two little cookies.....staring at me with their big brown ch

redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
This is only day 4 for me, but everyone's got to start somewhere right??

I found this website a few days ago, signed up and have been feeling really motivated. and then it happened. My husband brought a box of cookies into the room. Now these aren't just any cookies. These are cookies that he bought while we were on holidays from a place we will never likely have the opportunity to visit ever again. And they are delicious.

He left 2 cookies in the package for me on the coffee table.

Now I've been to a million different weight loss programs and they always preach NEVER have temptation food in your house EVER. You would be sabatoging yourself. So by their rules I should have yelled at my husband for being insensitive, then either coated the cookies in dishwashing soap, and thrown them out or flushed them down the toilet.

But I was reading a post the other day from another mfp member who's husband not only buys lots of junk food but eats it right in front of her on a regular basis. She doesn't do anything about that because she feels she needs to cope with temptation as part of her lifestyle change - not avoid it.

So this got me I really need to do anything about these cookies???
Afterall stores are going to continue to sell chips, cookies and pop. Restaurants are going to continue to sell french fries and gravey. They won't change.
I have.
So I spent the evening watching tv and surfing the net with those two cookies sitting on the coffee table staring at me.
I went about my business, and let them just sit there. Even though I was under calories enough that I could have eaten them, I decided ntot to. I let them stare at me.
I'm happy to report that I did nothing about those cookies. I let them sit there, uneaten in all their chocolate goodness.
And I feel good. :)


  • Jendf
    Jendf Posts: 36 Member
    wow great job, and amazing will power. I would have either eaten them or tossed them. Good on you and great attitude!!!
  • Thats GREAT...I would have ate them. I LOVE sweets lol
  • klmmoore
    klmmoore Posts: 98 Member
    That is great! I have the same problem. My daughters birthday was a couple of days ago, and we have extra cupcakes sitting here. Usually I would cave the moment I see them, but this time I was strong and realized I don't want it. So they are still there. I try not to get rid of all temptation in the house but I know my weaknesses so I avoid those. Just be strong, and maybe have half a cookie to get the taste and the craving out, then go for a nice walk. You don't have to punish yourself for trying to lose weight. Just remember moderation.
  • :flowerforyou: Yay! Will power ( and the thought process) such as your is an inspiration and something I need to read everyday! Great Job!!
  • Fiedems
    Fiedems Posts: 52 Member
    Good for you!! For me, when I got to the point where it's a deliberate choice of what I decide to eat. Either leaving the calories or making the decision to eat them, that is when my goal to loose weight became obtainable. I wasn't just "going with the flow" I was deciding and acting on those decisions.

    Great Willpower and Great motivation for someone else!!
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I'm on the side of if you want it that bad and you have calories left for a whole one then break it in two and have half.. My weightloss journey has been full of temtation and if I can't bring my self to say NO I say yes and split it with a friend or whoever is with me.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    feidems: that's a really good point. thank you. :)
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    thanks everyone for your kind words. I know its a small thing. but ultimately I think taking weight off comes down to tons of small choices not one big decision.
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