
I'm really trying to make this work for me this time, so I figured what better way to do that than introduce myself and meet some new friends on here!

I'm 32 years old, a single mom to an almost 5 year old son and I would love to lose 70lbs. I'm about 5'2" and 200lbs right now. I struggle with weight loss and I'm not even sure why. I lost 66 pounds before I had my son with Weight Watchers, but now Weight Watchers doesn't seem to be working for me like it did. I'm trying to monitor my carbs and eat a more healthy diet. I like to workout with Kettlebells, but when I do the scale goes the opposite way.

I would love to have some new friends on here to help motivate me to keep on track with this!!! I need to get this weight off once and for all! I want to be a hot sexy momma :)


  • mcoy1201
    mcoy1201 Posts: 17
    I'll be your friend! I am the same height and starting weight as you...down to 191 right now. Its nice to find someone with same body type. :)
  • mommy2luke
    mommy2luke Posts: 5 Member
    I just accepted! Good job getting to 191! I can usually get there and then it stalls for me, so getting past that weight will be a huge step for me.
  • mcoy1201
    mcoy1201 Posts: 17
    Thank you! Two years ago I got down to 150...and gained it all back. :/ Its harder mentally doing it a second time.
  • mommy2luke
    mommy2luke Posts: 5 Member
    It really is, the first time around the weight just fell off and I didn't hardly even exercise. But this time I have to put forth my full effort to get anywhere. When they say baby weight is the hardest to take off...they meant it!
  • mcoy1201
    mcoy1201 Posts: 17
    Very true! My "baby" is 6!
  • mommy2luke
    mommy2luke Posts: 5 Member
    Lol....mine is almost 5 and I still say this is baby weight...it came here while I was pregnant and is still hanging on :)