Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred :O


I'm Chelsie,

I weigh 156 and I'm beyond tired of being over weight.

This video sounds promising, and Jillian is RIPPED.

Anyone tried it with success? Opinions please ^_^


  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    I gained weight while I was doing it, but got more toned and lost a few inches! It's hard but I recommend it!
  • scrittenden
    scrittenden Posts: 79 Member
    I haven't tried it yet, but i ordered it yesterday so its on its way! I have read/seen nothing but good things about it, so its definitely worth a go!
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    I finished day 9 of level 2, and it kicks my *kitten* every day. If you search "30 day shred" and look for those with results, you can see some before and afters of people that it really worked for. I have lost weight and inches myself while doing it (though it is not all I do).
  • kookanddra
    kookanddra Posts: 92
    You can search MFP and see so many success stories about it. I have it and its amazing!! Good luck!! :happy:
  • Thanks guys ^_^ I think I'll mainly be using it to develop some muscle tone, I've heard muscle burns more calories.

    I'm thinking a separate video for cardio, but I haven't chosen one yet.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    two rounds, 15 lbs and 19 inches down do not lie :D
  • keri1388
    keri1388 Posts: 1 Member
    I found it to be a nice compliment to jogging - not much cardio to it, but the strength piece was killer! Good luck!!
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    I did it back in January/February and I had great results! I lost several inches in my waist (3 in.), hips (4 in.). thighs (3 in.) and I lost 5.4 pounds. Plus, I went from a size 10 to a size 8! Since then, I have been doing her "Ripped in 30" and "Extreme Shed and Shred" and doing the "30 Day Shred" again and I've gone done to a size 4/6! In short, Jillian Micheals is amazing! :smile:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I had great success with it. Not a lot of lbs lost, but lost inches and look much better.

    This website has a bunch of people's results compiled: http://www.30dsresults.com/index.php
  • Question for you all out there. Probably stupid question but here it goes. It is called 30 day shred...does that mean 30 days straight of doing it or do you take rest days? Thanks in advance.
  • CajunTexan33
    CajunTexan33 Posts: 76 Member
    I really loved the BEach Body videos for my cardio. They had a 20 minute high intensity burn that always was a ton of fun and usually lead to me wanting to do it again! She also has a great workout that I believe was 40 minutes that did a lot of combo moves (lunges with bicep curls, etc) and I was able to really change up my body quickly! I have problems with my joints and my shoulders are really bothering me right now- so I stick to the Butt Bible- its amazing for your legs and behind! And you are correct- lean muscle helps your body burn calories all day long! Just be sure to add some healthy calories/fats to your diet if you need it, I find I have to eat more frequently as I am constantly burning!!
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    loved it. I finished the 30 days but i still do it. i gained weight but i am so much stronger.
  • ZombieBubbles
    ZombieBubbles Posts: 110 Member
    Hey Chelsie I'm in phase 1 on day 5. I like it a lot. Its hard but worth it. I'm not sure if i've lost any thing yet bc had my roommate take my scale from me. Everyone says I look smaller. I'm about to do a cardio dvd with it as well. Im also doing a blog as I go. Feel free to add me if you want someone to do it with you and help motivate you.
  • shells2963
    shells2963 Posts: 35 Member
    No More Trouble Zones is a good all around workout and a lot less taxing on the joints because you don't do the same exercise for the extended time you don in 30 day shred. It is what really kick started my weight loss a year ago.
  • I read that you take rest days, and I certainly hope its true o_o
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    <<< Tried it, loved it :) I have 30DS to thank for my guns :)

    check out www.30dsresults.com for some motivational pics of mfp users who have gone through her 30DS workout :)
  • luulu1999
    luulu1999 Posts: 119
    Question for you all out there. Probably stupid question but here it goes. It is called 30 day shred...does that mean 30 days straight of doing it or do you take rest days? Thanks in advance.

    I don't believe you have to do it in 30 days, it just has 3 levels and each level you are suppose to do for 10 days but I have heard of people that took breaks in between and still seen results.....I did it one day and couldn't walk for the next two so Im trying to convince myself to go back to it lol
  • I feel so excited about it now!!
  • <<< Tried it, loved it :) I have 30DS to thank for my guns :)

    check out www.30dsresults.com for some motivational pics of mfp users who have gone through her 30DS workout :)

    Your guns are truly inspiring! :drinker:
  • BethanBee86
    BethanBee86 Posts: 71 Member
    I tried the first one today and due to me being unfit and expecting it to be easier I quit half way though but I will be starting properly tomorrow :) I found all the levels on youtube . Good luck