Sore after Personal Training...?

I have consistently done cardio for the past 2 weeks. 30-60min either elliptical or elliptical and bike. I decided to add in Personal Training sessions after reading here that it will improve both my health and my weight loss success. I had my first session yesterday and boy am I feeling it today!!!!!!! I could barely lower myself to the toilet lol. My questions are 1.) Should I push myself and do my cardio today or rest? My sessions are Tue/Thur for the next 5 weeks and although I want to push myself I dont want to hurt myself. 2.) If I am sore tomorrow should I go through with my session or re-schedule? 3.) Would the dry heat sauna help with the soreness and if so should I utilize it directly after the session or on the off day when I am sore? I am excited to have begun this but man is it going to hurt for awhile lol.


  • Movement is good, but I recommend walking. A bath in epsom salts will help. Also check your protein levels. Once I started with my personal trainer I added protein and that helped with the soreness. However, the first few times, sore is normal.
  • LisaWixom
    LisaWixom Posts: 30 Member
    It is very likely that I need to increase my protein, Thanks...I look forward to it getting easier.
  • lurcstet
    lurcstet Posts: 77
    Rest , rest and more rest.... light movement is good but you need to rest. Your body needs to recover, eat well and clean, eat some good quality protein and drink plenty water.

    Also, might be worth throttling back on the cardio a bit. Get a good balance bewteen cardio, rest and your PT training.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Do your session. Maybe go lighter on cardio. But what it comes down to is you're going to be sore. THat means you did something. If you're not sore, you're not working hard enough.