Questions about Insanity Weight Loss

So I started Insanity on 6/10/2013 and I am on my 9th day, I love the program so far and it is very hard but I am making it through. In 9 days I haven't yet seen the scale change and this alone can be discouraging, but I made a commitment to complete the program and I plan on doing just that. My goal with this program is to drop 25 lbs and I am hoping that this goal comes to past.

Does anyone else have trouble with seeing the scale change with this program? I know that the scale shouldn't matter but it does to me due to I know what I should weight.

Another thing is that while I do the program my legs from the calf down burn so bad that I have to take small breaks in between and my legs are already very strong and it seems that nobody else is going through the same problem and I am doing the workout with the correct form, but man oh man they burn to no point.

Do you know of anything that I could change or do to see more weight loss and also with the extreme burning of my legs??

I have noticed that this program is all about the lower body and not to much for the upper body, and with Shaun T's Rockin Body it has a lot of upper body movement. I am considering also doing Rockin Body 2 to 3 times a week while doing Insanity just to get added upper body workout. Is this a good idea or not? because my lower body is already showing a lot of improvement but my upper body isn't and I feel that I am getting out of proportion. I am trying to melt the fat off my whole body evenly. HELP!

Thank you ~Angela


  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    Yep, I had the same issue. Except, I didn't stay the same weight, I had gained weight instead lol. Granted, I only went through 6 weeks of the Insanity program but in those 6 weeks I went up 6 pounds on the scale. I know it is discouraging. I stopped the program and now do P90X & Insanity hybrid, therefore I am getting my strength training in as well as my cardio in. I had the same worries as you, about not wanting to be disproportionate. You may want to look online for a hybrid of Insanity and the other program you had mentioned....However, I do not think doing Insanity and THEN the other program in the same day is a good idea. You may be overworking your body that way.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I don't do Insanity 6 days a week like the program says, more like 3 and run. I have only lost 4 pounds but over 10 inches. Insanity is cardio with some minor body weight exercises. 9 days is not enough time to make an informed decision about the program. Once you get into month two, the upper body gets incorporated a lot more. You really need to give it time. It's only been a week and a half....
  • Kassidi21
    Kassidi21 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm doing Insanity right now and was going to try Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack at the same time... It's only day three and I am way more wiped than I should be. So doing two programs at once is not a good idea! But I did decide that (since we have a bowflex, but small weights would work too!) 3 times a week just Monday, Wed., Fri. I would do arms and a little lifting as well. It helps so you can do the Insanity program, but also to target specific areas at the same time. On Tuesday/Thursdays my boyfriend and I are going on bike rides! So good for your legs (and a bit of extra cardio!) because I'm trying to get rid of my thunder thighs! Haha =) Best of luck to you and I hope some of this has been at least a little helpful!
  • baristagirl7
    baristagirl7 Posts: 69 Member
    You should lose some Inches for sure! I am doing the Turbo Fire! Which is awesome. I have also heard a ton of good things about Les Mils Pump. That helps with boosting your metabolizom. But I would recommend a highbrid program so you're getting cardio and weights. That is the best way to stay fit. Combine both and eat healthy whole foods:)

    Add me:)
  • ChampagneK0711
    ChampagneK0711 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started on week 3 of Insanity and I have to say that I am really struggling, my legs constantly burn but I can feel how much stronger and more solid they are getting and I am very tired. I was getting very discouraged because my scale hasn't changed at all and on some days it is higher than when I started. What helped me was that my best friend went out of town for 2 weeks right as I started insanity, her jaw nearly hit the floor when she came back and saw me, she said she couldn't believe how much trimmer I looked in only two weeks (and I hadn't lost any weight!) I have heard from multiple people that the first month is to condition your body in order to push it to the limit in the second month, which is where a lot more upper body is incorporated and where the real results come from. Two months is a very short period of time to transform your body so don't get discouraged just a few days into it.

    I actually have one question as well, because there is so much cardio and since all of insanity is done with your own body weight, obviously your lower body is going to get majorly worked. Is anyone else having issues with their legs feeling like jello constantly? I actually find that the breaks I take during the workouts aren't because I'm tired or I can't breath, it's because my legs are burning too much to keep going and sometimes they just stop working. I make sure I consume plenty of protein and I drink lots of water to keep myself hydrated. Is there anything else I can do to help my legs recover more so that I'm not constantly "feeling the burn"? Walking up stairs to my office is even difficult in the mornings.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I am trying to melt the fat off my whole body evenly. HELP!

    You can try to burn fat evenly over your body but unfortunately your body will decide where to burn fat from first. Doing upper body exercises won't burn fat specifically from your upper body.

    As far as "adding" to Insanity, that's just asking for injuries. If you want to do more I would suggest a Hybrid instead of double programs up.

