The scale won't budge - need some help

I started MFP about 2.5 months ago and as much as it’s helped me to keep track of how I eat and calorie intake I have not seen any weight loss. I’m 5’2, 126 pounds and work out 3-5 times a week (kettle bell training, barre class, shred, biking, jump rope, calisthenics (moderate to vigorous effort). On average I burn from 600-1000 calories. I generally don’t eat back my workout calories and tend to stick to my 1200 per day. The exception is if I have had an intense workout, then I listen to my body and eat some more.

I’m at a plateau. How do I kick my body into fat burning mode. Would like to get down to 120 lbs in 4-6 weeks. Any ideas esp for someone that only has a few pounds to loose but can't would be appreciated! THANKS!


  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    You aren't eating enough to support all of that vigorous activity. Eat more, and you'll start to lose some of that fat.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Eat more.

  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    Eat more.

    tumblr_m55hhnL7wa1ro8qpo_zpsf0174650.gif \m/
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    So you're netting between 200-600 calories a day?! There's your problem! EAT!
  • michellechawner
    Agree, you're not eating nearly enough - i'm 127 pounds, 5'5 and eating 1450 a day (and I eat back exercise calories)...working up to 1800 to stay on maintenance.

    Eat. And eat a lot.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    You're burning a lot of calories that you aren't replacing. Your body needs those calories to function. Try eating back exercise calories for a month or two.
  • SteveStedge
    Wow you are an animal. You must be hungry all day! EAATT!! That and have you gotten your bodyfat tested? Often people think of "pounds" as how healthy you are, but bodyfat is the real number of concern. You may have very low bodyfat and the fact you cant lose weight is your body going into preservation/starvation mode.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I know it's hard to believe, but what everyone else is saying about eating more is absolutely spot on the truth. Your body won't LET you lose any more because it's hoarding it's precious calories to keep your body from failing. Happened to me, too. I was 130 pounds at 5'3". I started eating back all of my exercise calories and netting around 1300 calories a day (usually eating about 1600), and then the weight started to melt off.

    I'm now 109 and happy as a clam.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    I workout hard, but I believe in fueling my body so can meet my expectations.
    I eat about 1800- 2000 calories a day (Sometimes 2300-2500 If I am working out extra hard!)
    When I was eating 1200 calories a day I was weak and tired and my body clung to fat like it was a lifeline.
    As soon as I upped to 1600 I started losing weight and felt hungry again. I went up to 1800 and I have lowerd my body fat from 23 percent to 21 and still dropping. (Weight is staying the same but that's muscle...inches are leaving and jiggly spots are getting less and less...jiggly. :happy: )
    I am 5'9 and weigh 1335. Right now I am "bulking" Later I might try to cut and get down to 128, but not at the expense of my hard earned muscle!
  • katezx
    katezx Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, don't want to seem silly but I don't get the whole eating back calories burnt (whats the point in exercising if you going to eat calories back) - I've read through loads of forums re: this but I still don't get it! lol
    Please someone explain in simple form :p xxxxx
  • Pty109
    Pty109 Posts: 4
    Ok, so I need to increase my calories. got it. I'm going up to 1450 per day and more on the intense days.

    for the record I don't do all that excercise everyday! lol. just the stuff i tend to do throughout the week.

    thanks everyone for you input
  • SteveStedge
    Hi, don't want to seem silly but I don't get the whole eating back calories burnt (whats the point in exercising if you going to eat calories back) - I've read through loads of forums re: this but I still don't get it! lol
    Please someone explain in simple form :p xxxxx

    Well....lets say you need 2000 calories to keep your weight steady. You intake 1500 calories (500 calorie loss, about 1 lb a week loss) and you workout and burn 1000 calories. Now you've only (effectively) consumed 500 calories today and youre WAYY below your 1500 goal. Your body starts using your precious muscle for calories instead of fat, and you feel like and look like crap.

    Plus after you workout you need protein right away to build muscle.
  • AdamBrown1974
    I've been having a similar issue.

    I tend to eat 1250-1500 calories a day and exercise about 580 off via moderate cardio. I'm currently 193 lbs, looking to drop about 25 lbs.

    I've been doing this to a lesser or greater degree for a month and a half (I've only been doing MFP for a week) but I haven't been able to lose much. -_-

    The funny thing was, a couple of years ago, I lost about 50 lbs doing this same routine, and now no results.
  • vladamisa
    vladamisa Posts: 72 Member
    your one lucky girl if i was 126 pounds i would just try to stay there heck im 5'2 and i will be lucky to get that i understand you want to loose more, but be happy with what you got some of us will probably never get there. I hate to be a downer but one person dream body doesnt fit for another person... dont push yourself too hard and some of the weight may be stress weight. Good luck in getting to 120 ik you can do it you seem like a very strong person
  • KBreeding74
    Eating back the calories is true. But be health conscious. Don't go and eat a fast food meal. Have some fruit, veggies and grains. Replenishing the burned calories will help your body continue through the day. 8 glasses of water a day is for everyone. When you start exercising you need to increase your water intake as well.
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    i know most people have said to eat more, so i won't repeat. have you also been measuring yourself as well as weighing? you can put measurements on mfp, plus i added a load more like belly, upper arm, thigh etc.
    have you noticed any difference in clothes fitting?
  • katezx
    katezx Posts: 31 Member
    thank you I understand now!! :) xxxx
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Eating back the calories is true. But be health conscious. Don't go and eat a fast food meal. Have some fruit, veggies and grains. Replenishing the burned calories will help your body continue through the day. 8 glasses of water a day is for everyone. When you start exercising you need to increase your water intake as well.

    Yes. Eat nutritious, calorie-dense foods. That way you'll feel full and more energetic. I can attest to the fact that when you don't have a lot of weight to lose, you need to be careful about eating too little because you'll plateau.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Hi, don't want to seem silly but I don't get the whole eating back calories burnt (whats the point in exercising if you going to eat calories back) - I've read through loads of forums re: this but I still don't get it! lol
    Please someone explain in simple form :p xxxxx

    Well....lets say you need 2000 calories to keep your weight steady. You intake 1500 calories (500 calorie loss, about 1 lb a week loss) and you workout and burn 1000 calories. Now you've only (effectively) consumed 500 calories today and youre WAYY below your 1500 goal. Your body starts using your precious muscle for calories instead of fat, and you feel like and look like crap.

    Plus after you workout you need protein right away to build muscle.

    while i agree with a majority of this.. i don't believe the timing of protein makes a big enough difference to be too concerned with it.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Eat more to lose more. Simple.