Brand New!

Hi guys! I'm brand new to this website and would love to meet some people with similar goals and interests to help keep each other motivated.

I'm 22, 5'6", currently 152 pounds :(,somewhat out of shape, and very busy! I work full time whilst going to school full time and I have a house to keep clean because of my childlike boyfriend and shelter puppy. I'm studying business, i work in the insurance industry, and I love to read.

I'm relatively active. I work out 3-4 times a week at the gym doing mild cardio and strength training. I also walk every day on my lunch hour at work as well as hiking on the weekends for up to 2 hours with my dog.

I have awful eating habbits though and I'm just beginning this journey to loose the weight i've packed on in the last four years.

I plan on logging into MFP every day to blog and chit chat with new people with similar goals :) So please respond/message/add me as a friend! I'm still trying to figure this site out to be honest... lol


  • kariweighsin
    kariweighsin Posts: 61 Member
    Welcome! I know that you will be successful on MFP and will reach your goal. There are a lot of supportive and friendly people on here who provide great motivation. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • Okay great, thanks so much! :)
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 664 Member
    your workouts seem to be pretty good as far as time for me I find that it's what I eat that pushes the change for me. Good luck and I think you got this once you get your eating habits under control
  • Thank you! Yes, its definitely what I eat that is a problem. I LOVE food. (chinese food, burgers, hot wings, chipotle, pulled pork, mochas, everything.....) Ha! So i'm trying to find healthy alternatives while keeping the 'munchies' at bay.