Questions about Insanity Weight Loss



  • danii23erwinn
    around day 5-6 or 7, they will feel better :)
  • sharpdagger
    sharpdagger Posts: 91 Member

    Thank you, I am trying to stay away from the weights at this point only because I already have a lot of muscle mass. I was a pro boxer and I still have the bulkiness in which I am trying to slim down. I think I need a lot more cardio, maybe I should run everyday on top of the program.

    We started Insanity the same day! I'm calling us day 10! (Sunday rest counts!) 10/63.

    I too am thinking of adding treadmill to the program. I do love it but I think I could benefit from 40 minutes of treadmill in addition if I want to lose weight. Tomorrow is a perfect day to start. Thursday is easy with that Cardio Recovery stretching. I was enjoying the treadmill before I started insanity. I just like it. i know it is "inefficient" but I like to do it while watching TV or something since it takes no thinking or coordination. I think it might be the perfect thing to add to Insanity.

    I may consider adding some dumbbell exercises or Total Gym too. I just wanted to see how I tolerate it first. Maybe next week.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I am on my second round of Insanity and I can tell you that the program is definitely going to change your body. I can also tell you that being nine days into the program isnt going to show you any results. During my first round my weight loss was minimal. Only lost 5 lbs during the entire two months, and I was actually gaining weight during the first month. But inches were falling off. When doing a program like Insanity, its pointless to rely on the scale. Take pictures and measure yourself . Thats what will give you a true reflection.

    Also, your upper body is being worked. I know it seems like a lot of lower body because of all the jumping and the squats but dont forget about all the variations of push ups, the tricep dips, or the high knees and mountain climbers, or all the other exercises that work your core. I guarantee you that youll start seeing not only lower body, but upper body results as well.

    You gotta stick with it! You'll be glad you did. I had never completed an entire program before Insanity, but I committed myself to it because of a challenge group at work and I cant tell you how happy I am that I stuck with it. I couldnt help but to do a round two because I was so pleased with my round one results. :-)
    Thank you for your response!
    I needed to hear all that you had to say! Thank you for your motivation too. I do plan on finishing the program and if it is as good as you say it is I will go at it again and again till my body changes the way that I want it! Thanks again :)
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I started Insanity on Sunday (so I completed day 4 today). I weigh in on Friday and will try to remember to post my results.

    My calf muscles are also burning like crazy. I know its from all of the jumping, but I was hoping it would get better by week 2....but, from what you're saying, it hasn't. Anyway, I will probably order lower leg compression sleeves tonight to help. I am also drinking over a gallon of water a day to help. The muscles need water for the recovery maybe increased water will help you out.

    I think the Insanity program is fact, it probably borders on over-working the muscles. I do not recommend adding another program on top of it. There is upper body work involved.
    Thank you for your response!
    My lower legs only burn while I am doing the exercise then it goes away. My body isn't getting sore anymore like the 1st 4 days. So now I believe I am burning fat and gaining muscle. About drinking a lot of water, I should really do that, I don't like water very much but I do drink it daily just not a lot like I should. So tomorrow I will put more water into my diet and see if that helps out! Thank you again
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I'm 8 weeks into my third round of Insanity. I haven't lost any weight, but it definitely changes my body. My clothes fit differently, and I have a level of cardio fitness that I can't get doing anything else.
    Thank you for responding! Wow that is awesome that you are doing your 3rd round! I sure hope that I get the determination you have! You look really good. When you started did you have more than 30lbs of fat on your body? And did that 30lbs all turn into muscle. Interesting no weight loss. Well I do hope that my numbers start dropping tho. Thank you
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I am on day 8 right now and don't worry, I am going through the same thing. my calfs down burn when I move and I haven't seena scale change. but don't worry because my friend who is only a few years older than me did the insanity workout also and she didn't see a scale change very soon, but her legs are burned, but she looks absolutely teriffic now. she lost a total of 30lbs!
    Thank you for your response! I do believe that I will see number fall. I am used to seeing them quicker with in the 1st week. I believe that I am gaining muscle in the process and that is why the scale isn't changing much too. Well I am glad that I am not the only one who's legs burn to no end! lol I wish you much success on your fitness journey! Let's be friends
  • Fragilebird24
    Fragilebird24 Posts: 202 Member
    Unfortunately, I had the same problem. I got to week six and had only lost five pounds. I was so discouraged that I gave up. I had thought that I was going to lose a ton of weight doing Insanity, so I was super upset when I didn't. It was a huge mistake to quit though because even though I wasn't losing big on the scale, my body was looking much leaner than when I had started. My advice to you would be to stick it out! It's hard, but it is worth it. Once I get in a little better shape I plan on restarting it again. As for you starting another program along with it, I wouldn't. You're already pushing your body everyday. Just wait until you get to Month 2!
  • amberlabee
    I stumbled across an article the other day by Chalene Johnson which talks about why people gain weight when they start a new workout program! When you start working out a lot and your muscles get sore they retain liquid which can make you gain a few pounds for a couple of weeks! It can happen again when you start the next phase, so when you start the second month you may notice a little weight gain, but don't worry, you aren't actually gaining anything! Here is the article!
  • cmcoyle776
    cmcoyle776 Posts: 20 Member
    I just started the 2nd month of Insanity...It took me 45 days to get here because I only do 5 workouts a week. Still, I am down several inches, 9 lbs & almost 2 dress sizes. I had to increase my calories because I wasn't losing weight much in the beginning (toning up, yes!) & I realized that I wasn't fueling my body enough. I'm now consistently losing 1.5 lbs per week...eating 1700-1800 calories per day. Definitely use the nutrition guide to help calculate the correct number of calories to consume. It seemed strange to me & I even questioned it with my Beachbody coach, but you can burn between 500-1000 calories in ONE workout, so you need to make sure you aren't under eating.