    25 pounds is a lot to want to lose in 63 days in my opinion. the weight you lose doing Insanity IS NOT going to reflect on the scale the same way it does in your measurements. I would rather lose 13 pounds and have it look like 30 than lose 25 and have it look like 5. Might I suggest the following as your new "scale"

    Ask yourself

    1 - Do I feel fitter/stronger?
    2 - Are my clothes fitting looser/better?

    If your answers are yes then you are achieving your goal. Some arbitrary number is likely going to not make you happy and the ONLY person who sees that number regularly is YOU.
  • NoelleS85
    NoelleS85 Posts: 89
    It will be different for everybody, but I "only" lost about 6.5 lbs during Insanity. I did however increase my overall health and endurance - which is a GREAT victory in itself. I find that adding in weights again helps - lost 5 lbs in 1.5 weeks. I now do 3x a week weights, 2x a week Insanity and once yoga.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    Yep, I had the same issue. Except, I didn't stay the same weight, I had gained weight instead lol. Granted, I only went through 6 weeks of the Insanity program but in those 6 weeks I went up 6 pounds on the scale. I know it is discouraging. I stopped the program and now do P90X & Insanity hybrid, therefore I am getting my strength training in as well as my cardio in. I had the same worries as you, about not wanting to be disproportionate. You may want to look online for a hybrid of Insanity and the other program you had mentioned....However, I do not think doing Insanity and THEN the other program in the same day is a good idea. You may be overworking your body that way.
    Thank you I thought I was alone in this! :)
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I don't do Insanity 6 days a week like the program says, more like 3 and run. I have only lost 4 pounds but over 10 inches. Insanity is cardio with some minor body weight exercises. 9 days is not enough time to make an informed decision about the program. Once you get into month two, the upper body gets incorporated a lot more. You really need to give it time. It's only been a week and a half....
    I do plan on completing the whole program, I don't want to stop something I have started. Thank you
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I'm doing Insanity right now and was going to try Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack at the same time... It's only day three and I am way more wiped than I should be. So doing two programs at once is not a good idea! But I did decide that (since we have a bowflex, but small weights would work too!) 3 times a week just Monday, Wed., Fri. I would do arms and a little lifting as well. It helps so you can do the Insanity program, but also to target specific areas at the same time. On Tuesday/Thursdays my boyfriend and I are going on bike rides! So good for your legs (and a bit of extra cardio!) because I'm trying to get rid of my thunder thighs! Haha =) Best of luck to you and I hope some of this has been at least a little helpful!
    Thank you, I am trying to stay away from the weights at this point only because I already have a lot of muscle mass. I was a pro boxer and I still have the bulkiness in which I am trying to slim down. I think I need a lot more cardio, maybe I should run everyday on top of the program.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    You should lose some Inches for sure! I am doing the Turbo Fire! Which is awesome. I have also heard a ton of good things about Les Mils Pump. That helps with boosting your metabolizom. But I would recommend a highbrid program so you're getting cardio and weights. That is the best way to stay fit. Combine both and eat healthy whole foods:)

    Add me:)
    Thank you, the reason why I choose Insanity is because he is so popular and the program looked very good. I want to finish this program 1st b4 going on to the next. Looking to get toned and leaned.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I just started on week 3 of Insanity and I have to say that I am really struggling, my legs constantly burn but I can feel how much stronger and more solid they are getting and I am very tired. I was getting very discouraged because my scale hasn't changed at all and on some days it is higher than when I started. What helped me was that my best friend went out of town for 2 weeks right as I started insanity, her jaw nearly hit the floor when she came back and saw me, she said she couldn't believe how much trimmer I looked in only two weeks (and I hadn't lost any weight!) I have heard from multiple people that the first month is to condition your body in order to push it to the limit in the second month, which is where a lot more upper body is incorporated and where the real results come from. Two months is a very short period of time to transform your body so don't get discouraged just a few days into it.

    I actually have one question as well, because there is so much cardio and since all of insanity is done with your own body weight, obviously your lower body is going to get majorly worked. Is anyone else having issues with their legs feeling like jello constantly? I actually find that the breaks I take during the workouts aren't because I'm tired or I can't breath, it's because my legs are burning too much to keep going and sometimes they just stop working. I make sure I consume plenty of protein and I drink lots of water to keep myself hydrated. Is there anything else I can do to help my legs recover more so that I'm not constantly "feeling the burn"? Walking up stairs to my office is even difficult in the mornings.
    Thank you, I am going to complete this program, just because I am committed! And I love Shaun T he is a great coach. I enjoy working out with him. But as for the legs burning I am really struggling with this too. I am going through the same thing with breaks. My legs have always been extremely fit with a lot of muscle, and now they are so solid the they don't move anymore. I am surprised that I don't have a charlie horses! lol I am not sure what to do about my legs burning so much. I have come to realize if I have to stop and break for 30 seconds then oh well. I am hoping that I will see the results I am looking for at the end and that keeps me going. Good luck on your program and wish you much success!
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I am trying to melt the fat off my whole body evenly. HELP!

