breastfeeding and weight lose..........

I have a question for other mothers who are breastfeeding and trying to lose weight. It seems when I add on the extra 500 cals that you need for breastfeeding, I don't lose any weight. I cut down my calories to what I ate to lose weight in the past before I was a mother and that seemed to work but then I have less milk. I was wondering what experience other mothers had with this and if they had to same problem?


  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Breastfeeding is tricky for weight loss. I never lose weight while nursing, but it comes off extra fast after I quit. I know some people who lose weight quickly while nursing. I envyed them. I would suggest that you eat the calories that maintain your milk supply. Make sure your calories are healthy ones--whole grains, fruits, vegies--and remember that it will all work out. The most important thing is to make sure your baby gets the nutrients that it needs. Your weight will work itself out after that.
  • caseynjason
    caseynjason Posts: 96 Member
    Congrats on the breastfeeding. I too got back on here while bf to try to lose wieght, but ran into the same problem as you! I would not lose with the extra 500, but would get less milk if I lowered it enough to lose. Sadly, I ended up having to wait until I was done breastfeeding (baby was 6 mo, I can't make it further than that!). I have had 5 babies, breastfed them all, and could NEVER lose wieght while doing so. I know, I know, everyone else loses wieght while bf by just sitting still, but I never have!

    Do what your baby needs first, and try to eat your cals with good choices with a few treats here and there. I know the pain of not beign able to lose that wieght when you want to, but sometimes that is the sacrifice of being a mommy! But sooner than you think, you will be done, and ready to lose that wieght. Until then, enjoy the breastfeeding times and know that you are a wonderful mommy nourishing her baby.
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    I agree with everyone, you should continue to eat the extra calories so that you can maintain your supply of milk. If you continue to exercise you will at least tone up even if you aren't losing weight. I have been told that the last few pounds I have will come off once I stop breastfeeding, I hope that is true! Good luck to you!
  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
    im currently bf my 3 month old son and trying to lose weight. my calorie intake was at 1430 to lose weight, then i would add in 500 cuz of bf. i was losing 2lbs a week doing this but then i saw my doctor and he told me that i should be consuming at least 2000 to 2500 a day! He told me that if i dont consume enough cals, my body will not have certain nutrients for ME...and i may not see the effects now but i will once im older (osteoporosis etc) That scared me so now i add in 600 cals...i have been staying the same weight for about 3 weeks now...very frustrating so i feel your pain! On the PLUS side, im wayyy thinner than i was after i had my daughter :D
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    im currently bf my 3 month old son and trying to lose weight. my calorie intake was at 1430 to lose weight, then i would add in 500 cuz of bf. i was losing 2lbs a week doing this but then i saw my doctor and he told me that i should be consuming at least 2000 to 2500 a day! He told me that if i dont consume enough cals, my body will not have certain nutrients for ME...and i may not see the effects now but i will once im older (osteoporosis etc) That scared me so now i add in 600 cals...i have been staying the same weight for about 3 weeks now...very frustrating so i feel your pain! On the PLUS side, im wayyy thinner than i was after i had my daughter :D

    So I lost the baby weight (lost an average of 1 lb per week for the duration of the 20 lbs. while adding 300 extra cals and then slowly upped it to 600 cals as my son drank more) but reading this scares me! YIKES! Hoping I didn't do any damage....I'm going to have to make sure I take my calcium supplements now.
  • mocosa74
    mocosa74 Posts: 42
    I am beginning to think that is what is going on with me!! Been on MFP for at least a month now and still playing with the same 5 lbs!! I guess I wont mind so much now that I know this could be normal.....=)
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    I just joined the site but am in the same boat. It told me I should only be eating 1200 calories before I figured out how to add in breastfeeding, which brought me to 1600. Even in just two days my milk supply has dropped drastically eating only 1500 calories or so. Make sure to eat enough to keep your milk up, and remember to drink plenty of water. It's frustrating for sure. Good luck
  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm sorry you're going through this! I'm currently exclusively breastfeedin my 8 month old, and I personally haven't seen a drop in production of milk. The only way you *really* know if your supply has lowered is if your baby is having less than 6 to 8 wet/messy diapers every day. I personally have never gone by the extra 500 cals per day while breastfeeding, and I've breastfed all of my kids for at least a year. I hope this info helped you!
  • luvHim
    luvHim Posts: 35 Member
    I personally need 1800-1900 calories to make enough milk for my baby.......he's 7 months and on solids now, so a few days of 1700 doesn't hurt. This has had me dropping weight just in the last month.

    Next time, I'm going to start out with 2000-2200cals, then once they are on solids, reduce it to 1700-1900. This would have reduced alot of stress if I had done it this time what with the reduced milk supply and all. But we learn as we go!

    I've read that most times when people have trouble losing weight while is because they are actually not eating enough. This was from