It's got to start NOW!

cmcbee90 Posts: 10 Member
I'm 23 years old. Married, part-time student, full-time job. I've gained quite a bit of weight over the last 5 years (probably about 80 lbs). I never thought I would weigh close to 250, it's crazy. I never even saw it happening. My husband recently brought it up and now I can't stand myself. I'm disgusting. I've got to change.

With that being said, I downloaded this app two days ago and have been using it non-stop. It's so easy to track what I've eaten and helps me account for how many calories I've burned with exercise. My schedule is non-traditional. I work 2pm-10pm and eat "lunch" at work at 6. The good thing is I'm in charge of cooking dinner at work and the meals have to be dietician approved, so I'm getting one balanced meal per day at my "lunchtime". My first change is to make this "lunch" my dinner so that I'm not eating late at night and right before bed. My second change is to wake up earlier so that I can get in a 30 - 45 minute walk with my dogs in the morning. Going from very very little activity to daily walks should help lose some weight. I'm hoping over time and after losing a little weight I can begin jogging (right now I feel too heavy to jog, I try but can only make it about 30 seconds before I need to stop). I'm also cutting down on calories. Thanks to the app I've figured out that I want to shoot for around 1500 calories a day. So far (the last 2 days) I've stayed between 1200-1300 and not felt hungry, which I'm happy about. I'm not necessarily cutting out all my favorite foods, but I'm cutting down to one soda per week and one "treat" per week. I'm making healthier choices with the foods I eat, but I'm not going to change everything at once, that will lead to failure. I'm going to try very hard to stick to correct portions and give myself healthy snacks throughout the day so I'm not hungry.

Ok, sorry if I've bored you all, but I'm REALLY trying to make this happen for myself this time. I've let myself go too far and I have to change it now. If you've read this far, thank you! If you have any suggestions to help out my particular circumstances, I'm all ears.


  • Hey! Well done you for making the change!!
    in 26, engaged, two babies and work part time. Try to fit gym and healthy eating in but now its case of NEED to do it. Lost 1and a half stone a few months back but i hammered the gym and diet so think i crashed and burned! And what do u know, put on 8lb! So i started using this app properly a few days ago, and am at my second week in. Hoping to find motivational people along the way! We can do it!!!

    ps. Friend request sent ????
  • cmcbee90
    cmcbee90 Posts: 10 Member
    This app is so easy and makes weightloss seem attainable. It puts everything into an equation. "If I eat this many calories, I need to work out for this many minutes". That is something that gives me hope. It's just numbers. Keep putting in those positive numbers and staying at or under my calorie limit, and I can do it. That's something I've never had before. Hope.
  • Hope, i like it! ????
  • willowlefae
    willowlefae Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds like you got it going!!! This app has been my lifesaver many times :happy: