18, been overwight my whole life. serious this time.

I always, always, always tell myself "I'll lose weight, starting tomorrow, after I eat this buffet table."
I can't do it anymore. It's driving me crazy. I need others to know my goals so if I try to quit someone can tell me to keep on keeping on.
I'm from Canada, 18 years old (19 in August!) and need to lose 45-50 lbs!


  • phorvath12

    I am 43 and have struggled with my weight my whole life. For 43 I feel pretty good but I would feel better with 10-15 lbs off, still not my "fighting weight" but better. I have no kids so I have no real excuse for the belly.

    I can tell you to keep it up. Everyone tells you as you get older it gets harder. I always thought this was a stupid idea untiil I turned 35. I usued to be able to get that weekend weight off by Wednesday. Now I can't seem to break the 170lb mark in over 2 years. I keep telling myself I will do it now. I was 158 when I turned 40 and that was a 6 month process of getting the weight off (I started at 173).

    Start today, prep a bunch of veggies and fruit. Buy some good lunch meat, roll up some turkey and ham, buy some string cheese, I like the weight watchers kind. Pack your lunch every day. Don't eat out when you don't have to. It's hard but after a month you will start to feel better just by eating better.

    At 18 you need to develop those good habits now so you can keep it up! You have a long life to live, live it healthy!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • sammie121403
    sammie121403 Posts: 49 Member
    Good for you for starting now. I was always the "fat kid" growing up and was made fun of severely every day of my life. My grandmother (god rest her soul) had no shame in calling me fat and the telling me to finish what was left of dinner because she didn't want leftovers. I went through a bout of depression in high school and became bulimic. I lost a lot of weight, but not the right way. When I got past that point in my life, I put all the weight back on, and then some (a lot of some, lol). My husband and I moved in together and I would cook (it was nice to have kitchen after living in a dorm for 4 years) and we would go out to eat often. I think we still had the "high metabolism for young kids" thought process. Anyways, I tipped the scale at 190 and no matter how much i would go to the gym, it wouldnt lose...but it didnt help that i wasnt watching what i was eating. I decided to make a change Dec. 2012. I found MFP and 6 months later i am 42 pounds down, smaller than I have ever been and feeling great. I am maintaining at my weight now and just working on toning up.

    Good luck in your journey and just know that there will be days where it is hard...even weeks, but you are making a change that will last a lifetime. Feel free to add me! :)
  • hailydaze
    hailydaze Posts: 6 Member
    there should be a "like" button! Thank you what inspirational posts!