Anyone on antidepressants? Geodon?

I'm looking into antidepressants that have more of a neutral effects vs weight gain? Anyone been on Geodon? Any recommendations for a good antidepressant?

I have been off medication for awhile but feel I need to be back on it due to moments of un clarity that make me over dose on OTC drugs and energy pills ugh and the constant thoughts of plots of different ways to harm myself and the thoughts are rather scary and I'm totally against suicide but constantly obsess over the slightest symptoms and think its because something is super wrong eve after seeing a doctor which is causing me to be in complete debt due to medical bills!

I really am trying to investigate into antidepressant of some sort with the least side effects main one being weight gain because I want help but scared. Of gaining all the weight I have lost so far!

I also suffer from extreme night terrors due to abuse I sustained as a young child I've been reading up on lunesta.

Any input? Please help!


  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Please anyone?
  • siriuslestrange1
    siriuslestrange1 Posts: 74 Member
    wellbutrin is your best bet for an antidepressant that won't cause excessive weight gain. Stay away from Lamictal and seroquel.... they will both lay you out for days at a time. I've had the most success with plain old prozac, but I know some people who have gained quite a bit of weight on it. Work with your doctors to come up with the best solution. Mental health is always a struggle :(
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    Most weight gain from anti-depressants is caused by a couple of things.
    1: it makes you lethargic/tired. So moving around more gets left by the wayside for naps.
    2: some of them affect your water retention
    3: some of them do both

    It's really difficult to be depressed, and want to work out.
    I myself have been on Citalopram (which apparently causes weight loss), but didn't see any weight changes, Prozac (which made me very twitchy and actually made me worse), and Depakote (a mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder) and heard that most people gain a LOT of weight from that.

    I would focus more on getting yourself straightened out, than worrying about the weight complications.
    You can always counter the weight issue by decreasing salt intake, increasing water, and trying to keep on top of working out as much as possible, even if its just going for a walk.
    I'm sure you're already doing these things, but it's a start.

    If you have anything like bipolar disorder, I would STRONGLY seek a psychiatrist who knows what they should be proscribing you, as taking an anti-depressant can make it MUCH worse. If you're not, then you don't have to worry about it. But in my experience, avoid anti-depressants if you have bipolar disorder, and seek a mood stabiliser instead.

    EDIT: also, I know I can't speak for you, but are you sure you want to get anti-depressants? The side effect of most of them are much worse than the problem they're supposed to help. Is it anything counselling could help?