Good Calories VS Bad Calories

jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
edited September 21 in Chit-Chat
So I was talking to my co-worker this morning and we got into quite a heated debate.

In a nutshell, she said to me that there is no such thing as good calories vs bad calories. She went on to explain that if you ate only chocolate all day, and hit 1,000 calories (don't even get me started on how low that is) that it would make no difference if you ate lettuce leaves all day and hit 1,000 calories. A calorie is a calorie. She says that she goes to all these 'eating right' seminars and has 8 dieticians who she would LOVE to see me go up against to discuss this.

While I see where she is coming from, and why she would think that, I completely disagree!

I think that yes, while calories are still calories so to speak, it COMPLETELY matters where you are getting them from. It is much healthier for your body to eat a handful of nuts than to slather your bagel with the same amount of calories in butter. While both are fats, one is obviously much better for you. Besides, if you eat healthy your body will have more energy and be better equiped to burn the calories off in the first place.

I don't think that you should be extreme about it, just watch what you eat and try to take care of your body the best that you can. I know when I go to McDonalds I always feel like crap afterwards (and probably used my calorie count or more for the day in one meal!) but when I make a healthy lunch at home (fruit, veggies, nuts, etc), even if it were to be high in calories, I still have loads of good feeling energy.

I shouldn't even be that mad about it, it just makes me very frustrated when people are so ignorant and refuse to hear what you have to say, especially about something that I think should just be common sense.

I'm curious to know what others think on this subject. Do you think there good calories vs bad calories or is a calorie a calorie? If so... why?


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I'm not an expert, but it seems logical to me that you can't eat only chocolate all day and still get all the nutrients your body needs (vitamins, etc.). Plus, protein/fat/carbs do different things for you. Here's an article that StacySkinny posted in another thread the other day:

    It seems to do a good job explaining why all calories aren't the same.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Mathmatically you could lose weight eating only chocolate, it would be affecting your health not getting nutrients, but I would think you technically could
  • coolstacey6
    coolstacey6 Posts: 83 Member
    Since I've been eating "good" calories....I haven't had to take a nap during my lunch hour. That's proof enough!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    My feeling is that there are two different topics going on here.

    Theoretically a calorie is a unit of measure; a calorie is a calorie. BUT our bodies process different nutrients and other things in the food differently. The easiest example of this is diabetics process sugar very differently than people without diabetes. On top of which, the primary purpose of eating is to supply our body with macronutrients, vitamins and minerals that we are either deficient in or that our bodies cannot produce.

    So while, theoretically, a calorie is a calorie, in reality, the food we consume is responsible for many bodily functions. So, really eating 1000 calories of chocolate and 1000 calories of lettuce will lead to undernourishment because there isn't a balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals being absorbed into our body through what we consume. Both routes are bad, IMO. But, if for the sake of argument, you wanted to consume 1000 calories of balanced healthy foods and 1000 calories of junky foods, you would feel better and be healthier with the healthy foods. You might also experience some of the effects from the way your body processes different things with weight retention on the junky foods diet. Theoretically, you could still lose equal amounts of weight, if that's what the discussion was about.
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    I'm not an expert, but it seems logical to me that you can't eat only chocolate all day and still get all the nutrients your body needs (vitamins, etc.). Plus, protein/fat/carbs do different things for you. Here's an article that StacySkinny posted in another thread the other day:

    It seems to do a good job explaining why all calories aren't the same.

    I love it, thanks!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I'm hoping Banks sees this topic. I'd love to hear his repsone.

    There is definitely a difference between good and bad calories when it comes to health and well-being. Even for weight loss, your body processes different types of calories in different ways, so variety and quality in your calories does matter. Yes, you could probably lose weight eating only chocolate. Could you maintain that loss? Probably not. Would you be healthy? Definitely not.
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I guess a good point is yes a calorie is a calorie but what are the nutritional values of those calories. People love the idea that you can lose weight eating chocolate or other junk that they like. It means they can eat what they consider "real food" and not "diet food". The question is how long can you eat 5 1/2 Hersey Special Dark Chocolate Bars a day before you get sick of them?
  • lessjess1
    lessjess1 Posts: 71 Member
    My feeling is that there are two different topics going on here.

    Theoretically a calorie is a unit of measure; a calorie is a calorie. BUT our bodies process different nutrients and other things in the food differently. The easiest example of this is diabetics process sugar very differently than people without diabetes. On top of which, the primary purpose of eating is to supply our body with macronutrients, vitamins and minerals that we are either deficient in or that our bodies cannot produce.

    So while, theoretically, a calorie is a calorie, in reality, the food we consume is responsible for many bodily functions. So, really eating 1000 calories of chocolate and 1000 calories of lettuce will lead to undernourishment because there isn't a balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals being absorbed into our body through what we consume. Both routes are bad, IMO. But, if for the sake of argument, you wanted to consume 1000 calories of balanced healthy foods and 1000 calories of junky foods, you would feel better and be healthier with the healthy foods. You might also experience some of the effects from the way your body processes different things with weight retention on the junky foods diet. Theoretically, you could still lose equal amounts of weight, if that's what the discussion was about.

    Well said!
  • No expert here but I think a calorie is a calorie is a calorie; HOWEVER, it I ate my daily calorie alottment in one day I would be starving for real food for one thing, and for another, of course it would be healthier to eat good foods. it seems to me you are on track with the making better decisions by having a clear head (bcuz of eating right), having energy (bcuz of eating right), and not being hungry (bcuz of eating right). Not to mention the skin eruptions that might occur cuz of all that sugar! Sugar is the downfall culprit of America and does things to your body that scare the crap out of me. Your co-worker needs to mellow out. You are both right in a way and you are the bigger person for seeing her side of it.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I'm not an expert, but it seems logical to me that you can't eat only chocolate all day and still get all the nutrients your body needs (vitamins, etc.). Plus, protein/fat/carbs do different things for you. Here's an article that StacySkinny posted in another thread the other day:

    It seems to do a good job explaining why all calories aren't the same.

    Hahah! I was about to post that article but you beat me to it. :D *hugs*
  • kristybenner
    kristybenner Posts: 29 Member
    I wish there was a like button on here!! lol

    Yeah, I did the eat anything just dont go over 1200 calorie diet and those kind of schemes have probably really contributed to where I am today.

    Agreed I do feel A LOT better when I get something (vitamins, minerals, ect..) from my calories than just a quick sugar rush and some cavities. :)

    I do love chocolate though :)
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Thanks for all of the great responses! :)
  • FlashBang
    FlashBang Posts: 136
    1000 Calories of chocolate has quite a bit more nutrition than 1000 Calories of Lettuce, just sayin. Anyway one day of all chocolate would probably take care of any chocoholics cravings for quite a while, at least until the stomach cramps stop.
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