horrible day

Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I have had a horrible day. Got bad news, PMS'ing.....so on and so on. And I've only had about 650 calories today....I just don't wanna eat, but in the back of my mind I wanna binge. Any advice!?


  • kristybenner
    kristybenner Posts: 29 Member
    I hate those days! Honestly I have to get out of the house on days like those. I will walk... go to a movie... shop...anything to keep my mind off benging. Good luck ... hang in there...oh books :)
  • You need to eat and if you binge okay you might get a little satisfaction but tommorow you will be so mad at yourself and could start a cycle of getting off track.
    Make yourself something to eat a healthy carb and a good protein and reward yourself for not getting out of control.
    I'm sorry about your bad day and I am also an emotional eater, chocolate was always my evil friend but by the time i realized what i have done it was mucho chocolate later and i felt what the $%** just go ahead and binge. For me if I cheat it might take me weeks to get my head straight.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Well you need to eat more than 600 calories anyway. First drink a big glass of water or maybe two. Then eat a meal. Sometimes we binge just because our body says we need to eat. Pick something that tastes good but isn't that bad for you. Good Luck
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you will begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
    R. W. Emerson

    "Some days are like that, even in Australia."
    Alexander and the Terrible, horrible, no good very bad day

    Breathe. Take a moment. Reflect. Eat a little something if you feel like it. Sleep. Wake tomorrow and know it is a new day. :)
  • KristenStone
    KristenStone Posts: 106 Member
    Girl---I feel ya! I saw a frozen pizza in my freezer and I was really half tempted. Its not the food you want, its the satisfaction! You can get satisfaction eating heatlhy, you have been doing it! I ate half a Healthy Choice, and now I am full...Ok so I may be smoking a little more cigarettes (not good I know!) But we will get through this!! MFP sisters! lol :)
  • It's times like these that you need to find something you enjoy as a way to keep your mind of it. Drink some water, or even milk (that always fills me up, it has calories and the calcium is good for you) and then take a nice long walk with a set of headphones and some music. Just relax yourself and see how you feel.
    The walking will increase your metabolism and encourage you to feel like you want to eat. Then just chose something you really like even if it's not completely healthy (you've just burned aload of cals anyway) and take it steady. You'll be fine! We're all here. Good Luck! :)
  • TMDRyan
    TMDRyan Posts: 8
    Ef bad days! Good on ya for identifying a temptation most of us would give into and asking for the support you need! Go beat the *kitten* out of something - I like to do Zumba on bad days, it's a bunch of stomping on the floor and shaking your tush and it boosts endorphins - win-win-win! Working out will help you feel your power and take back control of your day - which is why we binge.

    Remember - no one can make you feel anything. You control your actions and reactions.
  • PMS and bad news, sounds like we had the same bad day yesterday. Here is a couple of things I did for myself and am sure glad I did.

    I went to Walmart, I wanted to buy the pizza but instead I bought salad and a cooked chicken from the deli.
    I wanted a big bowl of Rocky Road but instead I drove through McDonalds and bought a lowfat Icecream cone (150 calories)
    I wanted to punch someone who gave me bad news in the snout but I wrote a lengthy email with the blow by blow story to my sister instead. She actually did something very nice that cheered me up.
    I wanted to go to bed but doing just 15 minutes of mild stretching and a relaxing nature walk took away my cramps and joint pain.
    Finally, a little ice pack on a headache never hurt a girl.
    I'm sorry your having a bad day and I know it doesn't feel like it but you can manage it instead of it managing you.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    when i am pmssing i let myself have some good quality chocolate (moderate amounts) and / or something savoury that i would not normally eat. Honestly w pms you can sub in all the healthy stuff, but in the end... you really just want chocolate. so, have a couple of pieces, go to bed early w a crap movie and wake up better tomorrow
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