healthy snack ideas 200 calories or less

hrmom26 Posts: 53 Member
hey all,

i love snacking, yes i no i shouldn't but i do i would rather have small meals and get to snack than bigger ones and no snacking that said i noticed lately my snacks have although been low in calorie and fat etc they have not been nutritious at all, so any ideas on things that are good for you, etc but 200 calories or less? thanks :)
so far all i have is greek yogurt lmao so anything you all think up would be great



  • diaryofaskinnygirl
    2 Eggs, cooked however you like (Scrambled, poached, boiled..)
    1 Tbsp Peanut Butter with 1 Slice Wholegrain Toast, or Apple or Banana
    Protein Shake made with Non Fat Milk
    Cottage Cheese and Crackers/Melba Toast
    Fruit Salad
  • 1976lisa1976
    1976lisa1976 Posts: 15 Member
    I used to snack every 2 hours as I thought the same as you, but started to constantly feel hungry. So now I add my snacks together into breakfast ad lunch ( and just have 1 afternoon snack). I read on jillian michaels why snacking often was not good for metabolism and it made sense. My 'snacks' include nuts, homemade veg soup, fruit, natural yogurt, all under 100 cal :)
  • sunfirelynn
    sunfirelynn Posts: 186 Member
    I like the skinny cow icecream treats and cashews, or pretzel rods:happy:
  • czecher
    czecher Posts: 21
    Instead of 'snacking', have you thought of increasing your meals to 5 a day? It will help keep you satiated AND keep you from wanting to snack, assuming your meals are healthy to begin with.

    just an observation, but it seems like you feel better if you sacrifice on a meal so you can snack. Why not incorporate things that are snack-worthy into your meals? Dieting doesn't have to be like the Berlin Wall. In fact, let's toss out the word diet, all together. What you are after may be a lifestyle change instead.

    Freeze juices and have Popsicles. Freeze grapes. Fruit on the bottom yogurt? Cottage cheese with fruit. Ricotta with cinnamon. It isn't impossible to do, but sometimes our brain freezes and we can't really come up with good ideas out of fear of having to have the same thing over and over again.

    There are also 'healthier' alternatives such as kale chips, parsnip fries, air popped corn, etc.

    You can also get creative with your main meals so that you have the opportunity to get that snack in, but be careful that you do not set yourself up for failure because of that ultimate desire for the golden snack.

    Use shirataki noodles in place of pasta and you virtually wipe out almost a whole meals worth of calories. Venture outside your comfort zone and try new or ethnic foods. You would be surprised what mixing up flavor will do for your motivation.
    Using new spices, looking at different cultures for food ideas, etc. Once you embrace the different, you would be amazed at a the things you CAN have that taste so wonderful and don't ruin your hard work.
  • hrmom26
    hrmom26 Posts: 53 Member
    thanks guys, you may be right about messing with my meals instead of the snacks i was/am so focused on low cal that i think i am in a rut maybe if i add some cottage cheese to a meal or yogurt to breakfast. i'll feel full longer etc . I also think i need to get creative I've never tried Ricotta with cinnamon, or Freeze grapes. they sound awesome. i for what ever reason never even thought to freeze grapes lol i have been thinking on that theory i saw on dr oz that you feel hungry because the food you eat is not nutritious enough like its your body's way of saying you need more but not more food per say but more vitamins etc. anyway it got me looking at my food diary and thinking uuuug i am not eating as good as i could be.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    1 cup of Dreyer's slow-churned ice cream. /thread

    ETA: 8 oz of forzen yogurt would be acceptable as well.
  • czecher
    czecher Posts: 21
    The hardest part is trying something new. When you are restricting calories, the easiest option is to increase flavor. I like to add cilantro to salads to give it a different taste - lettuce is lettuce is lettuce. Add salsa instead of dressing also works. You are going to do great!
  • colograndma
    I like to crunch something :happy: . So I have bell peppers slices with Waldon Farms no calorie dressing for dipping. Or grapes, watermelon, or apples. Also if you are a salt lover, pork rinds are low carb, and you don't have a bunch of calories in one serving.

    From Colorado
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    popcorn! light or no butter, sometimes you can find some small personal bags for 100 cals :] or a handful of almonds (or pecans, walnuts, cashews ects. any handful of nuts'll do the mouth good really :laugh: ) hmm some yogurt, grapes, apple slices and some peanut butter, half a sandwich, zucchini tots, portioned amount of crackers, skinny cow ice cream is very tasty ^ , green bean fries, ect :D
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I too like to snack, so i havent changed my snacking just snack differently and not as much, these are some of my favorite snacks

    fiber one bars...90 cals
    fudgecicles, sugarfree...40 cals
    air popped popcorn
    rice cakes apple cinnamon with fatfree cream cheese and cinnamon YUM
    string cheese lowfat....50 cals
    hummus on cucumber (2tbs) 50 cals
    apple chips\
    special K cracker chips 130 cals my favorite honey barbque the sour cream and onion are good too
  • CrazyAnimalLady
    CrazyAnimalLady Posts: 104 Member
    Cliff Trail mix bars - 190 calories
    Celery and Hummus
    Fresh Fruit
    Banana and Peanut Butter
    Laughing cow cheese
    Slice of toast with 1 TBS peanut butter and 1/2 banana
    100 calorie greek yogurt
    Bell pepper slices with Tzatziki
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Half a can of tuna with 1/2 tbsp light mayo on 2 or 3 crackers
    3/4 cup cottage cheese with 1 tbsp jam mixed in
    Cheese string and a banana
    Hard boiled egg and carrot sticks
    Chopped up strawberries, banana and blueberries with 1tsp sugar sprinkled in
    Pure Protein protein bars - about 20g protein and 200 calories-ish
    Celery stick with Adams peanut butter
    1pc toast with 2 tsp jam and 1/4 cup cottage cheese
  • jigsawxyouth
    jigsawxyouth Posts: 308 Member
    See, I like snacks, too! So, I was lucky enough to be able to sign up for

    Every week, I get a personalized box sent to my home with four different snacks in it. Made from better/healthier ingredients.
    And all are labeled with what their health benefit is. Most of the snacks are under 200 calories. I usually like to have one in the afternoon to hold me over until dinner, sometimes with a piece of fruit, or a glass of slim milk. It's different, healthy, and it's a neat way to start trying different things!
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    Around 3pm...this seems to hit the spot!
    1 celery stick- 10 calories
    20 edamame pods - 30 calories
    20 almonds - 140 calories
    Salsa or nutritional yeast - 10 calories
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    Popcorn, sugar free pudding, cereal, Annie's organic bunny snacks, natural granola bars, fruit, veggies, crackers, life style cookies, fiber one bars, all-bran bars, salads
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Hard boiled egg is my go to snack