Anyone Doing Turbo Fire?

asyluma Posts: 65 Member
Hi! I had gotten Turbo Fire almost 2 years ago and did it strong for about 6 weeks. Then I lost my work out buddy and kind of just dwindled out myself. Last Tuesday, I decided to get my butt in gear and am starting my path to weight-loss again doing the Turbo Fire. It's hard to determine true calories lost since I don't have a calorie counter or anything like that. I try to use MFP's database as close as possible on what kind of exercises I've been doing like the High Impact aerobics or the stretching yoga. Today was a Tone 30 where it used resistance bands for arms and legs strength training which is the database option I used on MFP. I guess what I really want to know is the calories that MFP calculates for the stretching yoga come out pretty close to the strength training when it seems like the strength training would be more. Any suggestions on a better way to figure out calories without getting some kind of monitor. (Tight budget) Also, it'd be cool to know if anyone else is doing TF. = )


  • sugaree1202
    sugaree1202 Posts: 184 Member

    I'm in week 4 of TurboFire - I'm loving the classes & results I'm seeing. Prior to getting an HRM, I used's calculator for conditioning exercises by class to get an estimate of what I burn but they require logging in now so I can't post a link. When I got my HRM ($15 for an HRM that retails for $80 here: ) I found those numbers were very low. Kickboxing is the most accurate exercise in the MFP database but an HRM is the only way to get a true count. I burn about 100 calories during Stretch 10. Message me if you need any help!
  • asyluma
    asyluma Posts: 65 Member
    I just got done with Fire 45 EZ Class. WHOOOO kicked my butt lol. But I feel really good right now and I think this is the first time since I've used TF that I felt that extra boost of energy literally pulse through my muscles in the last 10-15 min of the class. You know you gave it your all when you are drenched in sweat!! It makes me feel so good right now knowing that the last time I quit working out, I used losing my workout buddy as de-motivation. Now I'm doing this 100% on my own and I don't know why I ever stopped! = )
  • sugaree1202
    sugaree1202 Posts: 184 Member
    Right on! I did HIIT 20 & Sculpt 30 today and burned 710 calories between both classes! Sculpt 30 kicked my butt - my arms are sooooo sore from all the bicep work! Do you keep in touch with your coaxh on A lot of them run challenge grouos that can get you in touch with other women doing TF. The groups help me stay motivated and accountable on the days I don't feel like working out. If your coach isn't active or you want a different on, there are a lot of coaches that do TF on the TF forum that are genuinely interested in helping people. I know a lot just want to sell you Shakeology but there are good ones!

    Keep it up!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I was reading on line that Turbo Fire has now a low impact (no jumps) HIIT DVD, and also another one called Abs Ignited, I am interested in these workouts; they seem very a effective low impact HIIT for what I saw in YouTube.

    I don't want to depend or be attached to an on-line coach, so I was wondering if any of you ladies have done TB on your own. Thank you for your reply.
  • asyluma
    asyluma Posts: 65 Member
    I'm doing it independently right now but a beach body coach actually approached me through MFP yesterday. I'm content with doing it alone for now but if I feel myself starting to slack, I might reach out in the future. =)
  • lokecheer
    lokecheer Posts: 43 Member
    I just got my turbofire in the Mail!!!! thinking of starting it Wednesday ...
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I'm doing it independently right now but a beach body coach actually approached me through MFP yesterday. I'm content with doing it alone for now but if I feel myself starting to slack, I might reach out in the future. =)

    Thank you!!
  • I am starting it pretty soon! In fact, in like...10 minutes or so! LOL! Add me if you want a TF buddy!
  • sugaree1202
    sugaree1202 Posts: 184 Member
    I was reading on line that Turbo Fire has now a low impact (no jumps) HIIT DVD, and also another one called Abs Ignited, I am interested in these workouts; they seem very a effective low impact HIIT for what I saw in YouTube.

    I don't want to depend or be attached to an on-line coach, so I was wondering if any of you ladies have done TB on your own. Thank you for your reply.

    I haven't heard about the new classes- I'm definitely going to check them out!

    I'm in week 4 of TurboFire and while I stay in touch with my coach, I'm not dependent on or attached to her. She's more like a workout buddy that is further along in the process of healthy living. A lot of the coaches are interested in health & fitness and stay up-to-date on the latest info so they can offer more than a normal workout buddy. I find my coach is especially helpful with nutrition info and helping adjust my calories intake & maco proportions. You don't have to have or use a coach to use or do any of the workout programs. Doing TF is like doing any workout program or routine - it's really up to you what you want to put into it.
  • I am in my second week of turbo fire and would love it if anyone wants to friend me just to encourage each other :)
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I was reading on line that Turbo Fire has now a low impact (no jumps) HIIT DVD, and also another one called Abs Ignited, I am interested in these workouts; they seem very a effective low impact HIIT for what I saw in YouTube.

    I don't want to depend or be attached to an on-line coach, so I was wondering if any of you ladies have done TB on your own. Thank you for your reply.

    I haven't heard about the new classes- I'm definitely going to check them out!

    I'm in week 4 of TurboFire and while I stay in touch with my coach, I'm not dependent on or attached to her. She's more like a workout buddy that is further along in the process of healthy living. A lot of the coaches are interested in health & fitness and stay up-to-date on the latest info so they can offer more than a normal workout buddy. I find my coach is especially helpful with nutrition info and helping adjust my calories intake & maco proportions. You don't have to have or use a coach to use or do any of the workout programs. Doing TF is like doing any workout program or routine - it's really up to you what you want to put into it.

    Thank you for the info!
  • arp26
    arp26 Posts: 3
    Hi I am just getting back at this on Sun I think... I am also doing a hybrid version with the cardio and the toning...
  • arp26
    arp26 Posts: 3
    Hi I am just getting back at this on Sun I think... I am also doing a hybrid version with the cardio and the toning...