Motivated friends for honest weight loss journey!


I'm 5'4 with 35 pounds to lose. As we're all embarking on the same journey here at MFP, it would be lovely to make friends for motivation, encouragement and group lamenting when you're having a hard time, OR you find the perfect salted caramel brownie recipe that you KNOW you can't bake.

I intend to keep an open diary as I think that's an important part of the process. If I work out five days in a row, I'd like to write about the euphoria, endorphins and general feeling of well-being. On the other hand, if I fall off the wagon in an eating-an-entire-party-sized-bag-of-salt-and-pepper-kettle-chips type frenzy, I'd like to write about that too. I think this will only work if I'm brutally honest.

Most of all, I really want to encourage YOU and be there to hoot and holler praise when you burn 600 calories on the elliptical. Because the elliptical can really suck when you're starting out and 600 calories is no easy feat ... especially on the elliptical ... which REALLY sucks. Really.

How about you? How much are you trying to lose? What are your workout routines?

Please feel free to send me a friend request. I'd love to get to know you!


  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me if you want. I have a long story, if you want to read it, most of it is on my profile. I've been here before and for lots of sad reasons I'm starting again. But I CAN do this. I've been here before. We can do this together. I've got a long way to go but I've here for the long haul so let's do this.
    Good luck on your journey
    Lets do this xx
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I love getting and giving support! I will however not bash you for overeating or undereating. Thats not my job and I want support not more stress.
  • chineyLuv
    chineyLuv Posts: 130 Member
    sent you a friend request :smile:
  • VanessaG02
    VanessaG02 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi!!! I'm also 5'4 but I have about 55 lbs to lose. Being brutally honest is how it works for me too. Denial has taken me over far too long! LOL! I've been on the yo-yo kick for a while and just recently got back with it at full force! I like to do Zumba and I'm doing the Insanity Program ( well I'm trying to at least! :ohwell: ) MFP is great especially for get a group of friends together to help support and motivated eachother on this journey of getting fit! I will definatley add you! Lets get this started!
  • taoistpunk
    taoistpunk Posts: 57 Member
    I'm on a 100# journey...glad to offer support, help...

    I'm a bit over 3 weeks into my new 'lifestyle' and am always looking to add other, motivated people to my friends list.

    Not using any special diets (I don't think those folks living in the Paleolithic age had such a great time that I'd want to eat their food ;) ), just common sense, hard work, and MFP!

    Sent you a request
  • prettynikkish
    prettynikkish Posts: 21 Member
    I'm trying to lose 30lbs. Feel free to add me for support.
  • keely1998
    keely1998 Posts: 148 Member
    feel free to add me i'm n the same boat as u r :smile:
  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    Hello! Feel free to add me! I believe in honesty not just with myself but with others. :smile:
    I have about 65 pounds I would like to lose.. Look forward to getting to know you along the journey!
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    Hello! I'm down 19 lbs and still going. This is my 3rd shot at MFP and have been leading a healthier lifestyle since January. I'm feeling great and challenging myself each day - I work 2 desk jobs and it is really hard to get a lot of activity in during the day, so I do my workouts at night. I've completed one round of Les Mills Combat since January and LOVED it. I never thought I'd say I have a "soul mate" workout, but I do. I'm currently doing a hybrid of Les Mills Combat and Les Mills Pump, so I can get some strength training in there. I'm losing the inches and today am wearing a pair of work pants that I haven't been able to wear for a year and a half!!

    Anyone can feel free to send me a friend request - I log in every day and love to motivate and support others & also love the support from my MFP friends too! :smile:
  • tbrooke2000
    tbrooke2000 Posts: 61 Member
    I just lost 30 lbs, but still have a long way to go. This is my second trip on here... but I am more dedicated and "honest" this time. My son (age 10) loves this new lifestyle because we eat "better" he says... (I think I have a Gordon Ramsey in my house now lol). A lot of my friends are so random about logging that I feel that I am doing it alone. :-( But I feel great and know I will succeed!

    Feel free to add me (I sent you a request). I also have an open journal and I peek at my friends for support and kudos.

    Have a great week!

  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Read your profile, can I come live with you?
    Sounds awesome!!

