Does anyone wanna brag on their SO/friends/family etc?

I see so many posts complaining about this or that. While we all have complaints, I like to have gratitude for what I love about my life. So, I want to brag for a minute about my husband.

He can do pretty much anything. He's rebuilt our deck - not just the deckING but the framework for the decking as well. He installed a hardwood floor in our living room, tile in the bathrooms. When we have the funds he'll totally overhaul the kitchen. When we both owned diesel vehicles he was making biodiesel and saving us tons of money (less than $1.00/gallon at the time gas was about $4.00 in Oregon). Once that caught on as a source of income for restaurants etc, used oil companies took away our sources of oil. But for a while there he was getting free oil and it was amazing. His current project is an electric car, an El Camino that my dad has decided to hire my husband to make in his “free time”.



Anyone else want to brag on someone in their lives?

ETA: He is also the most supportive person in my life. He has NEVER said anything derogatory to me about my weight. Even at my highest of 265 he told me I was beautiful. He is going to support me through my grad program while I'm commuting over 4 hours a day and studying the remainder of the time. Also, I'm kind of a whiny B at times and he always deals with that effectively - like telling me that my C*** powers are activated. :laugh:


  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My hubs is also fantastic. He's motivated me to lose weight by getting into shape himself. He's also been loving and supportive of me whether I was underweight, obese, or somewhere in between.

    Oh, and he's cute when he's napping... :)
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    He is the most supportive, sweet, loving, affectionate father and husband I could ask for. Whatever I want he tries to make happen. He loves me no matter what I look like and makes me feel like the only woman in existence every day. I have never in my life felt so loved and complete than I have with him.

    He has bent over backwards to get my equipment he said nothing when I set up my stuff in the dinning room making it super cramped. He always makes sure I have almond milk and protein powder. I never have to remind him when I run out. He doesn't care how many fitness apps I download or what new gadget I want to buy to help me reach my goals.

    He loves me through all of my craziness, and there is a lot I come from a super screwed up family. He is just perfect.
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    My beloved has been quietly trying to lose weight. Last night he weighed himself on the Wii, and officially slipped from the "overweight" to "ideal" range. I'm very proud of him - and of course, jealous enough to consider smothering him in his sleep...
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I have great family and friend. Just tonight I got a flat tire on the way home from the gym, it was raining and ugly out. I called to have someone come change the tire and I was texting my friend. She drove to where I was and waited with me. It's not that she isn't busy, she has two kids at home and was just being nice.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    He is the most supportive, sweet, loving, affectionate father and husband I could ask for. Whatever I want he tries to make happen. He loves me no matter what I look like and makes me feel like the only woman in existence every day. I have never in my life felt so loved and complete than I have with him.

    He has bent over backwards to get my equipment he said nothing when I set up my stuff in the dinning room making it super cramped. He always makes sure I have almond milk and protein powder. I never have to remind him when I run out. He doesn't care how many fitness apps I download or what new gadget I want to buy to help me reach my goals.

    He loves me through all of my craziness, and there is a lot I come from a super screwed up family. He is just perfect.

    Sounds like you got a keeper. I love that he gets your specialty fitness items for you.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    My studmuffin is active-duty Navy and still one of the hottest guys I've ever seen. He supports me in every way and has allowed me to grow into the successful person I am today. He retires in 3 months, after 20 years of service, at the ripe old age of 38. I plan on keeping my Trophy Husband busy working on our 90 year old house. He's getting quite handy with the power tools. :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Smirfettewithmuscles
    Life is too short not to be surrounded with good people. I am surrounded but I also have a few who aren't as supportive and altruistic. It's ok though, I still love who I need to and all the others fill me up.
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    Good call, Rose. Your husband sounds like a great guy.

    I'll go ahead and brag on my fiance a bit. :) He is ridiculously smart with electrontic things, like computers. He's also super handy with a bike wrench. He's the reason I own three bikes and would rather bike than drive - he's an enthusiast for biking whenever possible.

    He also takes care of me - my job is unpredictable with money sometimes, and I don't make very much. But it's a job that makes me happy, so he helps me cover expenses when needed. My life is, by far, better with him in it.
  • seawolf86
    seawolf86 Posts: 55
    My fiancé was the person who encouraged me to start going to the gym and it has changed my life! He is so supportive and amazing, always tells me how great I look and makes me feel GOOD about myself!
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    My husband is one of the best people I know. Even before we were dating, he was an awesome, dependable friend. After we got together and began to really know each other, I saw what a wonderful person he is. He's stuck by me through everything: family illnesses and deaths, my crippling dental phobia (he sits at the foot of the dentist chair at every single one of my appointments), anxiety issues, and of course, my quest to be healthy and happy with myself. He's never budged or wavered once. He's always right there with me, helping me to be the best 'me' I can.

    I'm doing my best to return the favor by helping him on his own weight loss/ health quest. Since August 2012, he's lost 66 pounds. We work together to plan healthy meals, praise each other for overcoming the temptation of junk, and generally be supportive and keep each other on track. He's definitely a keeper!