INSANITY need motivation

I am on day 10 of insanity, I am working hard sticking to my healthy vegetarian diet whilst also having Vi shakes in the day instead of lunch. I also walk at a good pace 3 miles a day.
I however have not lost a lb, nothing. Which is really disheartening. I know it is only just two weeks roughly but I thought my body would work off a few lbs by now.
I am not giving up but would feel a bit better if I felt, looked and weighed a tiny bit less as a motivation to do more.

Any one else had this problem?
i am 28, 5'8 and 11.11 (121lbs)
I have a ball in three weeks and was working hard to lose as much as I could to look good in my costume. Doesn't look like i will come close to even losing 7lbs.

be great to hear other peoples stories.

Aimie x


  • RedfishGuy
    RedfishGuy Posts: 47 Member
    Weight loss doesn't necessarily equal looking good.

    Besides the water retention thing your body does during the beginning of any new strenuous exercise program, you're only 10 days into it. And you're 121 lbs. My experience is that its easier to lose 10 lbs than 5 lbs, mainly because my weight fluctuates so much (even during a 24 hour period, I can gain or lose 4 lbs at times).

    I'd concentrate more on working hard and using good form than how much I weigh on any given day.

    I'm on Week 8 or 9 (I dunno), and I haven't lost a pound (well, I've gained 5 lbs, lost 5 lbs, etc, but I'm still right at my beginning weight). But my belt is a notch tighter, and my abs are showing up again.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    The scale is not the best indicator of success and progress. Are you toning up?

    Anyway, if you're doing Insanity (or any other hard core program), you need to feed your body. You probably aren't eating enough....or not eating enough protein.

    And you should be drinking a LOT of water.
  • kaleena1983
    kaleena1983 Posts: 64 Member
    Don't give up! I just started month 2, and the first month I lost 7 pounds. It took a couple weeks for it to start coming off. Also, make sure you are eating enough. Restricting too much is your enemy, not your friend. I would suspect that you've lost some inches, so try to keep track of your measurements. For the workouts, I always push myself to do better than I did the last time. Btw, I'm also a vegetarian - feel free to add me!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    At my height (64.5in) your current weight would make me teeny (I was a size 5/6 because my hips do not go smaller than that at 120 lbs)

    You are 3.5 inches taller than me so honestly you aren't losing much because you are already at a low healthy weight, maybe put your focus on body fat % loss instead of lbs. I bet you will get more out of doing it that way.
  • samlankford
    samlankford Posts: 334
    insanity is tough... some people will lose pounds but others will see it more in measurements... I am going to do insanity again after this round of p90x2... just because I love insanity so much, like that drowning in sweat feeling.... then maybe anoher round of combat :bigsmile:
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Yep, I just started month 2 (The MAX month) and I've only lost like 3 pounds. BUT, my muscles are considerably more defined, and my gut is considerably more flat. Who cares what the scale says? Take pics and compare them.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    If I remember correctly the program doesnt have you take another fitness test, measurements, pics or weigh in until after the first 30 days.

    No reason to get worked up. Wait until your 30 day check in before becoming concerned.