    You can try to burn fat evenly over your body but unfortunately your body will decide where to burn fat from first. Doing upper body exercises won't burn fat specifically from your upper body.

    As far as "adding" to Insanity, that's just asking for injuries. If you want to do more I would suggest a Hybrid instead of double programs up.

    25 pounds is a lot to want to lose in 63 days in my opinion. the weight you lose doing Insanity IS NOT going to reflect on the scale the same way it does in your measurements. I would rather lose 13 pounds and have it look like 30 than lose 25 and have it look like 5. Might I suggest the following as your new "scale"

    Ask yourself

    1 - Do I feel fitter/stronger?
    2 - Are my clothes fitting looser/better?

    If your answers are yes then you are achieving your goal. Some arbitrary number is likely going to not make you happy and the ONLY person who sees that number regularly is YOU.
    Thank you! And you are right with what you are saying. I am getting stronger everyday and my clothes are getting looser only in the pants but not my shirts size and that is my problem area. when I weight 178 lbs I know that this number needs to drop 25 lbs. at least. I am only 5'6 and I do have a lot of muscle but my doctor says I need to be between 150 and 160 to be in a healthy state. He says that I am almost obese, but I really don't look it. I am not flabby or anything just carrying a lot in the tummy and upperbody areas in which I hate. But you are right. Thank you for your support
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    It will be different for everybody, but I "only" lost about 6.5 lbs during Insanity. I did however increase my overall health and endurance - which is a GREAT victory in itself. I find that adding in weights again helps - lost 5 lbs in 1.5 weeks. I now do 3x a week weights, 2x a week Insanity and once yoga.
    Thank you for responding, I do feel a lot stronger already and my endurance is getting much better. I am going to complete the program 1st then start up another one with it.
  • halesss3
    halesss3 Posts: 31
    I just started the recovery week of insanity and I have the same thing happen to me as well as my cousin who does it along with me. My legs sometimes give out to the point where I have to sit down and pause the video lol. But the next day If needed I take some advil and just keep busy to try to not focus on the uncomfortable soreness. I will say though that soreness pays off! Although the scale isn't budging I can see a change in the definition of my legs! Keep at it!
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I just started the recovery week of insanity and I have the same thing happen to me as well as my cousin who does it along with me. My legs sometimes give out to the point where I have to sit down and pause the video lol. But the next day If needed I take some advil and just keep busy to try to not focus on the uncomfortable soreness. I will say though that soreness pays off! Although the scale isn't budging I can see a change in the definition of my legs! Keep at it!
    Thank you for your response! To be honest my body in not getting sore anymore, maybe a very little, but my legs just burn, burn, burn only while I do the workouts and yes I do see a lot of definition in my legs, but they have always been strong and nice. TBH Just not sure if this burning will ever stop! :)
  • starmickey03
    starmickey03 Posts: 89 Member
    I am on my second round of Insanity and I can tell you that the program is definitely going to change your body. I can also tell you that being nine days into the program isnt going to show you any results. During my first round my weight loss was minimal. Only lost 5 lbs during the entire two months, and I was actually gaining weight during the first month. But inches were falling off. When doing a program like Insanity, its pointless to rely on the scale. Take pictures and measure yourself . Thats what will give you a true reflection.

    Also, your upper body is being worked. I know it seems like a lot of lower body because of all the jumping and the squats but dont forget about all the variations of push ups, the tricep dips, or the high knees and mountain climbers, or all the other exercises that work your core. I guarantee you that youll start seeing not only lower body, but upper body results as well.

    You gotta stick with it! You'll be glad you did. I had never completed an entire program before Insanity, but I committed myself to it because of a challenge group at work and I cant tell you how happy I am that I stuck with it. I couldnt help but to do a round two because I was so pleased with my round one results. :-)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I started Insanity on Sunday (so I completed day 4 today). I weigh in on Friday and will try to remember to post my results.

    My calf muscles are also burning like crazy. I know its from all of the jumping, but I was hoping it would get better by week 2....but, from what you're saying, it hasn't. Anyway, I will probably order lower leg compression sleeves tonight to help. I am also drinking over a gallon of water a day to help. The muscles need water for the recovery maybe increased water will help you out.

    I think the Insanity program is fact, it probably borders on over-working the muscles. I do not recommend adding another program on top of it. There is upper body work involved.
  • RedfishGuy
    RedfishGuy Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 8 weeks into my third round of Insanity. I haven't lost any weight, but it definitely changes my body. My clothes fit differently, and I have a level of cardio fitness that I can't get doing anything else.
  • I am on day 8 right now and don't worry, I am going through the same thing. my calfs down burn when I move and I haven't seena scale change. but don't worry because my friend who is only a few years older than me did the insanity workout also and she didn't see a scale change very soon, but her legs are burned, but she looks absolutely teriffic now. she lost a total of 30lbs!