The Final 10 - Why Won't It Budge!?!

Hi all,

New to the forums but an old pro at weight loss. I've maintained a 50 lbs weight loss since 2009 through the Weight Watchers plan but now I am completely stuck at the last 10-15 lbs. I swear, toning and building muscle is a whole new world and I feel like a total noob.

I'm 6' tall and I simply cannot get past the 165 lbs. mark no matter how hard I try. I've abandoned WW and switched to vegetarian low carb, introduced new foods, and started a cross training HIIT Pilates class 4 times per week.

Here are my macros: 1300 cal; 65 g Carb; 79 g Fat; 81 g Protein; 15 g Fiber; 26 g Sugar

I am not perfect in my diet, but I never ever binge anymore. Any cheating is in moderation and I try to go 110% in my next workout. Does anyone have advice on how I can get the friggin' scale to budge? The cool part is that I am always getting stronger, and currently trying to ramp up my free weights and constantly push myself. Is the scale staying the same because I'm gaining muscle faster than I'm losing fat? There is a ton of diversity in my HIIT pilates class, but should I introduce, like, kettle bell swings for 30 mins on two other mornings?

Help help! Thank you so much!

- Alicia

Edit: I should add that my diet mostly consists of vegetables, eggs, coconut oil & milk, coffee, tea, smart dog protein links, sprouted tofu, and cheese. My pre-workout routine consists of a banana, one scoop of Optimum whey protein powder, BCAAs, and a multi. My water intake needs improvement.


  • alw141
    alw141 Posts: 59 Member
    Ditch the scale! You're building muscle. Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat - a pound is a pound. But 1 pound of muscle takes up a lot less space then 1 pound of fat! If you're losing inches and feeling stronger, I would call that a definite win!!!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    At 6' and 1300 calories not counting exercise, I guarantee you're not building muscle.

    That's great you're getting stronger, and to be fair, as you maintain LBM, your scale weight may not change as your measurements and body fat % go down.

    However, your calorie goal could (and should) be much higher if you plan on truly "budging" any excess fat. Actually building (letting alone properly maintaining) LBM requires calories outside of just your BMR... and it appears you're eating below your BMR. Your body will indeed not let too much budge after a certain point.

    Going low carb, super vegetarian, etc. are all not necessary, either, unless you desire to eat that way/have any health issues that require that.

    For ultimate LBM maintenance, yes, kettle ball swings or any sort of heavy lifting regimen with adequate protein and calories should do the trick to help you lose more body fat without damaging your body.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You need to eat more. Set your goal to a half pound a week, or 10-15% below your TDEE.

    The final 10 isn't any harder, just slower. And you might not even need to lose another 10. Track your progress through how clothes fit, measurements and photos, and ditch the scale.
  • chefwrx
    chefwrx Posts: 59 Member
    Assuming you're actually eating at the 1300 cal target, and hitting the macros you defined, you should be losing at least 1 pound per week. it might be a good time to take a diet break ( As alw141 mentioned, you may be going through a process of body recomposition. Do you know what your current bodyfat percentage is? What are you doing for exercise?
  • amcarney90
    amcarney90 Posts: 6 Member
    I knooow, I know... you're so right. But it's hard when I still have flab-- particularly on my stomach. It has always been there and it seems like it's here to stay. Everything else seems to be firming up except my abs. I know i have ab muscles in there somewhere, they're just buried in fat. UGH! I know it's the last fat to go.... perhaps I am just being impatient. I need to start taking measurements. No excuse, just lazy and nervous that I would get inconsistent measurements every time.

    Thank you for your reply!

    Edit: OMG there are so many other replies and it's been no time at all...Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    If that is all you are eating you need to up your intake... a lot!

    Also increase your protein and fibre, you will want to aim for .8-1g of protein per lb of your goal weight and your fibre should be around 20g+ (which I even find hard to get when I don't eat bread and don't do a fibre supplement) but it will be very helpful for digestion.

    Also only count the sugars that are refined, naturally occuring sugars are absolutely fine for you, they actually have nutrients in them (this is like beets, apples, carrots, tomatoes... they are all natural sugars). But do watch your sodium, I recommend that you drink 1mL of water for every mg of sodium at minimum and try to drink 8-10 cups (or 64-80 fl oz.) of water each day.

    Also lift heavy and do cardio based routines. HIIT 3 days a week and Lifting 3 days a week but never on the same day with one day to rest. This, in my opinion, is more effective towards weight loss and fat loss. And from what I hear doing lifting on the same day as cardio can be a bit of a back pedal when it comes to progress, always better to alternate days for sure.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    It is impossible to build actual muscle mass on 1300 k/cals at 6' 165 lbs.

    I think, for you miss, it might be time for a heavy lift program. What's popular? New Rules For Lifting for Women, starting strength, stronglifts, or any Bill Starr Rip off program. If you are into DVDs Chalean Extreme, P90X, Body Beast, etc. And you'll need to up your intake and protein macro.

    Good luck now.
  • amcarney90
    amcarney90 Posts: 6 Member
    It hasn't been measured in a month or so but I'd say around 22%. My exercise is 60 minutes of HIIT pilates that's a combo of cardio, free weights, and springboard pilates. It's very challenging and fun. For the free weights, I've been using 5 lbs (only for triceps) and 8 lbs weights, but now I'm working up to only 8 lbs for all exercises, and eventually introducing 10 lbs. weights.
    Assuming you're actually eating at the 1300 cal target, and hitting the macros you defined, you should be losing at least 1 pound per week. it might be a good time to take a diet break ( As alw141 mentioned, you may be going through a process of body recomposition. Do you know what your current bodyfat percentage is? What are you doing for exercise?
  • chefwrx
    chefwrx Posts: 59 Member
    How frequently are you doing the HIIT?
  • amcarney90
    amcarney90 Posts: 6 Member
    4 times per week-- Monday, Wednesday, Thursday at 6 am, and Saturday at 12 pm.
  • amcarney90
    amcarney90 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for your advice. I'm stoked that the solution seems to be eating more. I have NO problem with that! Music to my inner fat child's ears.
  • amcarney90
    amcarney90 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, what a powerful blog post. This is eye opening. I have really been doing this whole muscle gain thing *kitten* backwards. Thank you so much for sharing with me. I can't wait to explore the rest of her blog after work today. Appreciated!