Guess what...

Work was crazy and i had to leave for about a month and some chage...but now i am back and hoping to stick with it I gained back the 9 lbs i lost plus some so i am motivated to lose it...debating becoming a beach body coach now since i have friends who have lost a bunch of weight on shakology and became coaches...anyway if anyone wants some support feel free to add me! :D


  • Cieliditoscana
    Cieliditoscana Posts: 5 Member
    Grats for coming back! I "fell off the wagon" as they say last year and just started again 6 weeks ago. You sound like you have the motivation so i'm sure it will work for you :)
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    thanks man yea i am motivated and hopefully work stopps kickin me in the shins ha