On Again, Off Again!!!

I get my head in the game and change my eating and fitness. I do well for awhile, loose a little weight and feel proud. Before I know it, I have slipped right back into the bad eating and lazy habits!!! Arrggg! I logged today for the first time in months. I did it so I could see the excess of calories. I needed to see the numbers. I ate enough calories for 2 and half days. I am so sick of this stupid rollercoaster. When I am busy with work and life and I have a schedule, everything is good. Work slows down and the schedule loosens up and so does my mouth with the crap I put in it. I just need to vent. I am hopefully and I will work towards a permanent change and a new and improved me. Thank for reading my rant. Have a good day!


  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    I have the same problem. I don't know what I can say to help except maybe there is depression that is causing this cycle? I know how hard it is to stay on the right track - but do you want it? Do you want to be healthy? You can. It's hard but it is reachable. Work out your problems and I think you will beat this. Hope this helps!
  • Chaotisphere
    I have a similar issue, in that when I am not mandatorily preoccupied (Work, responsibilities, hobbies, etc.), I get cravings for bad foods. I eat out of boredom, or I eat out of depression to gain a sense of distraction and yumminess. In either case, it's difficult to resist the temptation, especially if you don't have anything else to preoccupy your mind at the moment. It sticks in our heads like a drug addiction, forcing us to face it at increasingly dangerous levels the longer we attempt to resist. I think a good way to combat it is to say "Shut the hell up, body." and drink lots and lots of water. But that's just what's been working for me. I find that obsessing over the project of weight loss itself can also create these cravings, so it's best to just... find something productive or otherwise distracting enough to take your attention away from all the hell hole that is unhealthy food.

    But hey, I know you didn't ask for advice. Just throwing in my anecdotal story. :) I keep reading people say this journey goes up and down all the time, and it's the general trend that matters. That's what I keep telling myself recently. Good luck and I hope you get back on track! <3
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I do the same thing. I'll start doing well and think I can have a little more of this or a little more of that and then I slack off slightly on the gym and then all of a sudden you throw in hormones and PMS in the mix and I'm up 5-10 lbs! I'm really trying to eat better FIRST and not waste my time spending hours at the gym if I just undo it all with the overeating. SO, I'm trying to get the eating under control first. I am still working out, just not to the extreme until I conquer this eating thing!!!
  • mamabear204
    mamabear204 Posts: 28 Member
    Don't have much for encouraging words to say but I so feel your pain and I'm in the same boat! Don't feel like I have much support but then I get pissed off and say 'well if they don't want to support me then I'll just work even harder and I can't wait until the day when I can say a big F U to every one of them when I succeed! HA! Take that!! Well....it sounds good anyway. But then I do nothing. And....on that note....here I go again!
  • strangewebby
    I'm right there with you. I wish I knew why it's so easy for me to slip.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive. - Andy Grove

    I prefer the word "vigilant" over "paranoid", but either way, the quote holds true.
  • mamabear204
    mamabear204 Posts: 28 Member
    I have a similar issue, in that when I am not mandatorily preoccupied (Work, responsibilities, hobbies, etc.), I get cravings for bad foods. I eat out of boredom, or I eat out of depression to gain a sense of distraction and yumminess. In either case, it's difficult to resist the temptation, especially if you don't have anything else to preoccupy your mind at the moment. It sticks in our heads like a drug addiction, forcing us to face it at increasingly dangerous levels the longer we attempt to resist. I think a good way to combat it is to say "Shut the hell up, body." and drink lots and lots of water. But that's just what's been working for me. I find that obsessing over the project of weight loss itself can also create these cravings, so it's best to just... find something productive or otherwise distracting enough to take your attention away from all the hell hole that is unhealthy food.

    But hey, I know you didn't ask for advice. Just throwing in my anecdotal story. :) I keep reading people say this journey goes up and down all the time, and it's the general trend that matters. That's what I keep telling myself recently. Good luck and I hope you get back on track! <3

    WOW! Pretty sure you hit the nail on head there! Thank you for the insight and encouragement!
  • j3289
    j3289 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. I appreciate it. Today is a new day and I am starting this journey all over again. Maybe this is the time I get it right. I wish you all success, but not the success that leads to complacency!!

    "Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive." - Andy Grov
    Love that!!

    Everything said about eating out of boredom is so true. Empty nest going on, slow at work and hubby is busy with his own hobbies and passions. I need to realize my own hobbies and passions.

    I have a new plan in place today, starting with Tracking everything again. Knowing the hard facts definitely helps.

    Thanks again!!