    Also good luck on your fitness journey!
  • Andrea419
    Andrea419 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello! I am 5'2, and would like to lose 25 pounds. For exercise, I like walking, hiking, and pilates. I also find keeping an open diary helps me to stay accountable. Feel free to add me.
  • Heather032190
    Heather032190 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi! I am 5'7 206lbs wanting to lose 60lbs I have been on and off here for a couple of years but this year I am serious. I will admit I got started and was doing great lost 4lbs but then my boyfriend and I moved, stress at work, and other things so I got away from logging but I have picked myself back up and will not let things like that get in the way..the are after all only excuses.

    Add me if you like and we can work through this journey together!
  • KerryLovesCheese
    KerryLovesCheese Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you so much to those of you who sent friend requests. I'm busy adding and replying to messages too. I think I can do this, gang.
  • I'm new to MFP too, so I'm trying to find weightloss-buddies as well. I mean, we all need some support, don't we? :D
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    friend request sent
  • teacuplady
    teacuplady Posts: 30 Member
    HI Please add me whoever would like to. I am new to the program and still learning the ropes. Just learned last night that it's not good to go under your calorie allowance..that's a hard thing for my mind to get around after years of hearing just the opposite. I need friends and motivators too. I can't promise the best advice right now since I'm just starting out but I want to root for everyone and I know it will help me a lot to get cheered also. 30 lbs (+) to lose to start. I'm not public yet with my diary but am considering it. Eeek!!

    Thank you!! :)
  • Mari_2009
    Mari_2009 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi!! I have about 100lbs I need to lose. I've started and stopped. Now I'm back on it again. I think even if I lose 100 I still won't be at a healthy weight for my height (I'm 4'11) sent you a request!! :smile:
  • KerryLovesCheese
    KerryLovesCheese Posts: 9 Member
    I am just blown away by some of your stories, honestly. I love how downright POSITIVE you all are too. 'I've got 30lbs, 40lbs, 50lbs, 100lbs to lose' I'm hearing, and you ARE losing it. How anyone could fail to be encouraged by such a wonderful group is beyond me.

    Teacuplady - I think it's very important to eat and eat well when you're trying losing weight. Good food nourishes your mind and body making it all the easier for you to think positively and get out there and exercise. I'm trying to think of this not as a diet but as a weekly menu of good, wholesome, clean foods. I don't know about you but I like to picture myself on vacation in the Mediterranean when I'm trying to get myself back in shape. Eating lots of hearty greens, colorful bean salads, oily fish and occasional lean meats with a glass of red wine. I feel full and clean and so very healthy without feeling as though I'm missing out.
  • Welcome to MFP! You can do it! Stay focused and always use your diary to stay on track - just make it part of your daily ritual. My suggestion would be to always eat your calorie goal - going under can cause no weightloss and weightgain. I sometimes forget to fill it in but for the most part I always do and it has helped me get to where I am right now.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Hello. I am back to MFP after losing 30 two years ago and then let life get the better of me. So I am back and working at it. I am 5'5" and have 50 - 60 I want to lose. It is a slow process but I know I can get there. Anyone can feel free to add me. I am on everyday though I don't always comment as it is difficult if I am using just my phone.
  • lainester
    lainester Posts: 46
    I am 5'3" and 40ish lbs to use....and I love this post and think you're just like me, except for the gorgeous place you live! : ) sent a friend request, add me if you'd like!
  • Hi!! My name is Jodi and I am married with four children ranging in age from 24-8. I am a 20 yr veteran school teacher so I love when we have carry-in's. lol I am 44 yrs. old and have over 100 lbs to loose. It is starting to affect my health and I can't be the person I want and continue being this unhealthy. I have gone from a competitive athlete to a depressed mom who loves food. I have tried WW and am now trying Body by Vi. My goal is to be healthy to enjoy life and be a better mom to my kids. Oh, and go to the Red baseball game and fit in the seat! lol
  • Forest777
    Forest777 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'4, looking to lose about 50 more pounds. I'm a "slow" loser, but persistent as heck! :)

    Feel free to add me!

    P.S. I added a bunch of folks if you said it was ok, so if you see a friend request, that's where it came from!