Anyone on the toneitup plan?

I was considering purchasing it, but i wanted to know if its really worth it. Does it help you with loosing weight? Or is it just about healthy lifestyle? What does it consist of?


  • eamestwin123
    eamestwin123 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not so sure about that plan but from my experience plans like that don't have a ton of flexibility and can be difficult/expensive to follow. I'm loosely following the 30 day Women's Health meal plan and it's helping. Given I am working out for a minimum of 30 mins a day, 5 days a week. Check it out and it's FREE!

    good luck with your goals!
  • MK608
    MK608 Posts: 47 Member
    I am!! Are you a part of the community as well? I absolutely love it because it's not really a diet at all. It teaches you about nutrition, how it effects your body at different times in the day, etc. I've been a part of the amazing community for about 6 months now and on the nutrition plan for only about 6 weeks (I've lost 12 lbs overall, though my ticker below is just since I started tracking on MFP). I reallllly recommend it!!! If you do join (or if you're already in the community), find me on Twitter!
  • anazombee
    anazombee Posts: 31
    If you are talking about the Karen and Katrina tone it up. Don't waste your money. They have everything you need on Facebook and you tube for free. You can also sign up for their daily/monthly subscription which sends you informative emails and links for free. It is a great plan, their workouts are intermediate to advance though so stay focused and dedicated you will get through them but go at your best pace =) Good Luck!!!!
    The facebook and subscription (email) is nutrition and health advice with the occasional print out of workouts and workout calenders the youtube videos are workouts and blogs. they do have an excellent program!