Who eats the same thing every day?



  • DCruz83
    DCruz83 Posts: 99
    I do, at least for breakfast. I could probably log it for a whole week, I always eat cereal and only open one box at a time, so basically I'll eat the one flavour until the box is done and believe me, it lasts a while when you eat it properly following servings! With orange juice and perhaps a banana if I have some. As for the rest of the day, no, I always vary around depending on how hungry I am or how much I workout.
  • justamyagain
    justamyagain Posts: 154 Member
    I find that I do better and am more likely to stay to my calories if I eat the same things
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I do for breakfast and for snacks, lunch and dinner is usually 5 or 6 meals on regular rotation. Just easier to track and I don't have to give much thought about what to eat and I can pre-log easier. Weekends are a little more loose.
  • I eat the same thing pretty much every week, but switch them out daily.

    Some people need variety, me not so much. I also like knowing what I'm eating without putting to much thought into it. I work in an office so its easy to have food stored in case of emergencies.
  • shannonerdelyi
    shannonerdelyi Posts: 21 Member
    I try to make something I've never had before at least once a week. If it's good, I add it to my regular regime. I'm starting to build quite the recipe arsenal!
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    During the week, I'll generally eat the same TYPES of things during the day - coffee for breakfast, early morning snack is a serving of nuts and a serving of fruit, lunch is a salad with chicken, pm snack is a serving of cut veggies with some kind of dip/spread and a serving of cheese, plus in there I usually have my one piece of Ghiradelli chocolate. Occasionally I'll change it up if I run out of something or don't have time to pack something or we have a lot of leftovers or something different to use up, but I'd say that's my template 90% of the time. What I change up in order to have variety is the specific foods I eat within that structure. Sometimes wasabi almonds other times honey sesame cashews, for example. Fruits and veggies change with the season and what's on sale. Salad toppings/dressings are different most days. Makes it easy to know that I'll come to the same general spot on my macros before dinner, and makes it easy to pack my food quickly in the morning without a lot of thought to get it balanced. Dinners and weekends change constantly, since I'm with my husband and kids.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Most of the time I do. My breakfast is usually a greek yogurt. Lunch is chicken breast and tomatoes and afternoon snack is a protein shake. Dinners are less predictable, but it's usually salmon, or spaghetti squash with ground turkey. I also have veggies on the side.

    I don't want to have to think about food too much and this consistency makes it easier.
  • andijean31
    andijean31 Posts: 139 Member
    I do for breakfast and for snacks, lunch and dinner is usually 5 or 6 meals on regular rotation. Just easier to track and I don't have to give much thought about what to eat and I can pre-log easier. Weekends are a little more loose.

    I'm the same! I always have a protein shake for breakfast, greek yogurt and string cheese for snacks, but I rotate lunch and dinner.
  • oskybosky4
    oskybosky4 Posts: 62
    Me too. More or less. I change the breakfast from crispbreads, cheese & grapes to cereal every now and again. Similar sort of lunches, salad or crispbreads or something on toast. evening meal different every day but more or less the meals each week. Snacks ditto. Very easy, know what I am getting from supermarket and don't really get bored. Have 2 takeaway meals a week or go out to eat.
    I can see why some people might find a problem with the same foods each week but for me it works fine.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Same breakfast, usually.

    3 cups spinach cooked down in some butter with 2 whipped eggs and cream and some cheese to make a spinach omelet.

    Sometimes bacon.
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i do. i do. every morning....cheerios, banana and milk. lunch....salad with a can of tuna. dinner....grilled veggies and garbanzo beans. my snacks vary but not by much. that's monday-most of friday. friday night i am with my bf and we tend to go out to eat. the weekends are different because i don't focus on what i'm eating as much so i can't plan like i do during the week. feel free to check out my diary....pretty sure it's public. if not add me and you can see it.
  • Fredderfy
    Fredderfy Posts: 30 Member
    Generally for a weekday breakfast I will have 45g of Malt Wheats with 100ml of whole milk (baby in the house, that's why we don't have semi skimmed). Weekends I might have beans/hoops on toast.

