Weight Loss with chronic injury

Hey, new here.

I am trying to lose baby weight, but have had a major spinal injury in the past (+3 years). So running and lost of exersice is out of the question right now.

Anyone else in the same boat?


  • ADKdreams
    ADKdreams Posts: 8 Member
    I'm also trying to lose my baby weight and have a spinal injury. The only problem is that my babies turn 21 and 22 this year lol. Problem is, my spinal cord is being crushed by a herniated disc so virtually all exercise is out of the question. Since January 1, I've actually list 37 pounds but I still have almost 70 pounds to go. Iwas losing weight super fast up until the last month or so...now i'm practically at standstill. I'm eating approximately 1200 calories a day and I've still got a little weight loss but it's slow and low. Any suggestions as to how I can get it back up to the rate it was before?
  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    Im here with you. I have a seriously messed up skeleton and my back has so much metal in it that I should be considered bionic. Ive been steadily losing 2lbs a week since I started trying to lose weight and I never run for exercise. Power walking burns a lot if you are hell bent on non lifting exercises. Lifting, especially strengthening the legs can help take the strain off a bad back. You never think that stronger legs could lead to less pain in your back, but it really works. Same goes for more limber legs. The more you can bend at the legs, the less your back has to bend when you go to pick something up from a low shelf at the supermarket.
  • H_Suth
    H_Suth Posts: 3
    I fractured 4 vertebrates (had the second surgery on 6-7-13) I have lost 23 pounds by calorie counting and faithfully using the food journal. I am walking but it does get painful. I just do what I can as my body will allow. Do a google search for "15 Minute Senior Workout – Low Impact Workout – Senior Exercises – Exercise for Elderly" and you will find a video I have been using. I have a long way to go, another 100 pounds but even at a pound a week, it is helping me feel better.