap any way you try to cook it to me.

    Kale tastes like crap no matter how it's fixed.....YUCK!!!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    there are many foods I will never eat but the big "food of the moment" that I refuse is chia. No freaking way am I going to eat slimy little seed balls and call it pudding. I can think of a thousand other ways to get my nutrients.

    [img] images/chiapet.gif[/img]

    They make better pets.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    I don't have "foods" that I will not eat. I refuse to eat at McDonalds. But I will totally do Wendy' yeah, there's that. I like most all foods and will at least try anything. I can think of a few exceptions that are not currently options where I live as they are usually viewed as loved pets instead of sources of protein.

  • HS2305
    HS2305 Posts: 422 Member
    Marmite, salad cream or Branson pickle. Never going to happen haha
  • mlfrailing
    mlfrailing Posts: 79
    The Pre-Diet Mike was "bring it, Ill eat it". There was not much I wouldn't eat. Except for cherries. Those things are nasty. Someone said raw liver. I guess if its raw, you could add that to the list.
  • dreamer722
    dreamer722 Posts: 57 Member
    bell pepper
    green onions
    any kind of melon for that matter

    I have tried them all. I hate them all.
  • MiawMiawMiaw
    MiawMiawMiaw Posts: 24 Member
    Branston Pickle... or any type of pickle and Thousand Island Dressing. Ick Oh and Salad Cream!
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Black olives.....Never tried green olives, but for the life of me I cannot eat black olives @_@
  • HS2305
    HS2305 Posts: 422 Member
    Branston Pickle... or any type of pickle and Thousand Island Dressing. Ick Oh and Salad Cream!

    Are we twins? Haha literally just posted something similar :)
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Lima beans. They are of the DEBIL! Nasty, dry, choke-you-to-death bits of grotesqueness. :sick:
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Meat. It makes me gag.
  • Chrelaine
    Chrelaine Posts: 5 Member
    Any kind of bean