50 year old mom trying to lose 15 #

I never struggled with my weight until I gave birth to twin boys 15 years ago. Then after I turned 50, I gain weight so easily. I don't want to be skinny but I want to wear my shirts/ blouses with out "Ester" (my stomach roll's name-named after comedian Wanda Sykes roll) sticking out. Being a preschool teacher I have the summer to dedicate more time to focus on me.


  • prgirl39
    prgirl39 Posts: 108

    Watch out for processed food. Stop eating anything from a box or can. Cut or eliminate pastas, breads and potatoes for at least 2 weeks and cut down on fruits and fruit juices. I did this for 2 weeks and lost 9 pounds. Also I exercise 5 days a week for 40 minutes of more. If you cannot exercise for that long do 20 minutes but any physical activity is good. After the 2 weeks I incorporate those foods I eliminated and have been able to maintain the weight off.

    Good luck!
  • lizpwallace
    Hi, MrsRedford! I'm Liz, and I'm new to MFP. I'm older than you, and I totally understand the "belly roll" problem. I lost over 40 pounds two years ago - Yay! - but I still struggle with the fact that every pound I gain goes straight to the belly! I'm up about 10 pounds right now from my goal weight, so I'm back to tracking food because I know it works.

    I'm going to be an empty nester in the fall when our youngest goes away to college, and it's a big life change. I have been really active, volunteering at school and with my sons' activities, but now it's going to be just me and hubby, and I'm a little concerned about filling the time.

    I find that the less you weigh, and the smaller the amount you need to lose, the harder it is. It's true what they say about the last ten pounds!

    Friend me if you like, but it won't hurt my feelings if you choose not to. :)
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I'm 54 and lost my first 20 cutting back calories and doing cardio/intervals on a regular basis instead of once or twice a week.
    I don't know how active you are but if not very, the body will lose weight faster at first. I did Jillian Michael's 30DS and it shocked it a bit. : ) For whatever reason, maybe because it was new thing, intervals worked for me....now I have another 25 to lose and I'm trying to mix it up.
    I can't give up bread/pasta but portion sizes went way down and snacking at night. You will do it...be consistent, patient and keep a log of what you do.