Can't stop

Ugh, What is with me, I don't know if I'm stressed or what but I just seem to mindless eat so much in the afternoons. I will do great all day and then I get home from work and it's like my stomach is a never ending pit! How do you stop from doing that? I can't seem to get myself motivated enough to start the weight loss. I'm annoyed with myself and feeling discouraged! I think I just need some encouragement and the know that I can do this... I am tired of my weight, I had my baby 9 months ago, I gained 19 pounds when pregnant with her, lost that after then regained it back.... I'm not happy with myself about that one! HELP! :(


  • mileb
    mileb Posts: 12
    In the same boat as you. My son is 10 months old. Please feel free to add me. Us Mammas can support one another:).
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Are you tired, thirsty, or bored? Are you getting enough protein and fiber?

    If your diet is balanced, you're hydrated, well-rested and emotionally well, you might just need to up your calories a bit.... and if you're still just hungry all the time, you might need to ask a doctor.

    However, I'd look at what you are and are not eating first... and what you're drinking and if you're sleeping enough. Usually one of those can make you feel hungry sooner than you would otherwise.
  • Katie_Y89
    Katie_Y89 Posts: 330 Member
    Do you eat three balanced meals a day and 2 small snacks? That can really help. I know how it is, when im at school or work i never eat and when i come home all bets are off! But if u try to eat balanced meals and small snacks itll help. Try more fiber too to keep u fuller longer and no eating infront of the tv because it destracts u and ppl tend to eat more. U can add me and ill gladly motivate u :) hope this helped
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    make sure you have enough healthy snacks throughout your workday. And maybe you can go work out when you get home...that might stave off any hunger as soon as you walk in the door. And drink lots of water, as that helps with hunger also.