No significant weight loss in a MONTH



  • MorganMRE
    MorganMRE Posts: 5
    Stardancer - the weight I lost before did come back over the course of several years. But I've lost weight since then - meaning I would gain 20 pounds and lose 10. Between graduate school, moving 6 times in 2 years, and different events that sparked emotional eating, it all came back. Point being - I don't believe that the rapidness of the weight loss had anything to do with it coming back or my current situation. Poor choices led to gaining weight. I wouldn't even consider 75 pounds in 7-8 months rapid weight loss.
  • MorganMRE
    MorganMRE Posts: 5
    I'm going to try and incorporate more non-processed foods. I have noticed that I haven't been eating as many fruits and vegetables and have relied too heavily on convenient processed food. I also need to keep an eye in my sodium because I feel like I retain water easily. I typically drink 80-100 ounces per day and rarely drink Diet Coke. I'm going to keep plugging along but if nothing happens in a few weeks I may consult a doctor. Just knowing how my body typically behaves in weightloss I feel like this all isn't normal. Thanks for the advice!
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Recently I hit a stall and upped my cals, altered my burns .. sometimes less or more of anything will jar it.
    Make sure you drink enough water. I think it is crucial in logging because w/o logging food I might not
    have lost what I have since joining MFP. Are you trying on clothes and/or using a tape measurer? Take it
    from me, I started out at 316 (possibly more), even when the scale won't budge, your volume changes.
    Don't ignore the little things that are big changes as well. Best of luck to you. :)
  • seif0068
    seif0068 Posts: 193 Member
    Are you measuring/weighing your food? Here are a couple things I noticed from your food diary that I wonder about.

    Portion sizes - there are some pretty small portion sizes and I wonder if those are really the portions you are eating? For example, 50grams of banana is really only about 4 inches. I buy the smallest bananas I can find and weigh them on my food scale and they are usually about 80 grams. I also see half cup portions of milk - that's a REALLY tiny serving of milk if you are drinking a glass of milk. In some cases I can tell it's a half cup in something else like cereal but in other cases it looks like that's your beverage.

    Little things like this can add up to a couple hundred calories per day. So, if you are not measuring/weighing, that is my suggestion!
  • jenniferwoodweeg
    jenniferwoodweeg Posts: 45 Member
    I lose aaround 3-4 pounds a month. At first I was like you too wanting to drop 5 pounds/week and FELT like I was doing it-until I stepped on the scale and saw a measly .5 pound loss or even a small gain the first few weeks. Keep at it! It takes two things-persistance and hard work! DO NOT GIVE UP-good luck:)
  • GrnEyes839
    GrnEyes839 Posts: 74 Member
    It's frustrating if nothing else. But maybe our friends here on MFP have a point. Bread and pasta are not my friends either. If I eat a sammich (the difference between a sandwich and a sammich is the mess it makes) for lunch I can really tell a difference versus a chicken breast and salad or other veggies. It shows on the scale too. So once this past week I got really really pissed at the is now MIA. I am trying to go by the way my clothes fit. It was so hard to get on the scale on Saturday morning and realize I hadn't budged, lost very little or gained. It had a huge impact on my mood too.
    Ever see those commercials where the girls jump on the scale? Mine would say "GET OFF!!!"
    Keep your chin up, don't give up and keep tracking. It will happen. I've lost 50 lbs and have a few to go. I have ups and downs every month, but I look at the clothes I gave away that were too big and smile :)
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Sounds like your body is in starvation mode. If you are doing lots of exercising, but still eating under your eating goal daily, you are starving your body so it's holding on to the fat. You have to at least eat what was prescribed for you. You'll see more results if you did this. :smile:

    now starvation mode at 1850 calories a day? cmon...
  • Siegel15
    Siegel15 Posts: 100 Member
    I took a quick look at your food diary from yesterday ...... FOR ME, bread & pasta are not my friends ...... perhaps they're not your friends either ...... I eat more protein & vegetables at each meal ..... and very little carbs (which FOR ME seems to immediately turn to sugar & creates cravings) ..... just saying ......

    Best of luck to you :drinker:
    This is good advice. You may be perfect in you calorie limit and exercise, but it may be WHAT you are eating. I absolutely may NOT eat ANY bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, or any carbs other than buckwheat or oat groats. Then, I absolutely MAY NOT eat any cheese. Of course, no sugars, and I avoid milk. I stick to my meals being 70% veg and the rest fruit and protein. It's WHAT you eat not just how much. With your exercise regimen , I bet you would see an increase in your weight drop. I am losing about 2 pounds a week. I have 50 to lose, I'm 57, and I am 5'6". You surely can get that metabolism moving at your young age. I'm sure of it.
  • madiman
    madiman Posts: 1
    Me too. Just hovering around initial weight. Cried in the locker room after weighing myself today. I'm one of those people that doesn't look fat but I'm 5'6" 171 lbs its overweight! Suggestions please