    Also, my calf muscles were killing me in the beginning. I started to focus more on using the strength of my quads & abs more instead of relying on my feet/ankles/calves & it's made all the difference. I have no pain now & almost no soreness anywhere post workouts. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water...dehydration will not help your situation. There is a lot of leg work in these videos, but I think there's also plenty of upper body/ab work as well....hello?!...suicide drills, ski abs, in & outs, push-up jacks, 16 minutes of Cardio Abs...this will all seem easy once you see what's coming in Month 2... :D I've heard, from numerous people, that you will see better results in month 2 & I believe it!!

    Don't give up! Pay attention to inches lost, rather than what the scale says. Even if you don't lose 25 lbs, you will still be in better shape than when you started. :)
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    Unfortunately, I had the same problem. I got to week six and had only lost five pounds. I was so discouraged that I gave up. I had thought that I was going to lose a ton of weight doing Insanity, so I was super upset when I didn't. It was a huge mistake to quit though because even though I wasn't losing big on the scale, my body was looking much leaner than when I had started. My advice to you would be to stick it out! It's hard, but it is worth it. Once I get in a little better shape I plan on restarting it again. As for you starting another program along with it, I wouldn't. You're already pushing your body everyday. Just wait until you get to Month 2!
    Thank you for your response! I plan on completing the program, because I want this to be the 1st program that I finish! my body is already getting leaner and that is a plus and probably what is keeping me going! TBH lol I was told that month 2 was very hard and I can't wait to get to that point. The point of no return is what I am saying. lol I wish you much success on your fitness journey! If I can give you a encouragement PLEASE don't stop the next program you start, then you can't look back and regret quiting. You can do it and if you would like to be friends please feel free to add me! Thank you
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I stumbled across an article the other day by Chalene Johnson which talks about why people gain weight when they start a new workout program! When you start working out a lot and your muscles get sore they retain liquid which can make you gain a few pounds for a couple of weeks! It can happen again when you start the next phase, so when you start the second month you may notice a little weight gain, but don't worry, you aren't actually gaining anything! Here is the article!
    Thank you for your response! I watch this on one of Shaun T's blogs about gaining water around the muscles too and I believe this to be true too. Thank you for this link and I will be checking out too! You have a great night! :happy:
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I just started the 2nd month of Insanity...It took me 45 days to get here because I only do 5 workouts a week. Still, I am down several inches, 9 lbs & almost 2 dress sizes. I had to increase my calories because I wasn't losing weight much in the beginning (toning up, yes!) & I realized that I wasn't fueling my body enough. I'm now consistently losing 1.5 lbs per week...eating 1700-1800 calories per day. Definitely use the nutrition guide to help calculate the correct number of calories to consume. It seemed strange to me & I even questioned it with my Beachbody coach, but you can burn between 500-1000 calories in ONE workout, so you need to make sure you aren't under eating.