    For lunch I try to stick to the same thing. Usually I will either have a ham pitta bread (sometimes 2) and I pick and choose from the following:

    - Cheese oatcakes
    - Yeo Valley strawberry yoghurt pot
    - Tangarine
    - Go ahead chocolate thins
    - Special K biscuit moments

    And for tea we usually have a variety of things.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    i usually will eat the same thing for about 5 days in a row or so and then switch it up. lately i havent been doing that, but that is my habit.
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    Yes, I just find it easier. Plus, I'm a picky eater.

    Things I eat every day:
    Breakfast sandwich from Kellogs, ham and egg flatbread
    Raw snap peas, carrots, cherry tomatoes
    A small amount of dark chocolate

    Things I eat most days:
    sweet potato
    strawberries, apples, peaches, pineapple (I vary these a bit, but I have at least two of these every day)
    broccoli or brussel sprouts (eating both every day causes some serious bloating issues for me, so I switch off)
    scrambled eggs (usually for dinner)

    Lunch is usually kale/spinach salad with shrimp, or chicken breasts with flavoring, or a turkey patty (no bun)
    Dinner probably 4 nights a week is scrambled eggs with one piece of toast
    Breakfast on weekends is usually scrambled eggs, weekdays is always the sandwich

    I just find it easier to stay on track if I make the same things. Before I was on a mission to eat healthier, I also ate the same things every day (only instead of fruit, veggies, eggs, turkey, shrimp and chicken, it was cereal, weight watchers meals, crackers, granola bars, sandwiches, and fruit). I'm a creature of habit I guess.
  • LilithNoor
    LilithNoor Posts: 42
    Workday meals are pretty samey for me - cereal (special K, shreddies, bran flakes etc) with skimmed milk, carrot and hummus or popcorn at 11, fruit to graze on, then a box of protein, grains and veg for lunch (eg chicken, spelt and green salad), and a yoghurt in the afternoon. Having a set routine keeps me away from the canteen and the vending machine.

    I love to cook, so I mix it up for weekday dinners and weekend meals. Anything goes, so long as it fits my daily allowance. Tonight was jerk pork, wholegrain rice and roast veg (and a cheeky mini cheesecake).

    Eating good food is something I really enjoy, and so far this balance seems to be working for me.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I eat the same meals most days of the week. It's easier for me to plan and the results are predictable. I have been deviating a more lately, but I went about 18 months with the same thing day in and day out with only a couple exceptions (holidays etc).
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I have had the same lunch every day for five months. It consists of an egg on a wheat English muffin with a tbsp of cream cheese, a greek yogurt and a piece of fruit, usually a gala apple. I find this lunch has just the right amounts of fat and protein to keep me full until dinner. Why change what works! I dont eat breakfast. Dinner is always something different since I cook for my family and I rotate my evening snack. I take a multi vitamin to cover anything I am missing from the lack of variety.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    You'll find staple food items and use them frequently I think... pretty much everyone does.

    I usually eat two eggs for breakfest, sometimes I mix it up by adding an ounce of ham or bacon bits or a bit of butter or cheese or whatever.

    I usually eat a protein bar sometime during the day as well... just laziness there. 200-250 cals, tastes ok, dont have to cook, etc.

    etc... dinner is my big 'mixup' meal of the day, it tends to be fairly different fairly frequently.
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    I usually do because I cook in bulk. If I didnt plan something a day before hand I dont eat it...
  • lenatilde
    lenatilde Posts: 18
    At the moment I'm eating pretty much the same thing, twice a day:
    Miso paste
    Boiling water
    Half a packet of udon noodles
    Bok choy
    Fresh ginger root
    Mung bean sprouts
    Tofu, or white fish finely sliced (poached in the broth).

    I have a constant pot of genmai cha on the go, too. I have some sort of weird gastro thing going on and this is all I can handle... But it's so delicious I don't mind - and my husband is eating it for dinner, too, but just adds chilli etc to make it more exciting for him :)