I'm New to this Site

jbisme Posts: 16
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Jackie and I'm new to this site so I'm still getting familiar with how everything works. So far I like what I see. :blushing: :blushing:
I'm looking forward to seeing how much weight I can lose. Every little bit helps. I will take it a day at a time.

Good Luck TO ALL


  • nholdorf
    nholdorf Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Jackie,

    I new right there with you...

    Good luck to you as well.

  • Hey Jackie,

    Welcome! I joined a few days ago myself. I really like this site.

  • Hi There-
    I'm new too but I know this is the best place to succeed at losing weight. Just write in your food diary every day and you'll stay on track.

    Good luck!
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    i'm a newbie myself - welcome, you can do it :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • I'm also new to the site and have been having fun all evening playing with all of the neat features. I'm a 67 year old grandma (Grammy) and have put on the typical 5+ lbs for each decade. It's time to get it off. I started in May on a low carb./no sugar diet and have lost 16 lbs. The problem now is that i'm at a stand still. i haven't lost any for 3 weeks. I finally decided I should start getting some excise so I've joined a gym and I'm sure that will help. This site is great in helping me really track what I'm eating. I'm finding that I never eat the 1200 calories a day I'm suppose to it and I'm wondering, from reading some of the posts, that i'm not eating enough. Any thoughts?
  • jbisme
    jbisme Posts: 16
    Hi Nicole
    Hope all is going well for you today. I've had a good day so far. My problem is when I get home. I'm going to really have to keep busy so I won't think about what I can find to eat. It's been so hot I haven't really done any exercise and I know that's what I need to do. Oh well away with the excuses. I'll do better.

  • jbisme
    jbisme Posts: 16
    Welcome to the site also. We've made a great start and you're already doing a good work. Keep it up and before you know it you won't recognize yourself.

    Have a great day
  • jbisme
    jbisme Posts: 16
    Hi Connie and welcome aboard. Let's look forward to having great success.

    Have a Great Day
  • meamore
    meamore Posts: 10
    hi Jackie. I'm new also to MFP!! Good luck to you. I'm 11 days in & LOVING IT!!
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