    Also, my calf muscles were killing me in the beginning. I started to focus more on using the strength of my quads & abs more instead of relying on my feet/ankles/calves & it's made all the difference. I have no pain now & almost no soreness anywhere post workouts. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water...dehydration will not help your situation. There is a lot of leg work in these videos, but I think there's also plenty of upper body/ab work as well....hello?!...suicide drills, ski abs, in & outs, push-up jacks, 16 minutes of Cardio Abs...this will all seem easy once you see what's coming in Month 2... :D I've heard, from numerous people, that you will see better results in month 2 & I believe it!!

    Don't give up! Pay attention to inches lost, rather than what the scale says. Even if you don't lose 25 lbs, you will still be in better shape than when you started. :)
    Wow! I didn't take my calorie intake into consideration. I am eating around 1300 to 1400 calories a day. And I know that I do need to drink more water and I am going to start tomorrow and add to more 8 ounces of water. Thank you for your post it really gave my a eye opener and helped me to see others areas that i am lacking in. And also going to focus more on using the strength of my quads and abs more to see if this helps with my legs burning. Thank you soo much!
  • ja9smakinachange
    ja9smakinachange Posts: 144 Member
    I didn't read all the replies, but I did insanity jan-mar and didn't see any weight loss the first 4 weeks. I did however lose inches, tons of them and I got stronger and faster.

    Don't let the scale measure your success.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I didn't read all the replies, but I did insanity jan-mar and didn't see any weight loss the first 4 weeks. I did however lose inches, tons of them and I got stronger and faster.

    Don't let the scale measure your success.
    Thank you for your response! I do believe what you are telling along with all the others! Thank you for encouraging me!
  • cmcoyle776
    cmcoyle776 Posts: 20 Member
    When my coach put it this way, it made sense: Your body needs, at a minimum, 1200 calories per day to function without hurting yourself. If you are eating 1300 calories a day & you burn 300 or 500 or 1000 calories in a workout (not to mention what you burn doing housework, running errands, taking care of your family) you are in a calorie deficit. Sure, you'll lose some weight, but it will come to a screeching halt fast because you can't function long-term on that few calories without doing some damage to your body.

    As soon as I upped my calories, I started to drop the weight. I've even had a couple bad-eating/no-exercise days & STILL continue to lose the weight consistently. Also, I feel SO much better eating more (I get headaches when I'm hungry). Seriously, who wouldn't want to eat more in order to LOSE weight? :)
  • Starterbeauty
    I am in month 2 of insanity, and I felt exactly how you did when i first started. My calfs still burn sooooo much and even more so now because I started running everyday befofre insanity since week 3 started. After my first 2 weeks and i hadnt lost a pound, i was completely discouraged but i took my measurements and saw a huge improvement and that motivated me to keep going. Running a mile before insanity everyday for the last 2 &1/2 weeks has helped drastically with my number on the scale (lost 8lbs since i began running)but its hard and i wouldnt recommend it..just hide the scale and break out the measuring tape
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    When my coach put it this way, it made sense: Your body needs, at a minimum, 1200 calories per day to function without hurting yourself. If you are eating 1300 calories a day & you burn 300 or 500 or 1000 calories in a workout (not to mention what you burn doing housework, running errands, taking care of your family) you are in a calorie deficit. Sure, you'll lose some weight, but it will come to a screeching halt fast because you can't function long-term on that few calories without doing some damage to your body.

    As soon as I upped my calories, I started to drop the weight. I've even had a couple bad-eating/no-exercise days & STILL continue to lose the weight consistently. Also, I feel SO much better eating more (I get headaches when I'm hungry). Seriously, who wouldn't want to eat more in order to LOSE weight? :)
    You have a great point there! I don't want to be hungry and then have to exercise! lol
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    Thank you for all y'all's responses! I have learned a lot! :bigsmile:
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    Throw scale away or at least lock it! :laugh: Use measure tape instead. I had was at my maximum weight after two weeks and soooo depressed, but clothes were becoming loose. Total minus in two months was 8 lbs, but went down one and a half size.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I have a question? I have always had a great butt and legs and I really don't want them area's any smaller so my question is... While doing all the squats, lunges, and jumping exercise's with Insanity will I lose everything from the waist down or will those ares get pumped up more with muscles? Should I add leg weights to maintain my current size of will the exercise build enough muscle to keep my butt and legs where they are now? I am only on day 12, still a long way to go.